The concept of dialogue
Before talking about the art of successful dialogue , dialogue must be defined because dialogue is defined as a speech between the speaker and the listener through which the speaker can review the dialogue and convey it and communicate with the listener, whose goal is to generate new ideas in the speaker’s mind and not just rely on old ideas, In this kind of dialogue, Meaning can be clarified, and enrich concepts, Other ideas can be presented between the speaker and the listener, The purpose of the dialogue is to discuss why, Stay away from violence.
The art of successful dialogue
The art of successful conversation is essential to building bridges of communication, A few words may build decades of trust, The sentence may help dismantle the trust that was built decades ago. necessary because it distinguishes people from other creatures, Through dialogue, We reach our goal, And stay away from any way to reduce self-esteem, or disparaging others, or causing disrespect to them. For the art of dialogue to succeed, The following points should be taken into account:
- The talks are objective: In other words, it’s about the subject of the discussion, And not about the person himself, The conversation about something must be specific because some discussions turn into deep discussions because they do not end up with a specific point.
- Be specific in conversations: One of the most common mistakes people make in the art of successful conversations is that they start a conversation about a topic but don’t agree on the concept of the subject, They may agree on the subject but they do not. It was not discussed by agreeing on topics and not clarifying those commonalities, Which prevents the parties from reaching an agreement, Dialogue. Requires agreement on certain points.
- Realistic conversations: In the sense of studying the facts and then explaining them, Facts must be discussed before examining illusions and interpretations that may not occur and may be rejected by the other party.
- Make the interlocutor optimistic: We can’t question the other person from the beginning, Dialogue must be based on the assumption that dialogue is positive, Dialogue cannot be successful because it inevitably leads to mistrust on the other side. All messages from each other are negative, So positive.
- Create an appropriate atmosphere of dialogue: To avoid an unregulated collective atmosphere, it can’t achieve results, And people’s rights are lost, Psychological and social factors of the axes must be taken into account. A personal or psychological person to have a dialogue;
- Sincerity in dialogue: That is, loyalty to God, and good will towards the interlocutor, And stay away from hypocrisy, And the love of appearing in front of the other, And try to outdo others, And trying to grab praise and admiration for it alone, and stay away from hypocrisy. The fact that the interlocutor expresses his sincerity and justice to God in his work actually expresses his joy even as he appears. The truth is achieved by the person he is talking to, The interlocutor is convinced that the ideas, opinions and means of truth are not the property or right of one person, And not someone else.
- There must be integrity and justice in dialogue: One of the basic principles and steps that make dialogue successful is that the person who manages the dialogue is fair, and able to achieve justice for the other party, He has the ability to separate ideas from saying: The interviewer can be praised for providing the idea of a good and correct guide.
- Commitment to conversational etiquette: I mean humility with the other person, And not to offend the other person in the process of persuasion, And accepting the truth, Recognize the truth and undo the mistake.
- Dreams and patience: The interlocutors must be patient and calm, And not being angry, And not disgusted by anything, And not to allow anyone to provoke him.
Ways to learn the art of dialogue
The art of conversation and the art of speech can be learned by:
- Be honest with others and deal with personal nature in different situations.
- When you have a conversation with others, Focus on things that look like the other person.
- Let others talk about the things they care about and the things they care about the most.
Tips for mastering the art of dialogue
There are some methods for a successful conversation, They are:
- He praised: Compliments and positive conversations about others are one of the best ways to start a conversation, It makes a person feel good about himself, But be careful not to exaggerate, But it must be brief and specific.
- Embrace a small chat you can start any conversation by commenting on small things like food or weather, Or point to anything in that place to start a deeper conversation afterwards.
- Be good at trying to speak with a smile and use open body language for others, This makes conversations easier and smoother.
- Let the other person talk, And don’t try to control the conversation and impose all the stories, messages and stories at once, This can alienate the other person, So you must leave the conversation to him, If it’s him. Does not answer the questions asked, He can then pass on specific stories or events to start the conversation.
- Be fun when talking. A person should try to keep the conversation as enjoyable as possible, without being subjected to difficult questions and complaining about different things, Because most people hate negative things and are attracted to positive things and fun.
Ask questions
The success of the conversation is associated with the habit of asking different questions to the other person in the right way to start a successful conversation with the other person, It is important to note that it is not necessary to know much about literature, politics or art, Making jokes to create a good conversation may also be inappropriate. Instead, One may need to acquire the art of conversation and success with others is all about using the question to get close to the other person, For example, you can start with a bunch of questions about the same person, Then you can comment on the answers and listen to him quietly and answer him by asking him how he feels about these things that matter to him, And pay attention to him with sensitivity and attention, Because you can ask for clarification to continue communicating well with him.