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Reporting and its importance

Reports: Report) defines it as a method of writing that provides full details of a subject in an unbiased manner by linking physical facts and summarizing the results related to them, The report depends on whether there is a general structure of the main topic and its branches as well as a summary of the content of the report, Before you prepare any report, It is necessary first to identify the main objectives of the report, and the target groups for which the report will be prepared, in order to take advantage of them.

Reporting and its importance

Types of reports:

There are several types of reports, Some by structure, Some are by research topics, Some of them include: In it: Sales-related reports, Reports on electronic marketing.

Long report:

This is a detailed official report, More than ten pages. Examples include: A report describing industry trends.

Short report:

Is a short report of less than ten pages, Written informally, to announce changes at the internal level. Examples of this type include: Reports to notify staff of emergency meetings.

Media report:

It is a report written in a particular format to inform another section or company of certain information important to both parties. For example: Prepare a report to be submitted to the directors of the various departments of the company about their meeting with the president of the company.

Analytical report:

The report is based on existing physical and statistical data, It is designed to accurately assess and track actual performance and results within the Agency. These reports include: Report items that determine e-commerce profits.

Official report:

It is a detailed written report to discuss a problem and take action to find an appropriate solution. Media and analytical reports are part of official reports, In general, the most important examples of official reports are: Public safety reports and annual reports.

Informal report:

It’s a short report that sometimes needs to be prolonged for a purpose, It is a means of internal communication between individuals in the organization, Such as emails and documents that are circulated among individuals in the workplace.

Proposal presentation report:

This type is full of ideas and solutions to the problems faced by organizations, There is no specific structure for this type. The goal is to get the biggest possible solution, In any case, it is better to include what is more important in it, including: A report proposes a solution to legitimize excessive spending within the agency.

Internal report:

Reports of many people working within an institution, Make sure you don’t send these reports to anyone who works outside the organization, They are often designed to collect information and provide it to them to improve their performance and support, for example: Expenses and sales reports.

Steps to write the report:

  • Goals are determined by careful preparation and planning, This step must be given sufficient time to ensure that the content of the report is appropriate for those familiar with it.
  • Organizations may support reported information and classify it under appropriate headings in a clear regulatory scheme.
  • Follow a specific format when writing your report, Keeping in mind that it is easy for readers to navigate and its language is simple and clear.
  • Set up a page entitled Report, You can add the author’s name and writing history. If the content of the report is long, Organize a table (this step is optional).
  • Write a short and comprehensive summary that reliably understands the overall content of the report.
  • Write a brief introduction that allows the reader to understand the purpose of the report and can develop some basic terms.
  • Type discussions in detail under titles and subsections to ensure that you can organize and find information.

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