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5 steps to do a training workshop

5 steps to do a training workshop

Training is considered one of the most important modern methods used in the establishment and development of many areas of life, whether in the personal, academic, practical, health or professional fields, In this era, training in all Arab and Western societies has occupied an important position.
    5 steps to do a training workshop

5 steps to do a training workshop

It achieves the expected goals of each institution or society by dividing each task into small tasks and assigning them to different individuals, So the training industry has become one of the heavy industries sought by community institutions, There is no doubt that the training industry process needs investment, standards and foundations, So in this article we will present ways to conduct training seminars.

How to work a training workshop

1. Study the subject of the training workshop

It is necessary to review all information related to the theme of the symposium, To read the books accurately and distinctively to achieve the great development of the training seminar, and finding new and new topics And review reliable references, and to know how honest and valid they are. The effectiveness of the accuracy of the information.

2. Learn about the qualities of trainees

Information must be collected about the trainees, Especially information about their age, work, interests, experiences, accepted courses or their level of education, because this information contributes significantly to the success of managing the store floor by putting everyone in the right place.

3. Preparing the content of the training material

This phase is divided into several parts: The initial writing is writing the title and the main topic that the director of the training workshop is thinking about, Needless to say, the topic can be edited, deleted or added. In the initial writing, You should review and rearrange the topic and choose the right words and deleted items. unnecessary, It does not proceed while providing information. As for the last section, Check the content. Edit information through others (whether colleague, friend or relative) in order to correct information, correct errors and demystify.

4. Use of aids

The appropriate and additional methods for the development of training seminars vary, For example you can use the blackboard to clarify some points or write down the results because the blackboard is an important way to explain the sequence of ideas, The data viewer can view information or display in any computer program, and a traditional projector that can display transparent slides in it, Reflecting the information on the screen, It is an important way. displayed clearly and in detail on the wall, Large illustrations, Audio-visual devices and models.

5. Taking into account training methods

There are many ways to train, knowing that each method has its advantages and disadvantages These methods include: Lectures and case studies, And playing roles in front of the trainees, Training or applications for hobbies and personal and collective skills. From computers to training and use of various equipment, machinery, video and recorded materials.

    What are the different types of training and classification

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    What are the obstacles to the success of the training process

5 steps to do a training workshop

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5 steps to do a training workshop

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