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Training course in real estate marketing

Competitive real estate marketing for all companies and competition for various products or services, There are many advanced, modern and innovative marketing ideas that can attract most customers, A large number of them are designed to develop all marketing skills and expertise in this article and we will discuss our marketing and sales courses.

Top marketing and sales courses :

Training course in real estate marketing 1 Training course in real estate marketing

Training courses for the Marketing, Sales and Customer Service Diploma:

The definition of this course:

These courses provide a wealth of skills and expertise for marketing, sales and customer service professionals. These functions require excellent ability and attractive skills in negotiating and delivering services or products in a convincing and reliable manner.

The most important training topics covered in this course:

1- The concept of marketing and what are its stages.

2- Professional marketing terms.

3- How new sales develop.

4- Reasons for the success of sales.

5- The reasons for the failure of sales.

6- Clarifying the marketing environment and opportunities for sale and real estate marketing.

7- Defining the sale process.

8- The definition of personal sale and how to manage it.

9- Communication protocols with customers.

How to show sales and how to promote them.

Identify customers, what their services are and what their needs are.

How to deal successfully with customers depending on the nature of each customer.

Professional sales training courses for sales managers and supervisors:

The definition of this course:

This course helps participants understand how to achieve successful sales management in a professional way, training participants and giving them extensive experience in team management and supervision in the fields of marketing and sales.

– The most important training discussion in this course:

Identifying tasks and assigning them to sales team members.

2- How to earn customers through negotiation and attractive persuasion methods.

3- Customer gain skills in the face of objections and rejections.

4- The type of customers and the nature of each of them and how to deal with them properly.

Planning, organizing and communication skills with supervisors.

Supervision, time management and training skills for supervisors.

How to make appropriate decisions for supervisors and overcome challenges and presentation skills.

Training course entitled Excellence in Customer Service:

The definition of this course:

This course qualifies the trainee to work in the field of customer service, This course offers professional ideas to improve professional knowledge and increase the competence of the trainee so that he can work in customer service in the local market.

Some of the most important topics addressed in this course:

1- The concept of customer service and the definition of the function of this service.

The importance of customer service in the success of the work of organizations and companies.

Determining the nature and type of internal and external customers.

Develop ways to communicate and negotiate with customers.

What are the procedures for achieving customer satisfaction?

6- Find ways to communicate with and listen to customers.

7- Acquiring electronic communication skills through all social media sites.

Avoid negative reactions and learn anger management skills.

• “Tips for developing an effective telemarketing plan” training course:

Training course in real estate marketing 2 Training course in real estate marketing

The definition of this course:

This course helps participants understand how to develop a successful business plan to market or serve their product, Thus developing the work of their subsidiaries.

Target groups of this course:

1- Marketing workers.

2- Supervisors working in this field.

3- Anyone who wants marketing advice and how to prepare their plans.

The objectives of this course are:

1- Introducing the basics and most important principles of marketing.

Market analysis studies and real estate marketing research.

How to strategically plan each price, produce, promote and advertise.

4- Creativity, innovation and the creation of renewed ideas.

• Training session entitled “Customer Service Development and Sales Program – Virtual Learning”:

– The objectives of this training program:

1- Trainees receive the most important information and a successful sales campaign.

2- Clarify the sales steps for participants and explain the requirements and needs of each step.

Explain to participants the importance of focusing on customer needs and how to obtain their satisfaction.

4- Clarifying and understanding the causes of conflicts.

How to develop solutions to these conflicts.

How to manage a team in an effective and successful manner and always help solve all problems that may arise among team members.

Target groups of this program:

1- All employees in customer service.

2- All employees and specialists in the sales department.

Managers who maintain or deal strategically with customers on a daily basis.

4- Anyone who wishes to develop their skills in the field of sales and customer service.

• Training session entitled Strategic Real Estate Marketing Plan – Virtual Learning:

The objectives of this course are:

This course trains participants on how to develop an effective marketing plan.

How to develop a marketing plan based on the results of the review from a real estate marketing perspective.

How to use marketing audit results to identify techniques or strategies that work.

Training trainees on how to develop their strategic real estate marketing plan by developing the elements that make up the plan.

Participants are explained to the various types of strategies (there are offensive, defensive and maneuverable strategies) used in the labour market competition marketing plan.

Target groups for this course:

Managers who work in sales or production with the aim of developing their marketing planning skills.

2- Researchers in the field of real estate marketing.

3- Planners and those responsible for real estate marketing and planning operations.

• Training course for certified brand manager – virtual learning:

– The brand is defined as a logo that distinguishes one company from another by choosing innovative names, professional designs and how to offer unique and new products and competition in the market.

This session has several objectives, the most important of which are:

1- How to choose the brand of the company to clarify the company’s service and commitment to customers and what they expect from them.

How to choose a brand that is in line with the development and sustainability process.

3- How to evaluate brands.

What is the market-compliant strategy and its new requirements?

The target group of this training:

1- This course is very special for anyone who works in real estate marketing.

2- Managers working in marketing and sales.

3- Anyone who wishes to acquire the skills of real estate marketing strategy.

Some of the most important real estate marketing and sales lessons include:

Training course entitled “Real estate marketing in recession”.

Training course entitled “Dealing with customer complaints and objections”.

Training course entitled “Introduction to modern real estate marketing and sales development”.

A training course entitled Real Estate Marketing Intelligence and Its Dimensions – Topics – Applications.

We conclude from the above:

Given the importance of this area and the great interest in it, Some of the most important real estate marketing and sales courses were mentioned in this article. There are now dedicated remote training sites, All are designed to develop marketing skills.

Training course in real estate marketing 3 Training course in real estate marketing

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