Training needs are a broad concept and there are several criteria for evaluating it, including:
The concept of training need:
The need defines the language:
that it’s lack and lack, The need means that the amount required is inadequate. Need is what it takes to complete a shortage or deficiency.
A convention is a specific set of skills, knowledge and attitudes that individuals in an organization or work need to perform certain tasks more effectively. The need for training arises when there is a gap between the actual performance of an individual or organization and a particular direction in the needs of the individual in a particular organization or function. Perform certain tasks more efficiently.
Or it can be said that the training need is a specific set of information, knowledge, skills and attitudes that an individual needs to achieve, develop or acquire in order to improve performance, increase productivity, modify or develop certain behaviours.
Identifying training needs represents the diagnostic stage of the training process, So without scientifically accurately defining their training needs, It may be difficult to determine who is included in the training or who should not receive such training.
Assessment of training needs:
The process of identifying and scheduling training needs, making decisions and developing a plan to meet those needs.
Identify the target group of training.
Defining and identifying need
Measuring the level of deficiencies and performance constraints.
Priority order of needs.
Training objectives are determined based on needs assessment results.
Through the process of evaluating the training need, The following goals can be achieved:
The type and level of training required.
Individuals who need training.
Benefits and importance of conducting training needs assessments for individuals and institutions:
The training need provides basic information on scenario building.
Defines training objectives accurately
Help design results-oriented training programs. It can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of training by better targeting.
Determines the targets of the training.
Determines the quality of training.
Provide information on staff, age, and interests, academic and practical background, profession, responsibilities and attitudes towards training.
Setting training objectives and schedule of training activities.
Promoting new and discovered training areas.
New training materials and methods.
Type of training required
When we know the needs assessment, We know the type and level of training required and the individuals to be trained (is it higher training or advanced courses, Do I need start-up, hands-on training or development?
Identifies the difficulties and performance issues faced by the organization’s staff. Provide documents and training materials.
Increased staff participation in the discussion of work-related issues.
Helps trainers design programs that accurately meet the needs of the learner.
Helps avoid the common mistake in training of wasting too much time on complex, relatively uns important topics rather than very important and uncomplicated topics. .
Important information on assessing training needs:
Determine the type and location of the required training.
Schedule of training activities.
Resources required for training (human materials, Financial. Etc.).
Choose and design appropriate materials and training methods.
Facilitate communication between institutions and training institutions.
Promoting new areas of training.
When does the training need occur?
When there is a gap between the actual performance of an individual or organization and the specific trends that an individual needs in a particular organization or function to perform certain tasks more effectively.
What is the purpose of identifying training needs?
1. Identify the target group of training.
2. Define and identify needs.
3. Measuring the level of deficiencies and performance constraints.
4. Prioritize needs.
5. Setting training objectives based on needs assessment results.
Through the process of assessing training needs, Can be achieved:
1. Type and level of training required.
2. Individuals who need training.
Identify training needs and answer the following questions:
1. Where is the training?
2. Who should be trained?
3. What is training content?
4. What is the expected impact or outcome of training?
5. When will the results of training be reflected in the organization?
From the above we can summarize the concept of training needs in three points:
1. Identify weaknesses in the organization.
2. Identify problems to be solved.
3. Provide organization members with new knowledge, skills and trends.
Training needs identification approaches:
1. Emotional approach: Training is based on tradition and coincides with what other organizations do, Or with what’s happening in society, Or just use it as an advertising or media target.
2. Objective method: Based on scientific research, analysis of business results, identification of gaps and proposal of means of training and development.
3. Integrated scientific curriculum: based on scientific and practical research on training needs, Management uses methods and standards such as performance assessment, job analysis, surveys and testing.
Patrick’s four levels of training assessment:
The Kirkpatrick model is one of the professional standards in the human resources and training community, Kirk Yatric later redefined and updated the four levels of training and evaluation of training programs: Four levels.
Measures four levels of kirik Patrick’s assessment model:
1- Student responses – their thoughts and feelings about training.
2. Learning – the degree to which knowledge or ability increases.
Conduct – degree of improvement in behaviour, ability and application.
4- Outcome – The impact of the trainee’s performance on the job or the environment.
All these procedures are recommended to assess the purpose of learning in institutions, Although applied in stages 1-4 adds complexity and cost.