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The 7 important principles of graphic design

We’ve covered the design elements, Now let’s take a look at the seven design principles that are a very important part of the basics of graphic design. Design principles indicate how design elements are used together. These principles are balance, Unity/harmony, Hierarchy Ratio/ratio, Dominance/focus, Similarity/contrast and empty space.

Design principles resemble rules, It is a set of practice and research-based guidelines for the effective use of design elements in a combination that designers should follow. Returning to the home analogy at the beginning of this article, The design principle will be how to build a house or how to integrate materials create a house.

The 7 important principles of graphic design 1 The 7 important principles of graphic design

For example Bricks (material) are used in the making of walls. arranged in overlapping layers, They are visually enjoyable and structurally powerful, Making it functional and aesthetically successful. However, It seems wrong to see the same bricks on the main bedroom floor. You usually choose hardwood or the best carpets. These undeclared rules about which materials to use, where and how to use them are our metaphors for design principles.

As with design elements, Using design principles can help or damage the functional and stylistic vision of your artwork or design. How you put design elements together or configure your design is just as important as taking into account the elements of your choice.

For designers who use Photoshop or a similar editing program, Knowing these design principles will help you understand how to perfectly integrate and coordinate your designs. Let’s take a closer look at each of the seven design principles to better understand how to make use of them.

1.Balance balance

Balance proves design and is taken into account when designers make planning and design decisions. All design elements have visual weight. The principle of balance speaks of equal distribution but not necessarily the equal distribution of design elements.

Balance can be described as symmetrical or asymmetric. Let’s see what you look like with the help of pictures from Smashing magazine.

The 7 important principles of graphic design 2 The 7 important principles of graphic design

When the design is unbalanced, This is annoying because the elements and configuration make no sense.

But the weight of the balance is greater than the size of the body. Balance can also be achieved using color, shape, position, value, texture and eye direction.

2. Unity and Harmony

Unity and harmony speak of the intangible feeling that all elements of design belong together, Which creates a sense of perfection. When the design is harmonious, Design elements work in a unit. The goal of any design is to move something. Without strong units, The connection is disconnected and the design fails.

Each design is larger than the sum of its parts. With the right configuration, Different design elements look like they belong together. Repetition, similarity and proximity can add visual integration to your designs.

3.Hierarchy Sequence

Hierarchy is the order in which viewers display design elements at work. Designers have only seconds to attract attention, So it’s important to let the public know where to look first, secondly, and thirdly, And so on.

The eye is naturally attracted to the larger parts of the design first, So viewers always tend to look at bigger things first. In terms of design, This means that large objects will have more hierarchies than small things.

The 7 important principles of graphic design 3 The 7 important principles of graphic design

Another trend for the human eye is to look for any irregular designs or patterns. If an item has a different visual weight than other elements in the design, It will have more hierarchy.

4.Scale scale and proportionality Scale & Proportion

Ratio is how design elements are related in size, weight and position. The ratio is the relative size, weight and position of items throughout the design. The correct proportions of elements help create a sense of balance.

Hg is a measure that defines a range of dimensions; it creates interest and depth by showing how all elements relate to each other based on size.

When the design is “disproportionate”, The relative size and weight of two or more elements appear incorrectly in terms of size and proportion relative to each other, Like a little head. However, Designers can exaggerate size and proportions to convey a message or idea.

5.Dominance dominance and affirmation & Emphasis

The main design element is the focal point of your design and where the viewer’s eye spends most of the time. These design elements will be highlighted for a hierarchy more than other elements in the configuration.

Making these elements larger or brighter in color are two ways to achieve this effect. The general rule is to make sure that the areas you want to highlight vary with the rest of the design, Whether in size, shape, color or texture, Etc.

6.Similarity and contrast

Designers often use the principles of the jashtalt (a set of rules describing how the human eye recognizes visible elements) to successfully exploit similarity and contrast. The jashatalt indicates, which means “all unified”, to how the human eye naturally assembles visually similar elements depicted in each larger.

Similarity in design is a powerful tool for achieving unity in your business, It represents the frequent use of similar design elements in the same design portfolio. In this image from Creative Bloc, All elements in the design have the same basic shape properties as triangles. So there are similarities in the overall design of the Statue of Liberty.

7.White Space White Space

White or negative space describes empty parts of the design combination, or untouched parts of the design panel. While the principles and items discussed so far include what you add to your configuration, The latter principle relates to what you do not add.

Allowing enough white space helps the design feel organized and tidy, It can be used to further convey the designer concept.

The 7 important principles of graphic design 4 The 7 important principles of graphic design

White spaces do three main things in design:

  1. Creates item collection
  2. Creates focus and hierarchy
  3. Improves reading

The white space of the eye provides a place to rest, This is what you need to accommodate the message you are trying to convey. It is a visual indication that the content is disabled or that the content has expired.

How do I teach myself the basics of graphic design?

These are the top 9 first steps in teaching yourself graphic design as a beginner:

1. Find your motivation

2. You have a passion for design.

3. Learn the principles of design

4. Start with a Graphic design program

5. Find and search for design resources

6. Find inspiration

7. Start a project

8. Be different between talent and practice

9. Patience and Perseverance

Do you know graphic design is difficult?

The 7 important principles of graphic design 5 The 7 important principles of graphic design

Learning graphic design is not difficult but requires creative thinking, art skills, design , time and dedication. Graphic design requires learning the necessary tools, In addition to understanding and applying design principles and theories. How many years does it take to become a graphic designer? You can choose the way you want to study, And how much time can you spend studying, And how much work do you want to find yourself. In the end, However, The time it takes to become a graphic designer anywhere can range from six months to five years.

What is the salary of a graphic designer?

The experienced designer earns the average between $35,000 and $55,000. But skill, experience and level of responsibility all play a big role in the fee designer’s salary (not to mention the country in which they work).

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