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Your bag the largest encyclopedia of training bags in the Arab world

A training bag defined as training content in a field used by the trainer to achieve a set of pre-defined goals.

The training package contains a collection of literature and illustrations, In addition to supporting tools, methodologies and training programs, Collected through one or more sources through real-world practical experience and field experience.

The training bag is one of the tools used in training, It is a guide to a range of actions that trainers and trainees can use to achieve training objectives.

1 empty training bag model

Bag assets:

The origins of the design of the training bag can be traced back to research in the fields of psychology and education, which provides a wealth of knowledge and skills to develop training strategies and techniques, and led to the emergence of various educational theories such as procedures, Cognitive and human theories, All aim to explain the learning process and propose educational and learning models, Hence programmed education, And individual education, And well-educated, Who developed the concept of designing the training bag. Psychology and learning theory on the one hand, And applied aspects on the other hand.

At first make sure to start from the bottom of the pyramid and the basis of any model, is to find the value offered by the trainee, There is no real value. With a successful business model, In order to find this value, Consider:

1 empty training bag model 1 1 empty training bag model

1- Beneficiary:

Identify the beneficiary, It is impossible to provide value in serving or solving an unspecified problem that will paralyze the model and spread the effort, What target market segment should be identified? Is it a custom chip? Is it by age? About sex or income? So the more you focus on choosing a slice, The business model was better, Especially in can begin its beginnings, After the success of the model, to gradually expand by introducing other filter segments

Before you start designing the model, The designer should study the importance, purpose and purpose of the model to see how important and useful the training model is for the portfolio.

2- Designer:

Designers identify static information and evaluate changing information. Static information is what is printed on the form. Includes the name of the package, the address, And the questions to be answered, instructions and explanatory notes, And the model owners who will guide and help change the information. The model designer is very interested in static information, That is, it plans, arranges and defines its words and the position of each word in the proposed form.

The positive aspect refers to improving the quality of the models needed to manage the affairs and work of the organization, While the downside aims to get rid of

3- Monitoring:

The purpose of the control models is to monitor the planning, design, production and storage of all models to achieve training objectives and design the best and most appropriate model for trainers and trainees.

therefore The model must have a clear identity, The model must have a short and clear name to show its purpose and use, To help identify it for all persons and entities using the model.

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