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All you want to know about e-training

All you want to know about e-training

The present era has witnessed an amazing revolution in science and technology and its real-life applications, This information revolution has brought about a qualitative shift or so-called global change, This has affected all educational processes, particularly in teaching and training methods.
All you want to know about e-training

All you want to know about e-training

On the one hand, This prompted some professionals interested in the field of training. These techniques and so-called electronic training have emerged for training plans. With the advent of the Internet, People’s interest in using this network has been increasingly used to develop training plans, Therefore, The concept of online training and the scarcity of adaptable human resources to reduce social and cultural differences and overcome the constraints of time and space.

All you want to know about e-training

The concept of electronic training:

The definition of e-training varies from expert to expert, Suleiman Al-Qadiri (2006) stated that online training is defined as online training, This naturally requires the use of computers and their various techniques, As well as its huge multimedia potential, Potential also includes the use of the Internet as a training tool through which trainers and trainees can interact, Therefore, training is conducted through computerized training procedures and from multiple sources, In addition to traditional communication methods. Trainers and trainees are also communicated electronically online.
As Ahmed al-Kurdi (Ahmed al-Kurdi) added, 2010) E-training can be defined as a process in which computer technology, network and multimedia are created with rich applications. The interactive environment of the program, Trainees should therefore be able to achieve training objectives. The training process is conducted by interacting with its resources in the shortest time, with the least effort and the highest quality regardless of time and location.
Saeed Abdul Razek (2011) also defines it as an active, unconventional training system based on the use of websites to communicate information to trainees and take advantage of all aspects of the training process without the need for training sites. , And there are no trainers and trainees in the same place, 3D interaction (digital training content – trainees – trainers and trainees) is achieved, The training process is managed as quickly and at the lowest cost.

Features of electronic training:

1- Online training goes beyond time and place factors, Because the coach and the trainee do not need to be in the same place and time.
2. Online training enables all parties to the training process to overcome various obstacles of traditional training, Like physical barriers, And travel, And disease, And disability, And out of work, Etc.
Online e-training can make better use of outstanding trainees.
4- Online e-training provides huge opportunities to invest heavily in technological advances in training, Save a lot of time, energy and expenses.
Online training provides the ability to update training content as training content evolves or changes.
6. Online training offers huge training opportunities so that it can significantly increase the number of trainees.
7. Online training allows trainees to conduct unlimited repetitive training according to their abilities so that they can master the required training skills.

How to switch fromtraditional toe-training:

Training plan system:
The responsibility for planning the training system lies primarily with many of its beneficiaries, The participation of training experts, university and college professors and technical experts facilitates the process. Because the training programme is no longer conducted in isolation from many groups. In addition The drafting of the plan is no longer separate from the different directions and development plans of the state, The future training system is open, with communities making contributions. The planning of the training system also includes assessing the needs of e-training and setting the general and specific objectives of e-training.
Implementation of training:
This means how to translate the policies, strategies and procedures outlined in the planning phase to achieve training objectives. The implementation of the training is linked to the formation of an electronic training team consisting of “Director of training department – training plan designer – technical staff in the fields of information technology, programming, networks and information security”. People unite together. “

E-training  criteria:

  • Scientific materials and activities appear in clear colors, clear sounds and appropriate speeds.
  •  The resources in each training plan and activity vary to serve the method and preferences of trainees and enrich their experiences.
  •  The training plan includes effective media to attract the attention and interest of learners. 
  • Professional recorded video presentation, Combines power, excitement, clarity, environmental convenience, easy and fast downloading.
  • Graphics and images related to the content and objectives of the course are specifically designed for the course and followed up in a way that attracts students.
  • Provide trainees with pre- and post-test skills to measure how well their skills, knowledge and attitudes are improved.
  • Activating teamwork among trainees through group activities. 
  • The plan contains evaluation tools that can measure learners’ knowledge, skills and attitudes in a coherent way during training, Thus, trainees are provided with a unique training approach.
  • Achieving the objectives of the training plan clearly.
  • Takes into account the simplicity and effectiveness of the design so that novice trainees can interact with it without training on how to use the training portal tool.

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Our main goal is to provide you with distinctive training bags that suit your training course so that you can present your courses and workshops in an ideal manner

All you want to know about e-training

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All you want to know about e-training

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