Your guide to preparing a professional training bag
Your guide to preparing a professional training bag
The trainee and bag experience may contain medical, social, human rights or scientific content, Including content that matches the objectives of the training workshop and the supervisor’s plan. If we say that the comprehensive training package is half the training, It is a channel from the ideas of the trainer to the ideas of the trainees, We will not exaggerate.
The importance of training bags:
Comprehensive training bag components:
Your guide to preparing a professional training bag
- Trainer’s Guide: is an electronic training package from the coach’s point of view, This allows him to easily organize his ideas and list scientific materials in training. Be brief and include key points to facilitate review.
- Trainer’s Guide (Trainee Handbook): is an electronic training package from the coach’s point of view, Because the coach can provide it to the trainees as needed at the beginning or end of the training, And thus provide them with trouble explain and expand the content, and they are happy to make small notes Because the coach’s manual is comprehensive and contains detailed information about the coach he is talking about.
- Scientific materials: The trainer can retain scientific references or expanded scientific content (whether readable or audible) to reuse it when training is needed, Or it can be shared with trainees after the training is over. Training workshops so they can increase them when they want.
- Training implementation guide: This is the coach’s guide, But he has the ability to perform training and is different from the coach’s manual.
- Trainers and trainees: Preliminary guide: The attractive guide should be carefully designed to illustrate the overall goal of training and try to guide the trainer through all parts.
- Activities and exercises: Activities and exercises help to energize students, increase their attention and attract them to participate in training again and increase interaction, It also helps encourage shy students to participate in training.
- Mental map: People are the images that are attracted by the images, even if the words are represented by circles and drawings, so it is important that your training package include a mental map to show progress in training throughout the day.
- Training games: Training games can increase the enthusiasm of coaches, Especially when using training materials directly in competitive games.
- Enrichment materials: Keep your words open and direct the trainees to other training materials, Or if you have completed it hastily, Attach it to the training.
- Intermittent exercise and deadlock-breaking game: By playing fun dating games and breaking the ice between you and the trainee himself.
- Charts, charts and videos: We mentioned that people are visual objects attracted by still and dynamic images and videos, Trainers must therefore provide their training bags with photos, photos and videos to attract the attention of trainees.
- Evaluation form: The evaluation table refers to a model that assesses success and the training objectives achieved, The level of distance knowledge of trainees is assessed and compared with the tribal level.
- Equipment, computers, projectors, displays, paintings and white boards: According to the procedures, exercises and activities that trainers add to their training packages, The technical and material equipment required for training.
- Course certificate: The coach gets a training certificate confirming his participation in a distinguished vocational training and the trainee feels that he has gained new knowledge, Training is a unique aspect of his life. Now that we have discussed the training bag and the importance of the training bag and the components of the training bag and its important parts, We will now discuss how to design a unique training bag.
Professional training bag design steps:
- Identify the objectives of the training plan and the direction of training to be conducted. Defining the characteristics of the target group of students (age – academic achievement – social class – economic class – social status).
- Ironskills and targeted knowledge for training.
- Collection of scientific materials for training materials: After specifying the above conditions, The trainer searches for the appropriate scientific materials for the direction of training, and the skills and target qualities of the two training colleges, He searched for his scientific materials in training exercises where he discussed the same ideas before.
- Make it easy for him to design his own training kit and inspire other trainers, Or at least use the same reference materials.
- Coordination and classification of scientific materials: The trainer catalogues the training bag schedule according to his own research and draws a mental map of the training
- Choose the right exercise method: Before starting to write a training package, The trainer should look for exercises, exercises and activities suitable for each training topic.
- Writing scientific materials: After the classification is completed, The trainer started writing the guide of the trainer and the trainees, and simplify scientific materials to the cognitive level of trainees, Focusing on the intersection of scientific content in each paragraph with the part we explained in this guide to define the training package. Title. Develop questionnaires and conduct pre- and subsequent tests based on written scientific materials.
- Evaluation training bag: After completing preparation for all parts of the reality of training, The trainer will use first-hand experience to oversee and negotiate his training portfolio to upgrade his work to a comprehensive training package.
- Design the PowerPoint presentations, brochures, graphics, photos, and mental maps you need.
- Identify technical and material resources: Use blackboards, And the display boards, and projectors, and activities, And training tools, And make sure that each part has an alternative in case of loss or failure, so that the coach can prepare for any emergency, Especially with regard to that.
Save long hours preparing your training bag. Load our complete turnkey training bags that are specially designed by our skilled team of teachers across the globe.
Conduct excellent workshops every time using our professionally prepared training bags with all the feedback and points you want for your course.Don’t worry about cost, time and effort with our pre-made training materials of the highest standards.
Modify your training materials as often as you like as we provide you with open source training packages. Focus on delivering your course and leave the training materials to us.
Our main goal is to provide you with distinctive training bags that suit your training course so that you can present your courses and workshops in an ideal manner
Your guide to preparing a professional training bag
Why choose your portfolio institution for your next course portfolio?
Your Bag Foundation offers professional training bags with a special luster
Our training packages are distinguished by unique and distinct documented content
An integrated team in preparing and designing training packages
Get the best result for your next training session
Our training bags are special because they are
Open source and adjustable according to the standards of the General Organization for Vocational Training
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