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Computers are an artificial tool capable of automatically implementing a range of actions, producing results, storing large amounts of data, conducting complex calculations and enabling computers to browse the Internet, send emails and play games, And writing. The document through which tables are created and modified.

Introduction to the computer:

The use of technology has become necessary in our daily lives as it is used as a means of obtaining information, allowing us to keep up with developments in all sciences and disciplines, In addition to saving time, effort and money. So learning the basics of computer has become a necessity of this era, It is inseparable from it in various areas. Personal, social, educational, economic and other areas of life.

Knowledge of the basics of computers and the initial processes needed to deal with a PC is an important goal for performing key and repetitive computer tasks, File management in the operating system is also one of the key processes for increasing productivity in computer operations, So you must learn how to work with the basic knowledge of interacting with your computer. The computer can run, change settings, etc.

Bag 1 in the computer: 1 Bag 1 in the computer:

This course focuses on the basics of computers for beginners to simplify the process of using computers, to help them understand basic ICT concepts, computers, equipment, software, And so on, and teach them how to deal with software to use computers and files., They will be learning all this in detail through the Computer Basics course.

The principles of computers that learners will learn in the computer basics course include: The right way to turn your computer on and off options correctly and securely, And how to use icons and windows to move and work efficiently on the computer desktop, And how to create simple documents and publications and how to adjust the settings of the home operating system, Use help or hint functions, Etc.

The computer basics course also explains many it concepts, hardware and software types, licenses, effective management concepts, file and folder organization, key storage concepts, use of compression software and large file extraction, In addition to networks. concepts and options to link them. mentions the importance of saving data and devices from malware, And the importance of extensive data backups, Finally, it shows what needs and shouldn’t be done with regard to green INFORMATION technology and user health.

In this bag, You’ll learn about the types of computers, And the basic components of Windows, And computer principles, and desktop and display settings, And system information, And the language settings of the device, Install and uninstall programs. In addition to computer basics, And the operating system, and computer shutdown options, And how to use usage codes, usage instructions or tips, and how to deal with unresponsive programs, Finally, how to connect your device to your computer.

Bag 1 in the computer: 2 Bag 1 in the computer:

Important terms

Data: Any information written in a way that the computer can process. Information that cannot be processed by computer is not considered computer data.

Treatment: Is the process of converting data from one form to another.

Data output: Is the process of viewing or recovering data in a format that can be understood by the computer user.

Warehousing: Data retention is for later retrieval – called memory in the computer world. Data type: Computers process data in four forms: Text: Information in the form of readable text (words and numbers) such as your present. reading because it deals with data in the form of images, graphs, videos (graphics and images) animations, And the shape of the sound.

Computer components:

It comes in two types: Hardware and software

Physical computer components (devices)

The physical unit is any tangible and visible part of the computer or connected to it. The physical unit is divided into three parts:

  • Input Unite input units.
  • Output Unite output units.
  • CPU.

Firstly: Input Unite input modules

Are the devices and units responsible for entering the different data and software of the device.

Examples of input units:

  • Key Board keyboard: The keyboard is one of the most important data entry units in the computer. The keyboard is used to enter the digital alphabet data. The keyboard contains:
    • Character and code keys (A, B, B, A, &).
    • Digital keyboard keys to enter numbers and calculations.
    • Arrow keys to move the cursor.
    • Shift key: used to enter characters and symbols written at the top of the writing button, Among other uses.
    • Two Alt + Shift keys use the key on the right side of the Alt + Shift keyboard to change the writing language to Arabic. As for the keys on the left side of the Alt + Shift keyboard to change the writing language to English.
  • Mouse: It’s a computer input unit. The mouse has left and right buttons, and some models may have buttons in the middle. As you move the mouse, the mouse pointer moves in all directions on the screen. In the form of an arrow. The mouse serves three purposes:
    • Point so you can point to anything on the screen.
    • Select by pressing the left mouse button while pointing to something specific on the screen.
    • Move with the left mouse button pressed while pulling the thing you want to move to a new location, It is a process called drag and drop.
  • Scanner: The scanner is the computer input unit. It is connected to a computer and can enter many images and graphics so you can see them on the screen, reuse them and change them.
  • Microphone: It is also a unit of the computer input module to enter speech so that you can write and record your speech, conversation or lecture.
  • Digital Camera: It is also a computer input unit. Connect to a computer to insert captured images so you can view them and change them on the screen.
  • Only disk drives can enter data via a floppy disk, CD ROM and DVD.

Secondly: Output Unite output units

These units are responsible for displaying and extracting all computer operations as instructed by the user.

Examples of output units:

  • Monitors display is one of the most important computer output units, The screen can display letters, numbers, images, etc. that are inserted into the computer. The screen also displays data that has already been recorded on your computer
  • Speakers: The speaker is the computer’s data output unit. It is used to produce sounds, songs and music. And you can control the volume.
  • Printer: It is also a computer-generated data output unit. To take out the data and information printed on paper (digital alphabet image) his images of the printer
  • PLOTTERS is also a computer-generated data output unit. It is used to produce large-scale drawings and geometric drawings printed on paper.

Thirdly: CPU

The CPU is divided into three parts:

  • Computational Logic Unit (ALU).
  • Console (CU).
  • Main Memory.

Illustration of CPU and its parts

  • The Calculation and Logic Unit (ALU) calculates such calculations as plural, subtraction and division. Etc. The logical process is any process that compares quantities or classifies and arranges operations, such as operations larger than or less than or equal to them.
  • Cu coordinates processes between different computer units where it controls all the inputs and outputs of different units in the computer. Memory is scanned when you turn off or power outages, and the program is reloaded after a device restarts.
  • Memory The computer needs to recover and remember the information it processes, Just like human needs, He must therefore store the information temporarily or permanently. Information is processed and then stored in digital form using the binary system, It is a digital system that uses only two numbers (0, 1). Our lives use a decimal system that uses ten numbers (0 to 9).
    • Memory units: Memory capacity is measured in the following four basic units:
      • Byte: The amount of memory required to represent one character in a binary. The byte consists of eight bits, Any binary number, It can represent two binary numbers (0, 1).
      • Kb: KB and 1 KB = 1024 bytes.
      • Mb: MB (m or MB) = 1024 KB.
      • Gb: GB (abbreviated with G or GB) = 1024 MB.
    • Main Memory main sections:
      Three types of main purpose:
      • RAM: This memory receives data and software from input units and results from computational and logical units and stores them temporarily (once the power is removed, This memory will lose its contents, Therefore, it is called temporary or volatile sexual memory. The greater the capacity, the more data and program size can be traded at the same time.
      • Read-only memory (ROM): contains the basic software and data required to run the computer, which was registered by the manufacturer. It’s a kind of installed memory that’s not affected by power outages, The reading memory is called only because its contents cannot be written, edited or cancelled. The user can only read the content inside.
      • Cache: used in the operation process, It is a very fast cache that exceeds the speed of the main memory. Data cache instructions and multiple recovery processing processing help speed up data operation. Estimate cache capacity is about 512 KB or more.
    • Storage Devices: Volume is a unit that can store data and software, and these units are divided into: hard drives, floppy disks, CDs (laser CDs), multifaceted DVDs, magnetic tapes, and flash memory.
    • Floppy disks: There are two types: 3.5-inch floppy disks, which are now used in data preservation due to their small size and large storage capacity, And 5.25-inch floppy tablets, Which is no longer used for its storage capacity and large size due to its small size.
      • Optical disks: Optical or laser discs are state-of-the-art storage devices that are used to store audio and video clips with a storage capacity of 650 million characters. The downside of this quality is that it can only be recorded once.
      • Versatile DVD: High capacity CD to store 2-10GB of information. CDs are used to store music, Movies are usually of high quality instead of videos.
      • Tape: This type of storage is similar to the tapes we see in the sound world to record sound, And it depends on the same technique, The information is stored sequentially in the form of magnetic points on tapes that are commonly used to back up data.
      • Flash memory: A type of memory used to save data, characterized by its small size and large storage capacity of more than 1GB, it can also erase data and write several times and connect to the computer through the USB port. After explaining the physical parts of the computer in detail, it is necessary to clarify the relationship between the parts and the degree of interdependence in order to perform the required process of the computer. The output unit is then stored by the volume, and the following figure shows the relationship between different parts of the computer.

Hardware software (software)

Computer programs can be divided into two types of software: Software used by your computer, System programs are called, and programs used by users, It is called applied software.

  • The operating system is a system that contains all commands that enable the computer to perform its work, such as startup, displays, and the use of hard drives and flexible to store information. The operating system manages things like word processors, games, and online browsers. Commands are received from these programs, passed to the processor, and organized on-screen display. It gets the results from the processor and sends them to storage on the hard drive or prints them on a printer. The driver is always in your computer, and starts working automatically after the computer is turned on. The computer operating system is like an engine for me for cars, both of which are indispensable.
    • windows( 95,98,2000,XP)
    • LINUX
    • UNIX
    • DOS
  • Applied software all programs that work on the computer, Such as word processing software, spreadsheets, databases, presentation tools, desktop publishing programs, games, and multimedia programs. These programs are called Microsoft Office by the app user. It’s a software application.
  • System programs: Software is on your computer and pre-stored on the hard drive at the time of purchase. When you first use your computer, You may want to enter some information for configuration. It’s like a computer where we determine what type of printer is connected to it, And whether it’s connected to the Internet, And so on. You can add some tasks to system programs when needed. For example If you replace the printer, We’ll need to download additional computer software to deal with the new printer.

    Commercial software: The sold program is a commercial program. Take a set of Microsoft office software as an example. Business programs are used for thousands of purposes, Such as drafting, accounting, business management and film editing. Commercial programs are usually licensed to users, And not just sell it as we mentioned earlier, The different conditions associated with their use have been specified in the usual way.
    • Joint programs: Many programmers and amateurs write programs available for free. These programs can be distributed online or on CDs distributed with the magazine. These programs are usually available some time before purchase. Payments for these programs depend on trust and honor. If the user wants to continue using the program after the trial period, it requires payment to the author
    • Free software: Similar to free participation in the project, Free distribution, free, Some authors are responsible for the quality of the project. Like the programs available, Comes with conditions, Some developers may distribute free initial copies in order to make users feel the benefits of the program. The authors of these programs often retain all the legal rights of their programs. Copies or distribution of these programs are not permitted.
    • General requirements: These programs are available for public use, Any free copying and editing can be made free of charge.
  • What is the difference between computer applications and software:

Software is a set of commands that direct your computer to perform specific actions, Such as detecting and removing viruses. The program can also be considered as a set of instructions written in a language that the computer can understand, Not the language of man. Anything the user writes on the binary system keyboard will be translated before the computer is executed. Computers perform instructions, process data, and output information in a way that users usually understand on a screen or paper printer. Applications: These are programs like word processors that you use in your daily work. If you use graphics, You’ll use a different graphics app. If you work with music, You will use music programs. Printing and accounting procedures are widely used in business. There are programs for all the required purposes. Program and application terms are used interchangeably.

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