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Your bag the largest encyclopedia of training bags in the Arab world

Training is a process whose main objective is to gain the experience and knowledge a person needs, and gain the information and data it lacks, appropriate authority and direction of action, appropriate skills and behaviors, and habits necessary to improve his ability. Performance efficiency, It can also be defined as a process that is continuous and regular throughout an individual’s life and its main purpose is to stimulate the individual’s ability to achieve a high degree of professional growth and performance by providing them with skills and information relevant to their profession or field of work.

Training objectives:

Training objectives include but are not limited to:

Individuals acquire professional and practical knowledge and refine skills and abilities to perform their jobs appropriately.

Develop performance methods to ensure performance to ensure effective functionality.

Raising the productivity efficiency of the individual.

Ease the burden on supervisors and presidents.

Helps address the causes of absence.

Providing the organization’s workforce needs.

Reduce errors and waste and maximize the use of manpower, tools, equipment and machinery used.

Help each employee understand the relationship between his or her work and that of others, and the objectives of the entity it serves, and get to know them.

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