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6 effective steps to design your course

6 effective steps to design your course

Here you will find some specifications for urgent learning courses (compared to traditional courses) that will enable you to prepare effective courses quickly.
    6 effective steps to design your course

Quick learning courses tend to be:

1. Activities are dependent not on materials:

If the course materials and references exist, do not spend your time or your money recovering their production in the trainee’s booklet, and also there may be no request for the trainer’s manuals with abundant details, instead providing learners with activities and experiences from the ground, which they can think of, and meditate on it, and talk about it, and practice it, and learn from them.

2. Depend on asking problems, not answering questions:

Traditional approaches tend to work on preparing everything in advance, to get all the answers, and then to teach learners that “wisdom that comes from above.” Have learners develop their own answers will be more effective, More meaningful, They are more understanding by thinking about themselves than taking care of pre-digestion information that comes from someone else.

3. Cooperative not isolationism:

It is necessary to create an educational society through which people can help each other, which is a fundamental abandonment of the individual social way in which public education depends. Today, everyone in the learning atmosphere is educated and educated at the same time, and it takes on their responsibility to learn the educational community as a whole. All good learning has a social base, and needs to work in a creative, not rigid, healthy social context. Learning is not consumption, but creation. The minders are not as much consumers of someone’s newer ideas or data as they are creative for their own ideas and information. The course designs therefore do not need to describe everything to learners, but the above should focus on creating an integrated learning climate in which learners can create meaning, perception, skill experience, and values themselves and themselves.

4. Multi-course table, For one meal:

Diversity is the spice of learning, we must put aside the way the one-size-fits-all course is designed, and replace it with a more flexible and diverse way , to suit all ways of learning, It provides learners with a wide range of learning options .

5. Within the context, not isolated from the real world:

Instant learning courses try to be in context in a way that emphasizes learning by fully engaging learners rather than isolated learning out of direction. Learning is better when it uses the whole senses, the whole body, exercises from the real world, Learning is more than purely isolatedunrelated” exercises.

6. Led by results, No means:

The design of rapid learning emphasizes the task more than the structure (against many traditional approaches), He is not committed to a standard training structure, but can take a lot of structures according to the situation. Its motto is: “Do what works, when the structure does not succeed in reaching exceptional results (no matter how “creative”) leave it and look for another structure that can reach exceptional results

    8 Most Important Features of Remote Training

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    What skills make you a successful coach
6 effective steps to design your course

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6 effective steps to design your course

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