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تصميم دورات تدريبية مميزة

Designing special training courses

Every great coach started one day from the top of the ladder. And if you’re a junior coach, This article may help you, I try to draw practical and detailed steps with you that will help us design our courses in a precise and specialized way. The content of the training is a list of all the contents (topics) required for his work, Because it includes the main topic and sub-topics, It can extend to the stage of determining multiple levels of detail.

Design steps for special training courses:

Select the content of the course.

Categorize training content.

Arrange training content.

Choose the right ways to keep every part of the training content.

Select the time required to view each part of the training content.

Select the content of special training courses:

The content of any cycle is usually linked to the specific objectives of the cycle, So when you choose content, We should keep in mind the following points:

Does the content cover the course’s objectives?

Does the proposed content meet the training needs of trainees?

Does the proposed content meet the required level of performance?

What do other trainers trained in the same area think about the proposed content?

Rated course content:

In this step, Determine the relative importance of each topic, This is very important in organizational considerations (time allocated to each topic).

therefore Content is divided into very important, important, additional or optional topics

Arrange training content:

After determining the relative importance of each topic, Select the order in which different topics are displayed in the training content. From the students’ point of view, This is arranged in a fairly logical order. In most cases, The order is as follows:
  • Training conditions (background and knowledge of the subject, Available time)
  • Training theory used in training courses.
  • From year to year.
  • From shortcuts to details.
  • From known to the unknown.
  • from theory to the app.
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تصميم دورات تدريبية مميزة

Choose the right way to view each part of the training content:

– The method of training in the test must be commensurate with the nature of each training topic, the number and level of trainees and the time of training.

– Effective training content is characterized by the inclusion of different training methods to achieve goals.

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Prepare a design plan for special training courses:

The course plan is the outline of what to say and do over a certain period of time during the training period, It represents a guide for the trainer on how to carry out the training course, Because it shows when to use training methods. The time allocated to each part and the expectations of the questions that the trainee may ask and the training course plan prevent the coach from wasting time or deviate from the subject and help him achieve the desired meeting objectives.

Components of the session plan:

  • Session Number.
  • The title of the topic.
  • Goals.
  • Activity.
  • Time.
  • Training methods.
  • Equipment and equipment.
  • Alternatives (different options for roads and facilities).
  • Information on the subject.
تصميم دورات تدريبية مميزة
تصميم دورات تدريبية مميزة

Develop a session plan for the course:

Developing a training session plan requires six operations:

(1) Collecting relevant information:
  • Gather all the information about it and write everything you know.
  • Make a list of questions that can guide the trainer.
  • Collect training materials that support content.
  • Choose the right audio-visual means for each topic.
(2) Determining the content of the training:

When determining the content of the training, Consider:

Who is the beneficiary?
What’s the point?
How long is it?
It can be noted that when choosing training content, We need to prioritize and prioritize information, As shown below:
A) First priority: This is basic information on the subject that must be known to achieve the objectives of the meeting, If they are not provided, the subject will not be understood in any way.
b) Second priority: The information you want to know, They are useful information that supports and adds value to basic information. Contains information to help trainees deepen their understanding of the subject and thus better understand the subject.
c) The third priority: The information you can know is incidental information, which can be presented when opportunities and time appear, Including historical general information and some small details that may be worth knowing.
(3) Organizing training content for a sequential meeting:
After determining the training content of the course, Organize it logically. The logical order of session content usually follows the following pattern:
  • Year to year.
  • From known to the unknown.
  • from theory to the app.
  • From simple to complex.
  • Chronology.

Then divide the content into the following parts:

  • Take.
  • Introduction.
  • The crux of the problem.
  • Summarized the main points, Then close it.
(4) Determining when training equipment and auxiliary means are used.
(5) Determine the time scale for each step or process.

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  1. Design and implementation of training bags according to axes.
  2. How to determine the number of days required.
  3. What is the target group
  4. Is it possible to develop and restructure training bags.
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“We believe that we are on a mission to develop training content in our Arab homeland”

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