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19 of the most important characteristics of an effective trainer

19 of the most important characteristics of an effective trainer

We will identify a group of the most important characteristics of a successful coach

    19 of the most important characteristics of an effective trainer

19 of the most important characteristics of an effective trainer

Effective trainer characteristics:

1. Continuous learning: Perseverance in the continuity of learning and knowledge, and the desire to get new magazines and books in the professional field, and participate in international and Arab conferences, And get rid of typical input mechanisms, tools, tools and methods. , And not just buy new tools and books.
Creativity and change: The enthusiasm for the training materials provided by the coach comes mainly from his modernity and creativity, So the trainer must be keen to update and update the topics he has proposed, And update the method, And change the method, And do it. Presentation – Diversify the sequence of manuscripts and presentations and use new methods and tools.
3. Prepare in advance: Every time and over many years of practical experience, No matter how long you need to prepare your presentation in advance, Do not risk entering the training room without checking the papers and tools. For professional trainers, That’s necessary.
Appreciation and support: Support behaviors are an important part of the training profession, These behaviours are translated into many forms, including:
  • Thank you other experts who have participated in this program before.
  • appreciate and refer to the authors of the training materials, Support for training participants.
  • Assess and appreciate the efforts of administrative assistants or administrators of the plan.
  • Maintaining the production rights of others and recognizing their knowledge and virtues.
Learning from failure: Identify failure and incompetence, and learn from failures when failure occurs, and pass it on to others to avoid falling into it, and study the reasons for its occurrence It bears the psychological and material costs.
6- League, not contradiction: from the psychological transformation of comparison with other trainers, and the constant desire to exceed their permanent desire, to the psychological transformation of alliance and mutual learning, The desire to share leadership and succeed in training the team.
Enrichment rather than confidentiality: Some trainers insist on using certain training tools and feel through their control rather than revealing their secrets with strength and excellence.
This behavior makes them unable to think about looking for new alternative tools, The trainers around them feel that they do not want to educate others or pass on experience to them.
Confidentiality is no longer the standard of professional excellence in training, Because the richness and mobility of information, tools and expertise has become a logical professional tool for trainers to perform their professional roles and seek to become knowledge publishers. Let his colleagues acquire skills like trainees, otherwise the famous saying will apply to him… What he lost doesn’t give him.
Motivation and ambition: The function of an effective trainer is not easy, If the coach does not have the motivation to work hard and for strong reasons, He will lose the enthusiasm to develop himself and himself, And it’s going to fail. The training process.
Physical health: The work of the trainer requires good health, good health and endurance, It often works for several continuous hours, And maintains a high degree of work spirit and cohesion under difficult situations, Especially in modern times.
10. Profile picture: The coach must be in a good selfie because he is in a leading position, So it must be elegant, elegant and well dressed to arouse confidence in his personality and stature.
The ability to convince: Being able to attract people through convincing dialogue and discussion is one of the qualities of an effective trainer, It is achieved through enthusiasm and training skills in certain training and educational environments.
12- The desire to help trainees: One of the most important qualities of trainers is to help trainees and strive to provide a safe and calm atmosphere, work in the team spirit and help them solve problems both internally and internally. Training facilitators or personal issues where possible.
The ability to transfer experience: The trainer must have rich scientific or practical experience and experience in his professional field to play the role of transferring this knowledge, experience and skills to the trainees, Proper education must be the basis of experience and ownership. Technology can reduce errors in work and production.
14. Accuracy of observation: It is necessary for an effective trainer to pay full attention to everything that happens in the hall and the situation of the trainees, He carefully collected information about each trainee before judging the trainees’ information.
Cooperation: No coach can succeed except through cooperation between coaches, from the supervisors of the training to the supervisors of the subject Coaches must find problems with the coaches in order to achieve the expected goals.
General information: Any ability to self-learn and design new methods can make the training process succeed in replacing old undeveloped methods, Because its work is neither rigorous nor up-to-date, researchers or experienced either by referring to some references or gaining experience from other references.
The ability to express verbally: Fluency of expression is very important in training, Because language plays an important role as a major means of communication, It is intended to express opinions and ideas in a very clear manner without making the situation complex or hesitant. . In this way his personality will not be shaken in front of others.
Focus on training objectives: Formulating innovation objectives. Training must elevate the individual to the degree of competence that is characteristic of this era. It constitutes a complex system that requires a high degree of cognition and insight aimed at meeting, For example, if the meeting (using a vertical monitor) is in the session view, The lecturer went on to explain the film theater and how to discover this equipment
Respect for the trainee’s ideas and level: The coach faces people higher than him in terms of degree and practical experience in the training process, So it’s necessary to prepare for it, His knowledge of science and practical materials is profound. The dictionary is rich and any mistake the coach loses confidence in and this is a sensitive point for the coach because if he loses confidence in the coach the coach will not listen and do not respond. Trainees People have high expectations for the implementation of training, Therefore, the trainees must do their best to their enthusiasm and knowledge, and to be 100% so that when there are any mistakes or other things, Your trainees can try it.

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    7 key steps to effective training
19 of the most important characteristics of an effective trainer

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19 of the most important characteristics of an effective trainer

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