3 professional steps to start your training course
3 professional steps to start your training course
1. Select the target group
Your course can’t work if it’s for everyone, that’s just a fact! Before you start preparing content, make sure you determine what the target group is by this session, Can a beginner understand the content of your course without having difficulties? Is your course for those with prior knowledge of the basics? Or is it designed only to bring in professionals who intend to enhance their skills?
Planning your course cannot begin if you don’t answer those three questions accurately and determine who you want your course to target, you can use the questionnaire strategy to bring the ideas we explained in the last lesson, so you can select a supplementary box in your questionnaire to see how familiar your audience is with the area you offer, On the basis of this, it will measure the quality of the courses they must receive.
2. Organizing your content
Just as you’ve finished selecting your target group, the question remains how do you attract them to buy your course? This is done by verifying that content is organized in a way that makes it easier for a student to know what’s about to go through.
When planning your course you will find yourself in front of two scenarios that have no third, One leads to good sales and the other ensures you fail from the beginning!
Failed scenario:
” The Novice Programmer’s Guide to Jaffa Professionalism”
Successful scenario:
“Learn Jaffa in 30 days with these five lessons!
Basic terms in Jaffa.
Types of information, variables, and arrays in Jaffa.
Police sentences, chapters, and inheritance in the Jaffa.
Dealing with errors in Jaffa.
Make your first Android app using Jaffa.”
Notice how to use The perfect e-trainer in The second scenario is his ability to Organize content in Several points. we don’t mean it By organizing the content here is to mention the lessons and chapters that it consists of , The purpose of That’s not marketing. Purely, here. The pupil can benefit from That organization is in Learn the specific lessons expected in the course, Identifying these lessons in advance will be a positive point for you if you are offering a lesson that does not remain in similar courses, organizing content can also support the student in traveling and moving easily between lessons in the course if he wishes to pass one of them and pay attention to the latest.
3. Choose the quality of content
We mean by “content quality” the final image in which the content will be presented , likely, there are three formats in which you can offer your course, But in a biblical style, my voice, or in the appearance of a visual clip.
Depends on the choice How construction is based on the quality of the course that you’re presenting, for example, You can make Explain enough of how to write first. A professional theme for you. Written, Except, no. You can explain “learning Photoshop from scratch to professionalism.” By a book style that’s nothing else.
Training courses in specific arenas, such as Photoshop and programming, make it difficult to fully clarify the content by relying solely on the article and therefore prefer to use the content of the video section. Therefore, as an electronic trainer, you are tasked with determining the quality of the most appropriate content with your course field.
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Why do we think that choosing video content is the best option when planning your course?
If the image is equal to 1,000 words, one minute of the visual section is equal to 1.8 1,000,000 words, according to research conducted. There are multiple factors that make us prefer video content over other forms of content in providing more important courses.
1. Video content is the most consumed online!
According to recent statistics, video content accounts for more than 80% of online content, plus 55% of people see video content on a daily basis! No wonder, video content has several aspects that are difficult to find in other forms of content, such as easy to follow, and clear, Easy and conscious, in addition to other benefits .
2. Video content ensures that you communicate the information clearly and correctly
You can. Video use each New methods present that It can be easy for the student. And be aware of the information and digest it in the picture Correct, With the visual section, you can use tags to create interaction. The biggest safeguards you have to communicate meanings in a way My name.
I don’t. I’d like to appear in Video! No Formed, you don’t need to show up in The video to ensure that your student Get the information better. Style and how, There are many ways to ensure This is an example of this , but not limited to: Use of mobile taxes To explain the point specific or Assault example Specific.
3. Video content allows you to focus on the quality factor
When the content is similar and the degree of experience is similar, the only factor that can make a difference is sales, which is the excellence of the content, Written or audio content does not allow you to compete significantly at the point of excellence unlike the content of the video section that gives you access to a library of effects and additions that entitle you to make your own version of the content, Your signature version.
Take the perspective of who you trust after you’ve finished planning your course.
After it’s over. from Plan your course before embarking on a process Preparing the course Herself ask. Someone you trust in your course plan, The need for this step lies in the fact that you may overlook Some points in The subject is a ratio Because it’s familiar to you, points that could be needed from The opinion of the new student, That reconsideration will help you. Some knowledge If your layout is correct. and causes sales or not, All that’s required of you in the wake of the completion of the presentation Measure your friend to ask him: Are you ready to buy my course now?
3 professional steps to start your training course
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