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Your bag the largest encyclopedia of training bags in the Arab world
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مؤسسة حقيبتك

We are the foundation of your bag to prepare and design training bags, Designing training bags professionally, We offer a variety of solutions in the field of bag preparation to bring you great development and success for your course.

The objectives of the training bag.

The purpose of the training materials is to assemble scientific and practical training materials in a clear, logical and clear order, so that it is easy for the trainers to explain it, It is easy for trainees to understand and understand. The main purpose of the training materials is: Arrange the ideas of the trainer and organize scientific content into a smooth logical system. Arrange the ideas of trainees so that trainees can easily digest training materials without ambiguity. Link training content to its objectives and objectives so that training does not deviate from its specific course. Develop training plans based on the number of days and hours without increasing or reducing fatigue and stress for trainees.

Estimate the time required for the trainer to arrange paragraphs and topics to organize training sessions. By arranging training exercises and training activities to make the coach feel happy during the planned training day, This is to stimulate his understanding and focus. The trainer ensures that scientific materials, activities, tools and exercises are suitable for all types of audiovisual and sensory trainees without ignoring any part of them. Make sure you include preliminary, after-and-medium tests to measure the success of training and assess the extent to which its objectives are achieved.

حقيبة تدريبية جاهزة بوربوينت
حقيبة تدريبية جاهزة بوربوينت

Find out how to do a training bag? In the easiest way

Professional training bag design steps:

In light of what we have mentioned, we expect steps to prepare the training bag:

Select the address of the training bag:

The address of the training bag means the features of the training bag and the lines of materials provided, specifically the following points:
Identify the objectives of the training bag and the training guidelines to be held.
Identify the characteristics of the target group of trainees (ages, educational attainment, social class, economic class, social status).
Identify the skills and knowledge targeted for training.

Collecting the scientific material for the training bag:

After determining the above the trainer is looking for scientific material that suits the training trends, and target skills, And the characteristics of the two types of trainees, And looking for his scientific material in previous training exercises that discussed the same idea, It’s easy for him to design his training bag, see the steps of other trainers or use the same sources. And references. Especially.

Coordination and classification of scientific material:

Where the trainer indexes the schedule of the training bag in the light of his research, He draws a mental map on which to train.

Choose the right exercises and exercises:

Before embarking on the step of writing the training bag, The trainer should look for exercises, exercises and activities that suit each of his training topics.

Writing scientific material:

After completing the classification, the coach begins to write the guide of the trainer and the trainee, And simplify the scientific material to the level of knowledge of the trainees, With its focus on the intersection of scientific content in each paragraph with the parts we explained in the definition. The address of the training bag.

Evaluation of the training bag:

After you have prepared all the parts of the training fact, The trainer uses the first experiment to supervise his training bag, Consult with them to upgrade his work to a comprehensive and integrated training portfolio.

Design the PowerPoint presentation, brochure, graphics, photos, and mental maps they need.

Identify technical and material resources:

From a blackboard, Display panel, projector, Activities and training tools, and make sure that there is an alternative for each part in case of loss or collapse, so that the coach is ready for any emergency, Especially in terms of connections.

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كيف اسوي حقيبة تدريبية
حمل نموذج مجاني

Carry a training bag for free

How do I do a training bag? 1 How do I do a training bag?
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In light of what we have mentioned, we expect steps to prepare the training bag:

Select the address of the training bag:

The address of the training bag means the features of the training bag and the lines of materials provided, specifically the following points:

Identify the objectives of the training bag and the training guidelines to be held. Identify the characteristics of the target group of trainees (ages- educational attainment – social class – economic class – social status).
Collecting the scientific material for the training bag:

After determining the above the trainer is looking for scientific material that suits the training trends, and target skills, And the characteristics of the two types of trainees, And looking for his scientific material in previous training exercises that discussed the same idea, It’s easy for him to design his training bag, learn the steps of other trainers or use the same resources. And references. Especially.

Coordination and classification of scientific material:

Where the coach indexes the training bag table in the light of his research, He draws a mental map on which to train.

Choose the right exercises and exercises:

Before embarking on the step of writing the training bag, The trainer should look for exercises, exercises and activities that suit each of his training topics.

Writing scientific material:

After completing the classification, the coach begins to write the guide of the trainer and the trainee, And simplify the scientific material to the level of knowledge of the trainees , With its focus on the intersection of scientific content in each paragraph with the parts we explained in the definition. The address of the training bag.

Evaluation of the training bag:

After you have prepared all the parts of the training fact, The trainer uses the first experiment to supervise his training bag, Consult with them to upgrade his work to a comprehensive and integrated training portfolio .

Design the PowerPoint presentation, brochure, graphics, photos, and mental maps they need.

Identify technical and material resources:

from a blackboard, a display board, a projector, activities and training tools , and make sure that there is an alternative for each part in case of loss or collapse, so that the coach is ready for any emergency, Especially in terms of links.

The main purposes of the training bag:

  • Clarify the contents, objectives, conditions, duration and targeted functions of the program.
  • Clarification of training units for each topic, time, objectives and topics.
  • It is used as a general course management guide, providing the basic scientific materials andtools needed for practical application.
  • Provides tools to measure skills and gain knowledge.

Contents design training bag:

1. Coach’s Guide

2. Trainee Note

3. Presentation version

4. Activities

5. Profile

6. Videos

حقائب التدريب الالكتروني عن بعد
Remote electronic training bags

Training bag features:

Training bags feature a range of characteristics, the most important of which are:

  1. Principles for preparing and preparing the training bag: You should address the trainee bag , not the trainer.
  2. Focus on the training goals that the trainee will receive.
  3. Diversification of activities, experiences, materials, methods and methods.
  4. The training bag should take into account the economic aspect.
  5. Combine theory with practice.
  6. Employ different techniques as a means of achieving goals.
  7. The training bag should be linked to the reality of the trainee.
  8. The training bag must contain ways to collect notes.
  9. Follow the established principles of scientific research.
  10. The output is interesting.
  11. Stick to your baggage schedule and activities.
  12. The list of references to be used.
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You can easily design a custom-made training bag to organize your bag!

Your bag organization allows you to design and implement training bags according to the axes, number of days required, target group and the possibility of developing and restructuring training bags. The service includes redesigning and equipping the scientific training bag. The curriculum is professional and the reproduction of the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive and elegant way to make your course great !!

All training bags provided by your bag foundation are integrated, Since all parts of the bag that the trainer will need during the training session include “activities, And the video, And the trainee’s handbook, And the trainee’s note, And the profile, And the presentation copy as well as the help files.”

8 مكونات الحقيبة التدريبية الناجحة
8 مكونات الحقيبة التدريبية الناجحة

Book your free consultation now and get to know the consultant for the development and design of the training world with more than 30 years of experience in preparing and designing training bags and developing curricula

  1. Design and implementation of training bags according to axes.
  2. How to determine the number of days required.
  3. What is the target group
  4. Is it possible to develop and restructure training bags.
Make the curriculum professional and clone the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive and elegant way to make your training course great !!
We have been able to develop training curricula and bags to benefit more than 25,000 trainees with a total of 500,000 training hours in various training fields across the Arab world.
“We believe that we are on a mission to develop training content in our Arab homeland”

Consultant for development and design of the training world

حمل النموذج المجانى

خبرة أكثر من 30 عام في اعداد و تصميم الحقائب التدريبية و تطوير المناهج

حمل النموذج المجانى