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Learn about the top 7 standards for professional trainer

Learn about the top 7 standards for professional trainer

As the information revolution accelerated in this century, demand for human development industries followed, The most important activity is training that helps to keep pace with rapid development and keep pace with development. Organizations are characterized by the presence of qualified, well-trained and professional human resources, They compete to attract human capital and give it advantages, This allows them to retain job loyalty and increase their loyalty.
    Learn about the top 7 standards for professional trainer

Learn about the top 7 standards for professional trainer

In order to make training effective and achieve positive returns for the organization, You must plan carefully in selecting candidates, identifying training needs and selecting trainers, This is one of the most important factors in the success of training programmes. Based on my personal experience as a training manager at one of the largest training companies in the Middle East, I would like to offer some standards to this distinguished reader, I believe that these standards can provide a comprehensive reference for outstanding trainers, Or go back to them. The coach’s path to excellence as follows
The first scientific specialization: which is to get a university degree or provide scientific research, The trainer receives a higher degree in this specialization or training field.
Second professional practice: We mean at least three years of hands-on training in the particular area. Due to the variety of training topics, It is difficult for any coach to be familiar with all the content, But training trainers can serve him better than regular coaches.
• Third place author and research activities: In terms of coach writing, Are there books close to the required field of training, Has he published research in a scientific journal on training?

Fourth information activities: related to the trainer’s activities in writing news in well-known newspapers and media activities in radio and television programs, Does it have a website that is updated monthly, or at least active on social media sites, Facebook, Twitter, Etc.

● V Training: Did the trainer participate in one of the trainer’s accredited training courses for at least 10 days and then obtained a certified practice certificate for training?
●VI. Successful experience: That is, the coach has gained successful training experience and a good reputation in other institutions, He advised any other institution in the field of training, In this regard, a two-hour course may be asked for many of the organization’s staff to try to communicate information.
Membership 7 and fellowship: For the coaches, It is important to obtain membership or fellowship in any local or international training and human development association, institution or organization. In order to find more detailed information about the coach before meeting with the coach, It is recommended to search for it in Google search engine, Researchers will often help you with useful information about it here or there.
What we mentioned above is not a magic key or a final standard, And there are no other keys, It is an attempt to transfer experience in the field of training, Because knowing that each key has a digital scale, The organization can use it to evaluate its trainers, I am pleased to present the standard schedule for outstanding trainers.
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Learn about the top 7 standards for professional trainer 1 Learn about the top 7 standards for professional trainer

Learn about the top 7 standards for professional trainer

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Learn about the top 7 standards for professional trainer

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