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4 most important ways to analyze trainees before training

4 most important ways to analyze trainees before training

If you must understand audience characteristics, You must understand their psychological characteristics, And “psychology” is a term that expresses the characteristics of an audience, Such as values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. These elements help us understand the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of the audience, By looking at the pictures you will know that our behavior is limited by our attitudes that are based on the beliefs that our values support.
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4 most important ways to analyze trainees before training

To better understand the interaction between these elements, We will examine each level of the hierarchy, From value to behavior.

Or not: Value:

When we believe that something is desirable or because it has inherent virtues, We value something, And value expresses our judgment of things, Whether it is desirable, right or wrong. yes , right and wrong, Good and Evil , The values are usually shown in the form of words or phrases. Perhaps many of us enjoy the values of equality, freedom, honesty, justice, health and family, These values constitute the principles or standards we use to judge our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. for example , When we value honesty, We get angry when we learn that political leaders lie to us.
These standards guide our beliefs and behavior. When we conflict with values, We will face internal struggles, This extraordinary conflict will force us either to change our behavior so that it matches our beliefs and values, Or changing our beliefs to fit our behavior.

Secondly: Beliefs:

Beliefs are the things you accept as facts, They are usually in the form of reportable sentences. We may not take into account our beliefs because they are rarely challenged, including: Regular dental cleaning can reduce the possibility of tooth decay, Paying attention to speed limits can save our lives, And sexual abuse harms the psyche of children, Illiteracy in the Arab world can harm economic productivity.
We often find other controversial beliefs challenging ourselves, including: The use of the Internet has improved the quality of student research, And the benefits of workplace monitoring technology outweigh the harms, And the English language is sexist. Undoubtedly, you agree with some of the statements and contradict each other, And that the statements you agree with are part of your beliefs.

Third: Situation:

This indicates approval or rejection. It represents what we like and what we dislike. An attitude statement (or sentence) is the basis for making judgments about the expectations of individuals, things, ideas, or actions. These are examples of phrases representing the site: “I like Arabic food more than Western food”, “I love broccoli” or “I hate fruit.”
Attitudes usually arise from our values and beliefs, but many shared values and beliefs may complicate our decision-making. When our values or beliefs conflict, the most important thing is to transcend and define our position. You may value both the right to confidentiality and the right to health.
If the speaker tries to convince your government that the health project the government is proposing will impair the right to confidentiality, Then you can oppose the project, And if another speaker tries to demonstrate that the objection is useful to reduce deadly disease spread is necessary, Then you will oppose the project. Can support this proposal. So , One cannot rely on a single belief to determine a person’s position. Likewise, When values conflict, The strongest values are usually given priority.

Fourth behavior:

behavior is a general event, in another meaning , A behavior style that differs from the values, beliefs and attitudes that represent psychological principles, The behavior is unusual. You may feel that donating blood is important because it can save the lives of many people, And you cherish one’s life. Your behavior when participating in donating blood is logical and unusual evidence of your opinion.
If you understand the previous psychological elements, You will begin to understand the audience you intend to inform, persuade or entertain, Your knowledge of these principles will help you analyze your audience at work and develop knowledge of its psychological characteristics.
right Now , How do you obtain information about the values, morals, beliefs and behaviors of your audience?
You have two options, And both require some work:
First choice
It is the use of observation and conclusion. You can guess people’s values, beliefs, and attitudes by observing their behaviour. The more you know about your audience and the fewer stereotypes you have. Accuracy increased.
the second choice
is to collect information about the values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors of your audience, This can be done through interviews or questionnaires, These interviews can be informal or formal if you have the time and resources. from. Questionnaire during the meeting may be simple,
Like asking to raise your hands to answer the following questions: Who of you uses a personal computer? This may be formal by asking the audience to answer a written questionnaire (which you have copied and distributed). Actually , Audience interviews and questionnaire surveys are rather expensive things, You may not have the ability or ability.
    11 دورة تدريبية في الموارد البشرية
4 most important ways to analyze trainees before training

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4 most important ways to analyze trainees before training

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