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Introduction to Management Training 2022

The management training process is no longer just a traditional seminar, It is a comprehensive investment in human wealth, the true wealth of all nations and peoples undisputedly, Administrative training has thus become the essence of real and comprehensive development. The industrial revolution of the last century led to the emergence of the so-called administrative procedure, which led to the new thing class in the administration, The class of managers, But at the end of the twentieth century we found that the information revolution generated an administrative revolution, moving in the direction of changing traditional methods of organization management, Focusing on competent people. Be someone who can respond to change, growth and development, This makes it the only constant in the world today and tomorrow that it is a “change” and management has become the management of the process of change that leads to overall quality management. This problem is much greater than the problem of patching up existing problems in the traditional training course method, But it is complex enough to be dealt with scientifically and objectively according to the requirements of the stage we are ready to enter. . On an equal footing with organizations that adopt comprehensive quality requirements.

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The impact of administrative training on cadres

Organizational cadres are qualified individuals who are able to devote the energy and talents of others to the maximum efficiency required by working within their responsibility. therefore Cadres can be found in institutions, organizations (organizations) and any other framework where we can develop members into cadres and leaders because we believe in efficiency and the possibility of developing them in any situation. Direction required.

Training is very important in the process of caring for the workforce, Because if an organization wants to keep up, develop, compete and distinguish itself from its peers, It has to provide skilled cadres, And they’re the ones who are capable. Cadres. Well-trained mental openness and ability to develop.

This is achieved through operations, especially management training In our field of work within institutions and organizations, Administrative training is embodied through courses, seminars or conferences, They are managers or leaders who wish to develop or improve cadres one of the duties or tasks of their competence and the development of their competencies and in our exposure to the concept of learning and training in addition to its importance and approach, We hope to convey sufficient important information.

Training of the organization’s staff is an important function of human resources management, as management training is at the centre of development in this area, Its importance and necessity vary by business, big and small in our time, And because the modern economy is a knowledge economy, It is possible to obtain it through management training, staff have the skills, knowledge and attitudes that contribute to current and future efficiency, So training is an investment in human resources because of the benefits it brings to the organization as a whole, Especially for Mobilis, The quality of planning, coordination, evaluation and follow-up has been provided.

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Management training theory:

training Administrative is an administrative function and the sequence from the main personnel management policy to the recruitment policy is as follows. in the overall success and development of any organization, In the age of scientific, cognitive and technological revolutions, massive population growth, social mobility and the accompanying economic change, Training and education become a means of competition and competition to keep up with the pace of the times. Developments in changing times, which prompted institutions to review their policies, objectives and activities related to training the readiness of human resources at all levels, By providing them with appropriate training programs to improve their productivity and staff performance.

Management training theory or its steps consist of four logical and serial stages. These stages begin by identifying training needs, i.e. identifying skills to improve them with specific individuals and departments, These skills are detailed in a set of objectives to be achieved at the end of management training, And that’s a change in directions, and increase knowledge. And develop skills in specific functional areas.

The problem then moves on to the design of the training program, This means translating the objectives into training topics (or educational and training materials and content) and identifying the methods that the trainer will use to communicate management training topics to trainees (such as lectures and cases., exercises, Discussion). Utilities (or utilities) are also selected. Training (such as pens, blackboards and pens). As part of the design

The management training program must identify the trainers in the program, So is the cost (or budget) of training.

The problem then moves to the stage of implementing the management training plan, which includes important activities such as setting a timetable for the implementation of the plan (in terms of meetings, vacations, And time. It also includes positioning

Training is an ongoing process because if trained human resources are available at a certain time in the life of the organization, That doesn’t mean she can’t face the future with the same skills and abilities yesterday, Given the ongoing relationship between the individual and the work he does

Principles of management training:

This new comprehensive quality management methodology depends on the human element and its continuous development and development, So the perspective has evolved from individual managers to leadership managers, Finally, managers who efficiently influence environmental elements. Deal with it, The executive leadership has become a strategic leadership. From improvement to continuous improvement and continuous management process. From regular management to preventive management. Yesterday’s organizations must seek, that still exist today and tomorrow, to develop and expand its purpose in order to confront an unknown tomorrow, As a result, They shift from target-oriented, quantitative and solid organizations to target-renewal organizations. They are diverse and widespread, Its quality is not limited to a limited amount, But they may go beyond their aspects and requirements other than the quantity that is difficult to measure. This is the most difficult challenge facing financial and commercial organizations and institutions in third world countries. This is the performance of training as an ongoing mechanism for keeping up with, continuing and meeting challenges. therefore Training plays an important role in education development plan.

The concept of training in third world countries needs a lot of clarification and organization, We must recognize that the process of business development and financial institutions is not just a training process, It is not just a change in the performance of a person or a group of people. From one level to another, However, the development of the Organization is the process of making a comprehensive and anticipated change for all staff within the Organization and in different areas whose levels are evolving in specific directions that increase the organization’s efficiency and effectiveness in the face of today and tomorrow’s problems. Training in the four Asian Tiger countries has achieved great results, Training in these countries has begun to emerge, The Government and the private sector have directed some of their investments to establish vocational training institutions, Chambers of Commerce help remove confusion about training concepts. It’s not just the solution, But more importantly, Asian Tiger training centres and institutions complement each other to agree on the training curriculum they need. The concept we are talking about is not an academic definition of training, It’s the definition of academic is the theoretical definition, Training is the process of changing the way the trainee thinks and behaves according to the actual needs of the job and the problems it faces. But in practice, We need a concept that actually moves, and overcomes the problem and prepares for it, Which still requires us to find a solution. The question now is that the trainee lacks competence, which means that the basic and main objectives of training are not achieved. The lack of a comprehensive training concept makes training programmes for existing training centres ineffective.

Human resource development means improving the knowledge, skills and competencies of the workforce capable of working in all fields, They are selected and selected based on the various tests that are performed to maximize their productivity.

In our time, Management training is an important topic of management because it is directly linked to productive writing and human resources development. Training has become a priority for many developed and developing countries around the world as an important means of creating competent managers, Fill gaps and shortcomings in administrative tools to take on the heavy responsibility for economic and social development in these countries. Executive training is designed to provide trainees with information, skills and a variety of renewed methods about the nature of their work, Improve and improve their skills and abilities and try to change their behaviour and orientation in a positive way. This increases performance and productivity levels.

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