How are successful training bags prepared?
How is a successful training package? An important question that the trained person wants to know his answer. There is no doubt that any successful training package must contain technical and human components. It appears positively in reaching students’ attention, understanding content and getting information to achieve the train goal.
What is the definition of a successful training bag?
Training package: Plural for the term training package, This means the content of the course or program in which the individual participates in order to gain useful knowledge for study, work or life.
How are successful bags prepared?
Training others is a difficult task that no one can accomplish, In this case, the trainer must be qualified in science and practice, The scientific qualifications lie in thecareful study of the profession that is taught or explained. Trainees And master all aspects, Practical qualifications are reflected in the mandatory experience and are available in the trainer, It can only be achieved by training in a particular profession for a long time, One of the factors that helps the trainer to provide the scientific material properly is the so-called training package, which must be prepared in an orderly manner, We will learn the steps of preparing a successful training package as follows:
For the first step:
Setting successful goals: The aim of preparing a training package is to develop a programme that can be implemented in practice in the field to train a particular group in a way that helps teach trainees a particular profession or skill. understanding things scientifically, This is the development of the material in a simplified way by determining the level of their education, The coach has to put himself in the place of the trainee;
Step 2:
Collection of scientific material included in Training bag: Each training package must contain a clear scientific subject, so the trainer must collect information on the papers to be taught in the course by looking at newspapers and magazines to obtain all relevant information science, the Internet and scientific references to list information from multiple sources.
Step 3:
Scientific writing: At first the coach writes the outlines and visualizes the scientific material, Finishing touches and details are preserved, The researcher presents what is written to scientific experts in the field of training, in order to verify the content. Information on any training bag by specialty, And then they addressed any deviations in the training bag, or add information that the coach ignores, It also has a very important element in which the training package changes based on what the trainer discovers or concludes from when explaining the scientific material to the trainee. The trainer then detects a lot of data that should be included in the training bag. Training bag.
Stage 4:
Focus on examples: This is important and should be included in any successful training package. For example When training a group of employees in a particular institution, It is necessary to cite examples of their actual work; And bring the coach closer to reality and closer to the problem of workers on the ground, It’s a way to succeed and a way to achieve the real goal of the training package.
Step 5:
To help interpret the contents of any training package:
currently Utility models vary; the availability of many modern technologies makes it easier to view the components and content of any package in a smooth way, Including:
- Regular painting: Although the regular panel is not currently in use, However, some centres continue to rely on them to explain what is in the training package. Write a line with a line and it is an incentive for trainees to continue, Unlike screens that display integrated paragraphs or integrated pages, The trainee can’t focus immediately, Especially when viewed quickly.
- data show: It is a modern mechanism for displaying the contents of any training package. The projector appeared in the 1990s, But not in today’s modernity, It’s just a way. Educational slideshow. There are new types of projectors that can control the size of the monitor. pictures and paragraphs and nothing else, Zoom in or out. Etc.
- Flat screen: A new style to display the content of any training package in different disciplines, They are of different sizes, There are types up to four square meters, It’s like a big movie screen, If the training hall is large, there are many seats used by trainees, These screens display material by connecting it to a computer and then playing the contents of the training package through an external camera connected to the large screen.
- Charts, tables and diagrams: Charts and tables are important mechanisms that help clarify the content of any package, While it is important to present scientific materials in classes and sections, The charts, tables and diagrams can deepen and clarify the coach’s aspirations, And then achieve a comprehensive vision including student service.
- Presentation apps on your computer: There are many applications to set up interesting packages, An example of these applications is PowerPoint, One of the most popular programs dedicated to the design of training slides, including useful kinetic and sound effects, is the provision of educational materials to trainees, where the program includes tape tools where other modern applications can design various audio and visual videos.
What training methods help explain specialized bags?
- Lectures: It is a traditional and well-known way to explain the professional training package, Where the coach explains the scientific facts without discussing the trainee, In this way, the coach does not lose focus during the lecture, For lack of intervention from the trainee. He is blamed for not interacting with trainees.
- Practical case study: It consists of asking a specific question and discussing the recipient or trainee, which must be at the heart of the case, injustice;
- Training in the use of machinery and equipment: This type of software includes the use of new machines and equipment for the purpose of carrying out work in a particular facility.
- Role sharing and simulation: This is one way to help clarify what the package contains. Trainers and trainees play roles that help clarify the concept of the program.
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