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Professional methods of training to develop education

Professional methods of training to develop education

training is effort and activity Systematic and plan to earn or update or Transforming knowledge and trends Tailored to the target audience To get the best pictures human performance In the presence of the desired objectives . And exercise in general (it is a process Non-negative trending update eat behavior One in a professional or functional sense. Its purpose is to gain knowledge and experience human required ).
    Professional methods of training to develop education

Professional methods of training to develop education

Just as he knows that ( preparing a person for meaningful work and keeping him on the scale of the required support , It is a type of guidance issued by a human being to a newer human being.

The concept of educational training strategy :

An activity to transfer knowledge in order to develop thinking models and types of procedures and change one ‘s behavior, habits, skills and abilities necessary in performing the work in order to achieve the desired goal through the successful trainer .

It is possible to define educational training throughout support by the following three concepts:

1 Therapeutic concept:

It is an exercise designed to correct errors in the basic processing program, and to remedy these errors, which are caused by:

Either the teacher looked a long time ago, It lacks reconfiguration and refinement of the data .

Either education is knowledge of a hasty transformation , which cannot be pursued and controlled throughout its preparation.

2 Behavioral concept:

This concept focuses on the teaching skill experiences . That is, the interactions that occur in the classroom and the behavior that arises in it, therefore , requires that the teacher be trained on the method and how to examine the teaching situation . [4]

3 Creative concept:

Therefore , the concept rejects the subordination of the teacher ‘s behavior to the elements of the educational circumstance , and it seeks to increase motivation towards self- development .

Transformational training strategy

Education suffers from a stark deficit in the institutions Schooling and professional education, a subject that reflects negatively on Grade and achievement standard on disciples – no These branches of specialization are available to work in education – in addition to the shortage in the staff of workers in jobs initiatives and with This remains a surplus Few branches of specialization , as well as the presence of functional cadres, education is not in want her, The issue that followed Accompanied by the context to undertake a project Al-Hawali exercise as detailed

The concept of transformational training :

I mean , by transfer training , it is to return a pre-qualified category to jobs that have a surplus of workers and do not have specific jobs , so that they can practice other jobs required by the teaching and education process . It is the exercise that gives the trainee science and skill experience in a newer field or specialty that enables him to perform and practice the fees of the new specialty.

The necessity of transformative training lies in the following aspects:

1. It participates in directing a surplus of manpower and qualifying them to work in the areas of specialization that face a deficit

2. It lies in investigating the best exploitation of the latent and untapped energies within educational companies and transforming them into effective energies in the direction of exaggerating productivity , proficiency and originality within them.

3. Increasing institutional sincerity and maintaining individuals’ social distancing by providing alternative job opportunities that give them an adequate income to live a decent life 00

4. Transformational training makes a significant contribution to consolidating the country ’s interests through the educational system, especially with regard to education output and its connection to the actual needs of the labor market, in terms of the number of graduates at one time, their specialization and their efficiency at other times

5. Transformational training makes an outstanding contribution to Strengthening the interests of the state and educational institutions To the same degree , this is to reduce the amounts of disguised unemployment and redirect characters to functional process To get those resources Humans unlock their latent physical and mental energy Towards the investigation of productive quantities Distinguish an incident involved in Strengthening social and economic development for the country

    11 دورة تدريبية في الموارد البشرية
Professional methods of training to develop education

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Professional methods of training to develop education

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