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The most important innovative types of effective training

The most important innovative types of effective training

training  is a group Business  Which authorize  For members of the organization to be in general status of Preparation and susceptibility in a manner permanent and developed with a goal  their jobs Ongoing  and futuristic in range  their organization and its environment’.
being able to performance craft  something immanentLost  it was destination  of process the exam for the employee
    The most important innovative types of effective training

The most important innovative types of effective training

is that  not enough where require  To know how to do That Occupation Effective way  and efficacy in range The environment methodical Existing , that is, possessing theoretical and practical knowledge Determinants and rules imperative  to succeed but it  not enough where  There must also be yearning for Effort , a person does not work alone, but works with others probably contrast their goals  or their belongings, I must Know  How does everyone work in shade  Collaboration and team spirit.

Species  Training :

‘Multiple’ shapes training And don’t look alike  From writer to newerexcept if maybe  We swear training  to me shapes according to position  in which it was done, There are two important types of trainingtraining throughout service job  [at work] and exercise  Outside work ‘.

Or not:  training  during  Service :

get up that the pattern  from the exercise  on Perspective  old – Point of view  Apprenticeship – which basically means to receive employee  the new Tips  And the directions that Back  has a style work  Who is his boss? considerate during the period  The first is to clarify for him what is right from what is wrong, and his rights and duties. and the finest  style to apply effort  and etiquette act  career.
Nor can him one of  To deny that the first duty of the direct superior still lie in  Guiding those who work with him  for the best roads To implement work , and career behavior the positiveBut and continues that  role not exclusively  at Period  alignment with requirements work is that  also throughout  Career life For the employee , it is lack all the time  for development and development its capabilities  His skills and aptitudes to master what doing it  from work and be Ready to be promoted to a responsible job bigger  More dangerous than his responsibilities ongoing .

And so Type  from training Methods different Talk Through the service  And in the same position voltage of which:

1 lights up Period nickname  ‘ stage quest ‘ relax for group  months before it becomes employee  The new one is fully responsible for his work.

2 rotation between  plentiful  O . functions  efforts  In which the trainee is presented to see  miscellaneous  for the various jobs that  Requires  to me  perception  out.

3 office adjacentso  put office employee  The new one next to the boss’s office Immediately , or next to a colleague’s office worn out  Which will  training him, film  his behavior, his actions and his decisions, is assigned to him the coach limited number of practices steadily  He does it in start lowest  supervision and then begin to enfranchisement  complete his work.

craft  absentee jobs, so  Can training  a job way hiring  Colleagues do the work of their bosses, coaches, or old colleagues for restricted throughout  their absence. With back  to the manager Responsible  at Position Meeting  difficulties

5- Asking questions so  Can the boss or colleague archaeological  to train employee  the new by  two questions From time to time  What can be done in limited number of  attitudes, Then it begins to refer to him limited number of The things  And he watches it.

Share  at verbs  Committees, and this is Via  Expose the trainee to experiences and opinions Persons  others, An experienced apprentice tries to Clarification direction  a look how  persuasive logical presentation for all  sides, And so  The method is suitable for candidates for management or leadership positions if it was incurs  from defects and shortcomings  known commissions.

the documents  and flyers, so  distribution Tips  on employees newbies  all Stage  from the time Include instructions and instructions Concerning the finest roads to perform work  job duties, responsibilities and behaviours, and functions of the organization and commissioning  promotion, and style and how promotion performance Next to data specialist  in his job close covenant .

And with this maybe Involved an interest the exercise and development  Resources humanity in order with  direct boss for all  Division put worthy roads to exercise employees Newcomers , or old ones qualified  for promotion, or who incurred  from Deterioration performance in order to Height  their efficiency and raise their potential Via development and exercise  the perpetuators.

Secondly:  training  the official  Outside  work :

and we mean with training officially recognized  to be training  preparations and measures  and testimonials so  spins in places  Outside Effort  either in the section Separated pro  for a facility itself , or outside it in directions competent  like institutes Commission  or centers training  universities or Few  Entities or offices competent .

And so item  from the exercise modes and ways opposite  Of which: lectures, seminars, conferences, university discussions, open dialogue, and study Adverb , role-play, basket Judgments , administrative matches, and field visits.

The comparison between one method and another focuses on considerations and factors  plentiful  require  Consider them before choosing a training method  fitting ,

And from  Highlight  That  Considerations:area  adaptation  The training method for the training material and for the trained personnel.

The nature of the trainees, their trends, and their scientific and organizational levels.

possibility  availability  facilities  Finance  To exercise , like  the rooms  devices and equipment  the basic  to complete the training process.

expenses  use  all  a tool  Training and matching it with budget  exercise .

area  adaptation  time  and headquarters  Available  for all  a tool  training.

6 degrees  knowledgeable  Sports Director  same  by training method.

7 number Shareholders  in the training programme, The greater the number of polytheists simply when  possible use roads record  on arguing

steps  Training :

The theory consists the exercise  or its four steps periods  logical and sequential, and start Those stages:

1- Determine training needs

which means to determine skill experiences the goal  lifted it when Persons  and administrations specific , which finish  detailed in Number of purposes desired  achieved by the end training .Design  program  training

which mean  Translation ends  to training topics and determine the method that Will be use it by  Trainees in communicating topics training  to the trainees as Complete  Define training meanings such as cinematographic works , blackboard, pens…etc, And as part of Planning  a program training needed  identifying trainers in the programme, and also select financial budget training .Stage  performance  a program  training

which Contains Activities Job  like select schedule  program schedule, as Contain  to specify headquarters Training , daily follow-up for measures performance  The program is step by step. And finally, after I’m sorry  a program the exercise Requires matter  to me Appreciation  a program trainingand happen This by valuation  trainees store training , or valuation  their opinion Concerning verbs  the program.
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The most important innovative types of effective training

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The most important innovative types of effective training

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