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Your bag the largest encyclopedia of training bags in the Arab world

2000 ready-to-download training bags

حقيبة تدريبية جاهزة للتحميل
حقيبة تدريبية جاهزة للتحميل

All parts and components of any training bag ready for download:

Section 1:

  1. The items packed into a ready-to-download training bag must contain all these components: the name of the training material. Program. Sector (region). The bag builder listed below. The scientific references that support the bag, and the list of people who contributed to its creation.
  2. Index of key contents.
  3. A copy of the approved program guide.

Section 2 (Article Plan):

  1. The training module model , which includes the name of the training unit, the number of hours, its behavioral goal and its topics
  2. Each unit’s training courses rely on activities to achieve the course’s objectives within a specified time frame. The training session includes:
    • Session No.
    • It’s time for a training session.
    • Training session objectives
    • Topics of the training session
    • The main hobbies activities of the session are described here. It’s not just for fun, but also to teach you about it.

حقيبة تدريبية جاهزة للتحميل
حقيبة تدريبية جاهزة للتحميل

The third section includes the following elements:

  1. Science is a set of facts and information. The definition is a short and accurate explanation of a scientific topic. A definition can be found in terms related to module topics or by identifying the stages and steps that application implementation requires knowledge of.
  2. Apply training materials to carry out training.
  3. Section 4 (evaluation):

    This section describes the tools and assessments used to measure skills acquisition, or suffice it to state that each training module should be evaluated using this tool.

    Section 5 (references):

    This section contains a list of external readings related to this unit, its classification number, publisher, date of publication, and page numbers related to its specific subject.

Carry a training bag ready for free download

Downloadable training bag implementation guide

The program designer prepares a guide to carry out the training bag while preparing a training bag ready for loading and attaching it. This guide is separated from other evidence after its final release to be ready for use by the training officer when carrying out the training materials.

This guide provides trainers with tools and assistance to help them teach. It also provides them with information on how to measure their effectiveness.

Annexes to the manual for the implementation of the training material :

All utilities such as movie names and rating numbers are attached to the training material implementation manual. The guide is also accompanied by tools that measure the acquisition of knowledge and skills (evaluations), the model of solutions for them, and the grades allocated to each evaluation.

حقيبة تدريبية جاهزة للتحميل
حقيبة تدريبية جاهزة للتحميل

The contents of the implementation of the training bag :

The design of the manual to implement a ready-to-download training bag took into account that the items in the bag should not be repeated. The content of the training bag execution guide consists of the following elements:

  1. The cover contains the name of the course, the name of the program, the name of the sector and the date of publication.
  2. The name of the unit as mentioned in the bag.
  3. The bag number as mentioned on the poster.
  4. The time of the training unit as mentioned in the bag.
  5. The number on the training shoe bag.
  6. Course time as mentioned in the bag
  7. Description of training activities for each session
  8. Description of the procedures for carrying out each of the course activities.
  9. Select the training methods you will use.

Formulating content objectives ready training bag :

Knowledge :

Although knowledge alone does not When you learn something new, it can lead to a change in performance, but most learning processes involve some kind of change. Knowledge is one of the potential difficulties when formulating goals. Is the difference between topics that directly affect trainees and those that do not affect trainees. It is an effective way to increase their awareness and understanding. .


It’s easy to write learning goals. It’s easy to see and identify anything that has a specific purpose. The skills you have learned must be transformed into goals. These goals could be more specific than in the previous paragraph. The other two groups.

(c) Attitudes: In the field of learning that causes the most controversy, but this is also less measurable, it is important to set specific direction targets.

There are many pre-set lists Training objectives are formulated using these actions. Training objectives are formulated using these actions. Translate needs into performance indicators.

After learning how to make a training bag, you can learn how to design a professional training bag.

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