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Here’s a training course on the most important skills of the 21st century

11th-century and human skillssmell the life skills, competencies and behaviors that teachers, employers, academics, government agencies and others need to succeed in the 21st century society and the workplace. These skills are part of a growing international movement focused on what students must know to succeed in a rapidly evolving digital society. Many of these skills are also linked to deep learning and depend on mastery of certain skills, such as analytical thinking, solving complex problems and teamwork, But unlike traditional academic skills, They are not based on the necessary content of knowledge. The last decades of the 20th and 21st centuries have witnessed rapid economic and technological changes in society that have greatly affected the nature and requirements of the workplace, Therefore, the education system must have requirements. Holding meetings to prepare students for the labour market. From the 1980s to the present, Governments, teachers and employers have issued a series of reports outlining the basic skills and strategies needed to guide students and employees to meet changing workplace and social requirements.

Here's a training course on the most important skills of the 21st century 1 Here's a training course on the most important skills of the 21st century

The current workforce is likely to change its jobs or areas of work, Just as former children (children from 1946 to 1964 after World War II) joined the workforce in search of material and social stability, But future generations are looking for happiness and satisfaction in their working lives. Young workers in North America are now likely to change jobs, They change their field of work every 4.4 years on average. But changing the field of work requires a different skill set, This enables workers to be more flexible and able to adapt to different positions in different areas of work. Different professions.

As the Western economy moves from the industrial to the service economy, The importance of professional and commercial roles has declined significantly. [7] However, There is an increasing need for specific difficult skills and mastery of certain skills, With a focus on [digital literacy | digital literacy]]. [1] Personal skills and personal relationships involving interaction and collaboration with others are also becoming increasingly important. [8] Personal skills are also becoming increasingly important, which includes interaction and cooperation with others, Of course, there is a great need for skills that make people more flexible and adaptable to the process. different functions in different fields of specialization, Such as requesting skills in information processing and human resources management rather than dealing with equipment in the office or factory. [9] These skills, Also known as “applied skills” or “personal skills” include personal or collaborative relationships or learning-based skills such as life skills (problem-solving behaviors), dealing skills and social skills. Skills can be divided into three main areas:

  • Learning skills and innovation: Critical thinking, problem solving, communication, cooperation, creativity and innovation
  • Digital literacy skills: Informatics literacy, Media literacy, ICT literacy
  • Professional and life skills: Flexibility, resilience, initiative, self-guidance, social and cultural interaction, productivity and responsibility

Many of these skills are also essential qualities of progressive education, It is an educational movement that began in the late 19th century and continues in different forms today.

Here's a training course on the most important skills of the 21st century 2 Here's a training course on the most important skills of the 21st century

A general background to 21st century skills

Since the early 1980s, A great deal of research has been carried out by various government, academic, charitable and institutional entities to identify the key personal and academic skills and competencies that the current and next generation must acquire, As a selection and application, first-century skills begin with education and residence. I worked in the United States, It then expanded to Canada in the United [14] Kingdom, New Zealand [15] , and through national and international organizations such as APEC [16] and the Organization for Economic Cooperation – Processes and Development

In 1981, The U.S. Secretary of Education established the National Council for Excellence in Education to review the quality of education in the United States. [18] One of the most important conclusions of the Commission’s 1983 report was “Countries in distress: The need for education reform” is that “education reform must focus on creating an educational society.”[19] The report’s recommendations include educational content and the following skills:

Five new elements: English, mathematics, science, And social studies, And computer science. In):

Here's a training course on the most important skills of the 21st century 3 Here's a training course on the most important skills of the 21st century
  • Passion for learning
  • Deep understanding
  • Apply what has been learned
  • Examination, investigation, critical thinking and logic
  • Communication – write well, And listen effectively, And he discussed intelligently, Foreign languages are fluent,
  • Understanding and interacting with other cultures, communities and environments
  • Technology – Understand your computer as an information, computerization and communications device and understand the world of computers, electronics and related technologies.
  • Diversity of study in a wide range of fields including fine arts, performing arts and professions
Here's a training course on the most important skills of the 21st century 4 Here's a training course on the most important skills of the 21st century

Until the early 2000s, Education systems around the world have focused on building knowledge in students’ minds. Schools therefore focus on teaching students literacy and numeracy skills because they are essential skills for acquiring knowledge. But recent developments in technology and communications have made information and knowledge ubiquitous and accessible in the twenty-first century, So while literacy and numeracy skills are still important and necessary, They are no longer enough today. therefore In order to keep pace with technological, demographic, social and economic changes, The trend of education has begun to teach students a set of skills that depend not only on cognitive perception but also on the relationships between cognitive, social and emotional characteristics.

Many agencies around the world have made remarkable efforts in this area, At the head of the Basic Skills Acquisition Council of the United States Department of Labor Secretariat, It is a partnership called the 21st Century Skills Partnership, National Alliance of the International Organization for Economic Cooperation. development and the American University Association universities and RESEARCHERS of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and other institutions and higher education institutions, So are private institutions.

Other studies have concluded that, According to Fortune, The top skills requested by companies in 2000 went from literacy and numeracy to teamwork, problem solving and individual engagement skills. [23] A survey conducted by the World Conference in 2006 also revealed, Including about 400 employers, about 400 employers said that the most important skills for new entrants to the workforce are oral and written communication, critical thinking and problem solving, which were considered more important than basic knowledge and skills such as reading, writing and numeracy, While reading, writing and numeracy. Skills are still essential for new entrants to the workforce, Employers emphasize applied skills such as collaboration, teamwork and critical thinking and are “very important” for job success. [24]

Skills 21st century skills

Skills and competencies are often considered “21st century skills” to be diverse, But they share some common themes. It is based on the premise that effective learning or deep learning is a set of educational outcomes achieved by students, Including strong core academic content and thinking skills. Top Learn behavior. This approach to teaching involves creating, collaborating, analysing, presenting and sharing educational experiences, knowledge or wisdom gained, Including with colleagues, mentors and teachers. This is unlike traditional learning methods, which includes heart-saving, And return information/knowledge to teachers getting degrees.

Skills are geared towards students and staff to facilitate, clarify and promote participation, Seek links to knowledge, ideas, peers, teachers and the wider public; creation/production; and present/publishing. Classification or group to encourage and promote teaching methods that promote deep learning through traditional education, active learning, project-based learning, problem-solving learning, And more. The 2012 survey by the American Management Association (AMA) identified three basic skills for its employees: Critical thinking, communication and cooperation. [25] Here’s a list of some of the 21st century’s most famous skills.

Basic standards of 21st century skills

The Common Core Standards 2010 is designed to support “applying knowledge through higher thinking skills.” The stated goal of the initiative is to develop the skills and concepts needed to prepare for college, And multidisciplinary functions, and life in the global economy. Specific skills to successfully clear the area of illiteracy and mathematics:

  • Convincing logic and evidence collection
  • Critical thinking, problem solving, analytical thinking and communication


With the nation at risk, The Secretary of Labor has appointed the Secretary’s Council for Basic Skills Acquisition (SCANS) to identify the skills young people need to succeed in the workplace to promote a high-performance economy. SCANS focuses on what they call a “learning style” system that lives. In 1991, They issued their initial report, What do schools need? The report concluded that a high-performance workplace requires employees to have basic basic skills: Basic skills and knowledge, and the ability to think about applying knowledge, Management and implementation skills are management and implementation skills and have five key job competencies.

Basic skills

  • Basic skills: Reading, writing, numeracy, mathematics, listening and speaking.
  • Thinking skills: Think creatively, make decisions, solve problems, imagine, learn how to learn and lead
  • Personality traits: Shows responsibility, self-esteem, social skills, self-management skills and integrity

Competencies in the workplace

  • Resources: Identify, organize, plan and allocate resources
  • Interacting with others: Cooperation with others (participation as a member of the team, and teach others new skills, And customer/customer service, And the practice of leadership, negotiation, And working with diversity)
  • Information: Obtaining and using information (obtaining, evaluating, organizing, maintaining, interpreting and transmitting information; using computers to process information)
  • Systems: Understanding complex relationships (understanding systems, Monitoring and correcting performance, Improving or designing systems)
  • Technology: Use a variety of techniques (technology selection, Applying technology to tasks, Maintenance and repair of equipment)

21st Century Skills Partnership

Here's a training course on the most important skills of the 21st century 5 Here's a training course on the most important skills of the 21st century

In 2002, The Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) was a non-profit organization composed of members of the national business community, and education leaders, Policy makers: National Education Association (NEA), U.S. Department of Education, AOL Times, Warner Media, Apple cable in the [English] classroom, Cisco Systems, Dell Computer Corporation, Microsoft, SAP SE, Ken Kay (President and Co-Founder) and [29] Dins Golder-Dardis. Facilitate a national conversation about “the importance of 21st century skills to all students” and “21st century readiness at the Education Center” from kindergarten to 12th grade in the United States, “Page 21 identifies six basic skills to apply:

  1. Basic materials.
  2. 21st century content.
  3. Learning and thinking skills.
  4. ICT literacy.
  5. Life skills
  6. 21st century assessments.

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