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7 essentials for training the trainers

7 essentials for training the trainers

go to Training headquarters prematurely to ensure the location of the place , and work auxiliary methods , And prepare the computer , and to be calm At the start of training . Make sure you get some rest day pre- training . wear decent clothes place and time Training and culture of trainees.

7 essentials for training the trainers

Basics of training the trainers

1. The beginning

Start the training by welcoming the trainees and introducing yourself, It is good to ask them to introduce themselves in order to get to know their experiences and positions. Always strive to look at the trainees, dividing your eyes between them together , and strive not to be frowning or sullen, but rather to be cheerful. We seek to break the barriers between you and the trainees and each other , It may resort to doing some group exercises at the beginning , depending on the time and formality of the training , and on the ages and positions of the trainees.from important to you talk in start about training system from An opportunity to ask questions during the explanation , mobile phone use , Going outside and entering from roommate , Rest times , and any other services Available to trainees. It is preferable not to allow the use of a mobile phone in the room and it is usual to allow questions to be asked during the clarification . We wanted to keep the frame in the training room , but with some kindness and wisdom.

Talk about the topic of the training and decide what it will cover and try to get a sense of what the trainees expect. If their expectations are the same as what I have prepared, that is fine, and if they are varied , either they can be met, or it looks like that training program will not cover a few of the predictions .

For example, you may be asked Preparing a training course on the principles Production planning and then find out Predicts to talk about Sales planning does not make sense that The matter has completely changed. Is that in no position be able to cover Some speculation It is advisable to guide the apprentice to A source such as a book or a website where he may find it Some useful information Or give him some training materials that may help him . You should also explain the necessity of the subject to the trainees at the beginning and during the training .

2. Dealing with the trainees

When dealing with trainees, you should respect their experience and knowledge and not treat them like students in the school. I am not saying that you ought to fake veneration , but I mean that you should be convinced of that in yourself, so that reverence is natural. You may come across some trainees who present seemingly ridiculous ideas , but you should address the matter without making their opinions come to pass.

Don’t deviate from the practice essay and try to guide trainees who are out of it to the practice essay again with some kindness. Make sure to allow everyone to participate and benefit from the training . Observe the trainees and their facial expressions to see whether they are excited about the training or not. We want to make the training an enjoyable experience for the trainees by creating a good and comfortable environment in the training room .

Predict that you will find a disparity in the background of the trainees past about Training article also in their potential on cognition . You have to deal with That circumstance is to show your appreciation for the experiences of those who have experience in The issue is not to make anyone hear The issue for the first time feel embarrassed and aspires to The exercise was absent .

For example, you may use a limited number of linguistic paragraphs that clarify your appreciation for those who have experience in the matter by saying, “ It is possible that a few of you have experience in that field ,” or you may say when sharing with someone , “This is essential information.” And sometimes you ask someone with experience to explain a few of the situations in which the training article was used, this adds real examples and benefits other trainees, and that trainee feels that he is an influential contributor to the training process.

You must also support the one who hears the command for the first time with more explanation so that he may perceive without making him appear as a failed student, For example, you can comment with ” Perhaps some of you know the meaning of marketing, but let’s take it back together and learn what’s new in it.” It may allow the trainees to participate .

upon you Also support the trainees While performing some exercises , help them yourself or form groups that do a solution Two or more exercises , each set Experienced combination in The matter with who not He already knew the subject. In this way, you benefit from the experienced and do not embarrass the less experienced. except that you have to Follow up the transmission between them So that one of the participants does not care about the other’s contempt.

3. Dealing with hardships

You may find that one of the trainees does not want to participate , another speaks a lot , and another refuses to train at all. You have to deal with these situations in a way that will be the reason for winning the course and benefiting the largest number of trainees. The talkative person takes more time than the rest and then consumes training time and affects the participation of others.

So you should try to keep his speech short when he starts to catch his breath and then open the door to a newer participant, notifying the largest contributor that you appreciate his statement . Also , do not ask too many questions above him , and do not look at him when he speaks so as not to encourage him to continue.
You can use kindness and wisdom to say, “Mr. so-and-so He has good plentiful points But I ask you to let us possibility for others. There is a newer type , the babbler who converse in other Training article then you have to show him what is necessary Talk to him and ask him tactfully back to Training text .
You may find someone who is reluctant to train as a result of his frustration with some costs . Listen to him to identify the justification for his distress and frustration, and to establish a method for communicating with the problem .
Either the problem is external and you have nothing to do with it. You may sympathize with his problem and encourage him to seriously continue with the exercise , or you seek to solve the problem if it is related to the training itself, such as where he sits or his feeling that you do not care about his participation or the like.You may find that one of the trainees is shy or feels that he has less information than the others. Encouraging this individual to talk begins with your behavior with the group in general and with his company in particular. The more you show your respect and your desire to listen to the trainees and their opinions, no matter how modest , the more you encourage that trainee to participate . Avoid any negative comments on the trainees’ ideas . If the problem is the weak level of the trainee compared to others, try to develop his confidence and his sense of support.

4. Language

Use the language appropriate to the trainees, their culture and the nature of their work. What is meant by the language here is the language of writing the training material. The English language is often used in training without justification , which causes the trainees to lose their fatigue in the awareness of foreign vocabulary
In addition, I realize the exercise article , as for Some cases where the terms The matter is information For the trainees, in English more than in Arabic That position becomes language teaching English is better like training doctors in Advanced article in medicine The same is true for many Engineering articles .
Arabic is used as the language of dialoguein all cases – and the British language is used in special terms only .

5. Movement during training

Move around the training room and do not sit behind a desk or stand still for long periods. He approached the trainees and interacted with them .

at The position of using the slides in the presentation, do not make every sentence in the slides Looks like you pressed mouse because That will make you stand up Next to the computer all the time . before Beginning of training make sure there is Corridors that you can move around freely meaning to be There are wide paths and there is no obstruction in them wires extended in wind or and put a viewer information .
If you have to use a loudspeaker , try to use a wireless amplifier so that it does not hinder your movement.

6. Questions

You should be happy with the questions and listen to them carefully because it Look at the trainees’ attention and set to Explain things to everyone. Ask the answer clearly And make sure that the questioner has Awareness of the answer So by asking him or By his facial expressions, etc That . Limited number of questions It can be simple or trivial limited number of thing, Except that anyway it It seems to you that One of the trainees did not He is aware of this simple information, so take advantage of it possibility of clarification. Questions that are irrelevant should be avoided while explaining your appreciation of their importance.

You may not know the answer to some of the questions, so you can promise the questioner that you will respond to him at a later time by any means of communication , or you can open the door for those present to know , if any. And if you promised to respond at a later time , you must fulfill your promise.

7. Conclusion

Thank the trainees for Contribute and encourage them to benefit from Exercise in their work. Exchange greetings with the trainees, And you can tell them Your email address To get in touch with you In the process of training text . affects Get to know the trainees By a short questionnaire because That is useful to you Preparation of training courses forthcoming .After training , he thought about the things that worked and those that did not work . Analyze the failure factors of a few training methods so that you can upgrade yourself each time. Take the trainees ‘ point of view into account and seek to rectify errors in the future. If you have a relationship with the trainees after the training, try to find out whether they were able to do something that they were trained on, and if not, try to find out whether the reason was due to their inability to implement it or to circumstances beyond their control.

Top tips


Successful courses focus on application , which means that the trainee leaves the training and has mastered the implementation of something..


Successful courses in which the trainer interacts with the trainees and makes them participate enthusiastically in the exercise , and this is through his method and through the diversity of training methods , so there are discussions , case studies, role-playing, simulation and lectures.


Successful courses in which the trainer uses real examples and has theoretical and practical experience.
If you reflect on the three points, you will find a common point between them, which is “application” or “practical aspect”. It is therefore possible that it is due to the dwindling of that point in a large number of local training courses. be careful to that point and use all Ways to connect Training with the reality of the trainees’ work and making sure that the trainees have become skilled in Use what they have learned in their reality. So it can be said that we We need to increase the use of exercises , simulations, role-playing and all Practical application methods . This advice touches on the usual shortcomings in training sessions However, it alone is not sufficient for success Training must come together factors for success training .

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7 essentials for training the trainers

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