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What is fun training

In the eyes of many participants in some training courses, Participants sometimes suffer severe damage due to the rigidity of the performance of some training trainers, in the form of stagnation and traditional in methods and methods, In addition to the ineffectiveness of speech, the training goal of this goes beyond the process of carrying out the training task as a job, No spirit or interactive training with participants

Hence the need for a new method of training performance that brings the spirit back to the training process, which training experts have called not just a description of the training climate and the interactive and comfortable relationship between the training expert and the participants only, It is an independent training method in itself.

What is fun training

Interesting training can be considered a philosophy and a school for training experts to choose between it and traditional performance training. From here we can describe interesting training as a major training strategy, which may be applicable training methods, But the specifications are suitable for every training level And details of the required training objectives, And the personality of the participants in the training.
Similarly, Interesting training should not be considered humorous, humorous and disparaging of participants, which has nothing to do with fun training, But not the whole training process.
Fun training should take into account the psychological comfort of the trainees.

What is fun training

We can define training through fun as a training method based on the psychological comfort required during the training process from the method that participants love in a happy and enjoyable atmosphere, This is to provide services for the training process.
    What is fun training
therefore Evident is a very important factor in describing interesting training, Which is that the description of “pleasure” depends on the evaluation of participants and their understanding of performance as fun, And not just from the perspective of the training expert. therefore For a group of young people, Training that may be considered fun may not be suitable for a group of young people. Manager, senior staff or VIP.
The trainer’s course is mainly trained on two levels, They are “preparing basic trainers” and “preparing senior trainers”. The most important thing that distinguishes these two levels is how the trainer distinguishes the level of participants from their human model and master the methods that benefit everyone, This is one of the most important characteristics of successful expert training.
Training experts may have a point of view on fun training, And some people see it as a way, Some see it as the philosophy of some coaches, And not an independent way, Others believe that interesting training is a contemporary trend, We must receive the knowledge of training experts in response to the sharp and severe development of the times. Over and over again.

Perhaps the right thing is that interesting training may be an independent method, Because the training expert may intend to change the traditional performance style and develop a specific scene and detail to prove that this is an independent method. Just a training method.

Several factors that make up “fun” depend on pleasure, including:

• The age of the trainee.
• Trainee specialization.
Training topics.
The culture of the people.
• Training atmosphere.
Training environment.
• The trainer’s vision of entertainment concepts.
Training budget

what are the forms of fun training

There is no doubt that pleasure is what the spirit of the trainee loves, Pleasure is undoubtedly the process of interaction between training experts and participants. The relationship adds a wonderful color while maintaining mutual respect and effectiveness. Achieving training objectives without exaggeration, neglect and cynicism

Interesting training may take one or more of the following images:

Show a short story that expresses useful wisdom.
• Appropriate flashes or jokes.
• Objective game or entertainment for the ideas of the coach or trainee.
• Change the place of training to an irregular and regular place.
• Change paragraphs by rearranging, adding or deleting paragraphs.
• Change the role provided for the course through the trainee’s speech or someone from abroad.
• Hold a referendum to train participants to choose fun clips.
• Holding a ceremony based on the knowledge of trainees and developing targeted control procedures to achieve training objectives.
• Change the way you communicate with trainees, Such as communicating online on an agreed date.
• Meet to watch visual media articles or listen to audio material.
• Training experts and trainees are involved in providing their personal and personal expertise to achieve training objectives even indirectly.
• Eat some foods and drinks for a meeting.
    10 steps to prepare a successful training bag

How do we apply training through fun?

Some untrained professionals believe that interesting trainers are just jokes in the traditional training process, They are not a method in itself.
The right way is interesting, Training is not just a way, It is a method that has a foundation and rules and methods to be followed, The method varies according to the skills of the training expert. This is also a global philosophy that believes that other training methods can be vaccinated and dyed in fun and loving colors for the lives of participants.
The training expert should prepare for the training day including the training content that will help achieve the various cognitive, emotional and knowledge goals he hopes to develop among the training participants, He is also adept at allocating different time exercises to each goal represented in the activity and with the help of appropriate training methods.
Before the actual implementation of the training performance, Training experts should make sure that three key factors are met before they can adopt training methods through fun.

Key factors in determining training methods through fun:

• The first key factor is to prepare entertainment experts before training actually starts by fun, To believe in the importance of this method and the idea of successfully achieving training goals.
The second main factor is the preparation of some read, audio or visual content so that the spirit of the participants increases the atmosphere of the participants in accordance with their level as we indicated earlier, We pointed out that. A pleasant atmosphere can be achieved through the training venue of his choice to break the traditional deadlock, such as choosing a park, park or theatre depending on the conditions available.
• The third key factor is that the training expert must make sure that he and the participants have skills in managing entertainment in the training atmosphere, Because it is easy to fill when it is difficult to get purposeful and regular fun during the training process. In the training room.
Changing negative beliefs is one of the most important goals of fun training.
Like other training methods, Interesting training helps to achieve all training goals,
But the weights of the three goals are different.

Supports training By fun achieving cognitive goals by enabling participants to receive information and knowledge to a higher degree, And easier to understand and bear. The ability and depth of this information and knowledge is the information provided by many other training methods depth

What is fun training

Fun training can be considered one of the most effective ways to turn negative beliefs into positive beliefs based on training objectives, Because training experts rely on common recreational entrances in most cases for the lives of humans and the souls of participants, However, it is necessary to choose carefully between types of entertainment according to the status and circumstances of each training case.

Bear the burden of the training day: One of the advantages of fun training

The wisdom of the British says (innovation or innovation then disappears and disappears), This is not just a continuous update of training performance, It is one of the conditions necessary to train experts to successfully complete their tasks with the highest efficiency and objectives, Perhaps interesting training is one way to update, develop and deal with monotony and boredom. About the atmosphere of training.
What are the difficulties and challenges in fun training?
Interesting training does not require only relevant methods and application knowledge, It also requires special skills that training experts must possess. As for the knowledge and information required by expert training to apply interesting training methods, It includes a range of aspects, The most important are:
• Identify the regulations of the education or training institution and the permissible range of images of changes in the performance of training, Because the application must be within the permitted framework of the organization’s rules of procedure.
Knowledge of the culture of the organization and participants, Especially for international coaches, Because there is a culture of place imposed on its owners (according to the famous brand Jamal Hamdan’s statement about the culture of the place).
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What is fun training

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