At present, Ready-made training packages have become an indispensable science in all professional or degrading fields, Because of its effective impact on improving the trainee’s performance, By guiding the trainee in the best ways of knowledge, by gaining his performance. Skills and compensation for weaknesses in performance. Improving his current skills and efficiency.
The importance of bags:
Ready-made training packages are one of the most common useful services of this day and age, Because it provides useful information to each area according to the discipline you want to distinguish, It is therefore important for the development of training and education processes. Training packages usually contain several files, Along with the scientific content of each scientific topic.
2- Gaining experience:
The importance of ready-made training packages is that training itself is the process of gaining known experience and new competencies, While the training package is the process of identifying a set of interrelated practical and cognitive skills, the Knowledge Academy conducts a group of professional trainers, Hence the importance of training courses because they provide continuous personal development through vocational practical training and stand above all that is modern and sophisticated.
Ready-made training packages help develop employees with the ability to be quick and flexible to deal with professional development, As well as to deal with all the new things in the professional field, This type of training is usually provided by the organization where the employee works, Or the Government wants to renew the employee with the capacity to get the best performance from them to increase the productivity of public or private institutions.
Training packages help create a spirit of interaction and exchange of ideas between trainees in the same field or in different areas associated with each other, and allow each other’s experience to be transferred to serve the end result of the work, and improve teamwork skills, and behavior in different working environments of teamwork.
As we all know, The speed of technological development in today’s world continues, The labour market is very rewarding, And until more new professions that didn’t exist before are created, It is not easy for academic education to keep pace with developments quickly. Develop training courses to cope with such a rapid development, and make all trainees able to process this data in a way that ensures competence and skill, Hence, training courses are becoming increasingly important and no longer necessary, Especially with the proliferation of e-learning mechanisms.
3. Bag concept:
The training package is a concept that reflects an implementation plan for a distinct actual training process by preparing the scientific material, activities and procedural steps required for implementation in accordance with the training objectives. It is also written in a document detailing the training procedures for use by one or more trainers to ensure that the objectives of the training programme are effective because they focus on bridging the performance gap between reality and individual or organizational performance expectations that benefit from the training package.
Dear reader first you must set the objectives of the training bag. The aim of preparing a training package is to develop a programme that can be implemented in practice on the ground to train a particular group in a way that helps teach the trainee in a particular professional or skill way, The trainer must understand the trainee when preparing. Any training package, The nature of the request, Their ability to absorb scientific material develops by knowing the level of their education and thereby developing the material in a simplified way, The coach must put himself in the place of the trainee so that he can put what suits him.
Collect the scientific material contained in the training bag, Each training package must contain a clear scientific material, Therefore, the trainer must collect information on the papers to be taught in the course;
Designing unique training packages:
Write article:
Scientific writing material the trainer writes a chart and visualization of the scientific material at the beginning, Keeping the final touches and details. In order to verify the information included in any training package by specialty, And then any of them address the distractions in the training bag, or add information that the coach overlooks, There is also a very important element in which the training package changes based on what the coach finds or extracts in explaining the scientific material to the trainee, The trainer then reveals a lot of data that should be included in the training bag.
Our focus in this article is not on the unique design of the training package on the amount of information and knowledge, It is about the experience and skills gained through workshops and the practical application of all modern theories.