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14 the most important professional skills for a successful coach

14 the most important professional skills for a successful coach

The training follows the entry of a dark tunnel in most state departments:
The training of trainers should be carried out in general in a different way than teaching young people.
    14 the most important professional skills for a successful coach

14 the most important professional skills for a successful coach

You will be more successful in training if you remember that trainees:

1. They want to learn, They discover that training is the key to their performance and success in a world where progress is rapid and survival for the better has made people realize that the only thing they can take with them to their jobs is their skills.
2. They need to participate and advice, that is, to let them know what they’re going to practice before, And when does that end? Which adds to their acceptance of training and commitment to participate enthusiastically.
3. They want to feel that the contents are appropriate , and they need to feel that the training materials are designed to meet their actual training needs.
4. They need to feel that they can criticize the ideas put forward openly .
5. Enjoy their ability to ask questions, And that the things they are putting forward are taken seriously and at an agreed time.
6. They like to be treated like equals, no one wants to be entertained by their dialogue , It’s time to be treated like a student.
7 . Appreciate feedback on their performance and behavior
8. They listen effectively, advocating the ideas they agree with and discussing these that they do not agree with .
9. They are assigned tasks that make them think and act in ways that enrich their knowledge and skills.
10. They learn in a variety of ways. And they work to varying degrees relative to the uniqueness of each individual from experience and background, And ability, And his way of learning.
11. They need to get rid of outdated professional perspectives and customs before they learn something new.
12. They require to build on their previous experiences and knowledge.
13. They want to seek solutions to their problems.

14. Trainees remember ideas that:

  • They just learned it.
  • They’ve heard of it more than once.
  • They were able to apply it in practice.
  • It can be implemented immediately .
  • They realized its importance to know it and implement it.
  • They encourage and reward their application from their managers or any important member of their leadership.
  • To be a specialist in what he’s going to talk about.
  • to be interested in the subject, and keen to perform good in it and aware of everything that is written or invented in it And keen to develop the trainees.
  • To have knowledge of the psychological and behavioral principles of the learning process.
  • Be competent in assigning the time available to prepare and manage the training session well
  • To have the ability to communicate well with trainees.

The skills of the presentation that the trainer must possess, the most important of which are:

Despite the type of information that the coach wishes to deliver to the participants, They will be more absorbed if the delivery of information has a category of challenge, pleasure and humor, but how is that ?

  • The coach should welcome the group as they enter the room , and express his gratitude for their response and presence.
  • welcoming the group officially after everyone takes his place And remind them of the schedule of the course, And the expected results, And at the time of the training session, and sleep periods He informs them that copies of the presentation will be distributed to them after the end of the session and it is very useful to write the expected results on a paper board and hang them to the right of the blackboard.
  • Sometimes rhetorical questions are asked that lack the hands to participate .
14 the most important professional skills for a successful coach

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14 the most important professional skills for a successful coach 1 14 the most important professional skills for a successful coach

14 the most important professional skills for a successful coach

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14 the most important professional skills for a successful coach

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