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Design, develop and prepare content for an interactive smart book

Designing, developing and preparing content for an interactive smart book is a combination of text, video and image capable of influencing consumer behavior, By providing a unique experience that exceeds his expectations and what awaits him, As a result, it prompts him to take action or action in which he responds to this content!

The interaction may be with the click of a button, complete a list, express an opinion, or comment on an article.

Interactive content is set up in a smart way that depends on creating multiple ways, A content reader or potential customer behaves in one of them according to the pattern of their interaction with the content

Design and development of the electronic test

Mastering how to conduct an online test is never easy, Especially at a time when we need to speed up all our tasks and keep up with one thing or another.

Educational institutions are racing to provide the best techniques in the field of measurement and evaluation, Enjoy the ability of electronic test applications to design and correct an electronic test automatically until analytical and statistical sequeration reports are extracted. .

Prepare questions and interactive activities

to design questions and interactive activities based on the slide show program, And then receive the feedback of the learners through their smart devices or personal computers With this tool, live webcasting of presentation content can be made with ease and ease. Write notes and comments using a blackboard and electronic ink pens.

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حمل النموذج المجانى

خبرة أكثر من 30 عام في اعداد و تصميم الحقائب التدريبية و تطوير المناهج

حمل النموذج المجانى