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Language is the basic link between people and a tool for communicating and transferring knowledge and experience, A person needs to master more than one language in order to transfer culture and civilization from one country to another and from another to another. from one community to another.

Language recognition is very important to understand the culture of the surrounding countries and to gain a different experience from that of the country of origin. Communication skills with others.

This is what linguist Noam Chomsky pointed out, who stressed the importance of using language courses that facilitate simultaneous learning of more than one language, Wherever the learner is the main language.

Through the use of educational programs, curricula and the following special courses, The learner will be able to master many of the languages that interest him, Academically and documented.

The importance of learning a second language is different from your mother tongue:

For now, Thanks to the Internet, Learning a second language has become an urgent need to connect with another world, Learning a second language supports the possibility of employment and scholarships in many developed countries. The most important benefits of learning a second language include:

Brain development and memory strengthening:

This is what researcher John Martinson pointed out in his research and research, through which he concluded that a person who learns multiple languages improves his brain development, Which has a positive effect on brain health.

The same applies to memory, Researcher Julia Morales noted that children learning a new language have a better memory than ordinary children.

Improving communication and integration skills: By learning multiple languages, Anyone can communicate and integrate with different parts of the world, Whether it’s getting a job, or building social relationships, Or get a college scholarship.

Enhanced intelligence:

Two scientists confirmed, Bill Lambert, This is through their research, Who found that people who are proficient in more than one language have different absorption and intelligence abilities than the average person.

Language courses:

Language courses are hourly classes and lectures that provide the general basics of the language to be studied. These courses can be conducted online or can be attended effectively and realistically by professors and teachers specializing in this subject, They must be accepted by experienced academics with previous experience and credentials who were proficient in language and experienced in giving and communicating.

Before the start of the course, The general level of the learner must be determined, The student level is determined on the basis of the level test, The language study then begins at the level that suits it.

There are two types of online courses, Free online courses or paid courses.

Websites that offer courses that help learners learn languages for free:

Language courses 1 Language courses

Duolingo Website:

It is an easy-to-use site and a favorite of many professional learners and the site is dedicated to offering free courses where it supports free educational features where the site supports multiple languages and seeks to offer courses for students, the most important of which are English, Portuguese, German and languages can download a French version of the app on a smartphone.

Bonjourdefrance website:

It is one of the free sites to learn French in an easy and simple way as it is not considered an all-inclusive site.

Ling Ko lingq website:

Through this site we can learn multiple languages including English, German, French and other languages, Because it supports learning 12 languages, The advantage of this site is that the user level is judged directly when the user registers on the site. At the learner level the course begins and there is a lot suitable for students of all levels and develop their good performance.

Busuu busuu website:

Is an important site for building free online language courses, The most important thing that distinguishes this site is that it supports the function of chatting among learners, which helps the educational process and makes it more effective and productive, Through it you can master reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Liern French Lab Learnfrenchlab website:

This site is a very useful site for beginners to learn the language and helps to learn French from scratch. .

Lepointdufle website:

This site is useful for teachers and lecturers who offer courses in online language teaching, This site records courses and lectures for reference when needed.

Damages learn a lot of languages:

Everything in this existence has many advantages and disadvantages. One of the disadvantages of learning several languages at the same time is:

  1. The issue of educational attainment in several languages at the same time:

This problem occurs particularly in children who find it difficult to accept two languages at the same time because they have not mastered the mother tongue well and know nothing about the second language because it is considered a completely new language, So his attention became very weak, which affected his education.

  1. Learning another language can divide national identity:

That’s something we notice a lot at school, All subjects and lessons are provided in a language different from the main language of the country, This divides the national identity, Because the mother tongue is not just letters and words, It is a set of customs and cultures that greatly affect the conscience of the speaker.

  1. Difficulty learning the mother tongue:

This is the main concern of early childhood, Early childhood child, At this age, The child must learn his mother tongue, He must be familiar with the mother tongue, to express the correct language and pronounce the correct form of the alphabet. When learning another language, It can be difficult to master your native language, This may also lead to delayed speech.


At the end of this article we say that we have a general understanding of language learning courses and their importance, disadvantages and damages as well as the most important sites that support free language learning and the importance of learning more than one language at the same time.

Language courses 2 Language courses

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