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Your bag the largest encyclopedia of training bags in the Arab world
د. فهد القحطاني

D. Fahad Al , Qahtani

Founder and Chairman

During a career of more than 20 years, he founded the Bag Foundation, and Dr. Fahad Al Qahtani received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Leicester in Britain. Dr. Fahad Al-Qahtani teaches quantitative analysis management and courses at the university and postgraduate levels. He has also conducted strategic planning research leading multinational companies and institutions in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia and Africa. Dr. Fahad Al Qahtani’s experience has extended to include key account management, regional and local management, strategic planning, budgeting, profits and compensation, and project management,

حمل النموذج المجانى

خبرة أكثر من 30 عام في اعداد و تصميم الحقائب التدريبية و تطوير المناهج

حمل النموذج المجانى