The concept of project management is one of the ways in which organizations and communities develop in a balanced manner, Whether it’s service projects or profitable projects. With the aim of achieving comprehensive development and improving organizational and personal capacities, Focus on the basic skills that project workers must have, The selection and management of projects, In addition to obtaining information about the objectives of the project, how to plan, project stages, organizational elements and evaluate related activities. It is important to note that project management is very important; Thus improving management tools, activating the optimal use of resources and identifying profitable activities and service. therefore The concept of project management must be clearly defined. In the dictionary, Take the word (draft) name shape and have an effect act (law), So let’s say: Sharia works, I.e. pick it up. In model technology, The project is defined as: One consists of a group investment process of integration and broad design according to its integration. Production, Through integrated production activities. There are many definitions for project management related to serving desired, specific and agreed objectives, including: This book (PMBOK) is defined as: A custom start-up activity; the term (temporary) refers to a project that has the beginning and end of the project in order to produce a unique project. A product, service or result intended to be achieved when a goal is achieved or when the project is completed; the term (temporary) does not indicate that the life cycle of the project is short because of the inability to achieve its objectives; the specified period may last several years. In terms of its definition: Applying knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to achieve any requirements and objectives the project is defined as: an organized set of activities to maximize jobs and make better use of appropriate resources, Which aims to achieve a specific project under specific circumstances or restrictions through a variety of methods, efficiency and effectiveness. We conclude that project management indicates: The process plans, leads, organizes and controls different resources to achieve certain goals within a specified period of time.
General concepts of project management
- The dependencies in the project network are the links between the final elements of the project.
- The duration is the number of calendar cycles it takes from the moment the project begins to be implemented until it is completed.
- The floating surplus in the project network is the amount of time the task in the project network can be delayed without delaying subsequent tasks and/or project completion dates.
- Transformation activity is a timeline (project management) or project planning term for a set of sub-tasks suspended between two related dates. (or fix two finished events.)
- The PRODUCT Detail Structure (PBS) in project management is a comprehensive pyramid tree structure for components that form elements arranged in complete relationships.
- Product description in project management is an organized form to provide information about the project product
- Project management triangle is a model of project management constraints.
- The resource is a resource in project management terms necessary to perform project tasks. They can be persons, equipment, facilities, funds or anything else that can be identified (usually non-work) required to complete project activities.
- The scope of the project in project management is the sum of all its products, requirements or functions.
- Tasks in project management are tasks that must be completed within a specified period of time.
- The time limit is a tight time frame, Or a specific point in time at which a goal or task must be completed.
- Working in project management is the effort to produce a result or complete a task (final project).
- Vertical slide is a major event, standard or deadline that highlights progress in all components of the project.
- Work package – is a subset of the project that can be allocated to a specific party for implementation. Work groups and projects are often confused because of similarity.
- Workflow is a set of related activities that focus on a particular area that follows a path from start to finish.