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Identification of the training bag

The training bag refers to the preparation of scientific materials for a particular profession by the trainer, It is the link or intermediary between the trainer and the trainee, by its own rules and arrangements. The headquarters that provides this service varies, Whether it’s direct delivery of materials on the ground like training centers, or training courses by default, through remote training sites, preferred by some who do not have time to go to a particular headquarters, We will address the article paragraph that describes the training package as an actor.

The importance of the training bag:

Identification of the training bag 1 Identification of the training bag
  • Regulation of scientific material: The structured approach to training that must be disrupted makes the training bag very important, Without it, the training session would be a random discussion session.
  • Training time: Each training session has a specific time and cannot be exceeded, All information and data contained in it must be provided and one element must not be shortened, The training package helps you achieve this, Through the trainer can talk about an element of each item included in the course, By start building a schedule based on content.
  • An important way to review and call: The training package is an important tool for reviewing what has been trained in a training session, They are long-term; individuals can use them to validate what has been searched in advance when needed.

What are the most important features to include in the training bag?

There must be a number of important functions in the training bag and we will explain them below:

  • Methodology: Propose ideas scientifically and avoid inertia and repeat content, for example, an idea must be allocated to each part of the training bag, and each part is interconnected.
  • Allocation: Uniqueness means taking into account the individual differences between trainees; in light of this, the scientific material included in the training bag must be as simple as possible;
  • Feedbackfeed: The word feedback means the continuous development of the training package, For example Any scientific material is expandable and in line with the requirements of the trainee, Especially given the shortcomings identified while viewing the content of the training package, Except in addition to having recent problems. of scientific disciplines, It can also be solved and modified, There are no more specific sciences; All science is constantly updated.
  • Regularity: Is one of the main important characteristics of the training package, Without it, the package would be incomplete, The system is usually the mainstay of successful training, The materials in the package must be organized.
  • Self-training: Although the training bag explains the components of scientific material in a particular field, the trainer must set a limited percentage of some points to motivate students to research scientific books and literature, which is called self-training.

What are the most important elements of the training bag?

There are some basic elements that it is important for trainers to understand when preparing the training bag, Which we will explain below:

Outer cover: The outer cover of the training package includes the name of the centre where the course is offered, the name of the course, the name of the material preparer and the time of the introduction of the course.

Training Package Guide: View the content included in the training package as a table, select the address and pages of each section for easy access to internal content, and the guide can be written manually, manually from two columns, or through Word Auto-Design.

Training program objectives: Each training program has a specific goal, and setting goals is an important element that must be included in the training package in order to measure final achievement.

Training content: The content is explanation and definition and the purpose of the course should be illustrated by examples. Powerpoint, Etc. Other software applications to interpret training content.

Practical exercises: Practical exercises are an important element in the training bag, It integrates the information provided by the theory and then helps not to forget the future, This distinguishes modern training from the typical interpretive method based on a curriculum taught. . Only.

Learning method: Learning is an important element of the training bag, And the current way of learning is different from the past, Most notably the cooperative workshop, As well as the way of brainstorming, And the way the hat is, Each method has a particular method of programme.

Trainee evaluation: An important element that the training package must contain is the trainee test, Which varies from coach to coach. Some people prefer oral tests, Others choose written tests, Others differ.

Identification of the training bag 2 Identification of the training bag

Drawings, photos, graphs, concept maps and mental maps:

The above are important items that should be included in the training bag, Drawings and images are the things that support the educational material and explain it to insiders, They are one of the usual stereotypes. The modern approach of graphs, They are graphic representations of different ideas, and mental maps, It is a model that illustrates the relationship between multiple ideas and regulates mental information through them, in order to understand them better and faster, It is important to look at it in a non-linear manner, Like a map of concepts;

Or in the courses and lectures you receive through training courses.

Identification of the training bag 3 Identification of the training bag

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