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First Aid Training Course 2022

First aid immediate and temporary medical attention; [1] It aims to restore it to optimal health through simple therapeutic tools or skills so that comprehensive medical assistance is available. It is usually a simple set of medical steps but usually saves the life of the infected person, The first responder (paramedic) does not need high medical skills or techniques because it is sufficient to train first aid skills using minimal equipment.

First Aid Date

The concept of first aid first appeared in Europe in the 11th century AD in the Knights of St. John, who were part of the Crusades and trained them to help the wounded in battle. The concept of the wounded and sick in the war existed in Eastern civilization. Nursing and ambulance services have long been one of women’s main tasks during war and combat.

First aid targets

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The main objective ofthe first aid is to prevent death or deterioration and serious injury. The main first aid objectives can be summarized in three main points:

  1. Preserving life
  2. Stop injury or damage, such as removing the patient from the source of the injury or the scene, And press the wound to stop the bleeding.
  3. Promotes healing by providing initial treatment for injury.

War and armed conflict played an important role in the development of the concept of first aid. The American Civil War prompted Clara Patton to organize what became known as the American Red Cross.

First aid supplies

Driver first aid kit

It is important and necessary to maintain a small first aid pharmacy at home, in your car or at work. Includes some basic tools recommended for keeping in an ambulance bag, Whether at home or in the car, The following: [2]

  1. Sterile bandages of different sizes.
  2. Porous medical tapes.
  3. Triangular straps are used to secure bandages or hang around the neck to secure the arms.
  4. Medical cotton.
  5. Kalamine fat, It is used to treat skin problems, sunburn and tingling.
  6. Pain killers (e.g. aspirin or paracetamol)
  7. Tongs, scissors and pins installation.
  8. There are two types of thermometers, One is a normal adult thermometer, The other is a straight thermometer for children.
  9. Antiseptic solution.
  10. Wound stickers.
  11. Compresses can be cooled.
  12. A heat-suppressing drug.
  13. Ointment wounds.
  14. Lamp, paper and pen to take important notes.
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General guidelines

Before making rescue operations, Paramedics should take the following steps:

  1. Seek emergency medical assistance and remove the injured person from danger.
  2. Start with the most dangerous situations such as bleeding, apnea or major accidents (a large number of injuries), The classification of victims must then begin in accordance with the laws of the state (state plan to deal with major incidents), To name a few, UK plans for major incidents the US Government deals with major incidents, Each programme varies in terms of procedures and screening of injuries.
  3. Tests and first aid continue until your doctor arrives or the condition is taken to hospital.
  4. If the spine or rib cage is broken, Do not remove the victim from his position unless it is to keep him out of danger and put him on a straight strap.

Cardiac arrest and breathing

to restore circulation and breathing to the infected person, Follow the following steps:

  • Tilt the patient’s head back so that the chin stands out. If the airway is clogged, The airway should be opened by removing any foreign objects with your fingers and tapping the back between the shoulders.
  • Check the response of the infected person: Try to get a verbal answer by asking a question or gently shaking the child on the shoulder.
  • Open the airway by tilting the head back, lifting the chin to open the airway and remove any obvious obstacles.
  • Breath test (see, listen, I feel for five seconds. The test is to see if there’s enough breathing.
  • Artificial breathing is done by the savior as he takes deep breaths, Then he puts his mouth on the victim’s mouth or nose, Allowing him to take four quick breaths without leaking. Repeat the process until breathing is normal or wearing a special mask.
  • Check your child’s arterial pulse to see if it exists.
  • Without breathing, Start CPR.
  • Resuscitation is performed through heart massage by pressing the sternum at the palm of your hand at a rate of one pressure per second for 30 consecutive pressures to help the heart pump blood, Then start breathing.
  • Give the injured two effective rescue breaths every 1.5 seconds or until the chest rises completely.
  • After each round of heart massage and artificial breathing, Check your circulation for no more than ten seconds.
  • Repeat this process until your pulse and breath return, Or the ambulance arrives, Or you feel tired, Or you show signs of death, Like a skull, chills, And the constant expansion of the pupils.
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Artificial respiration is performed by blowing air into the patient (mouth to mouth):

  1. Close the victim’s nose and take a deep breath. Place the paramedic’s mouth on the patient’s mouth while rotating it around the patient’s mouth and closing it completely. Then take two breaths.
  2. If the patient’s heart is beating, Keep breathing every 4 seconds with a puff of air.
  3. When breathing returned to normal, The patient was placed in healing mode.

Heart massage

If there is no pulse, The paramedic begins to exert external pressure on the chest:

  1. The patient lies on his back on a solid surface.
  2. Compression site in the right place: where the sides of the ribs meet the cut in their lower center, Not on the ribs.
  3. The pressure is vertical down.
  4. Press 30 times in a row, Then the victim broadcast twice, Then press 30 times (2:30).
  5. Breathing and external pressure on the chest continue until the pulse and breathing return to the injured person. Put the injured person in recovery mode.
  6. If there are two paramedics, One will make it easier to breathe and the other will massage the heart.

Waking up

After healing from the pulse and breathing, the injured person is in a lateral waiting position, i.e. the injured person stays on his side with his head raised to free the airway and the ability to observe vital indicators (consciousness, breathing, pulse, The heat. ). Etc.). Don’t give the injured (unconscious) anything with your mouth.

Resuscitation of a child


  • At first, Ask an assistant to call an ambulance.
  • CPR should start immediately. For children 8 years of age or older, Use adult resuscitation.

Infants and children under the age of eight

  • Sit next to the baby or put it in the caregiver’s stone.
  • Check your child’s answers: It’s helpful to try answering orally by asking questions or gently shaking your baby’s shoulders.
  • Open the airway by tilting the head back, lifting the chin to open the airway and remove any obvious obstacles.
  • Breath test (see, listen, I feel for five seconds. The test is to see if there’s enough breathing.
  • Check your child’s arterial pulse to see if it exists.
  • Without breathing, Start CPR.
  • Resuscitation is performed by performing a heart massage using the palm of the hand or index finger and the middle fingers on the sternum with 30 consecutive pressures at a rate of one pressure per second to help the heart pump blood, Followed by direct artificial breathing.
  • Gives infected children an effective rescue breath every 1.5 seconds, Or until the chest rises completely.
  • After each round of heart massage and artificial breathing, Check your circulation for no more than ten seconds.
  • This process is repeated until the pulse and breathing return, Or the ambulance arrives, Or the paramedics get tired.
  • Save yourself by continuing this 30-stroke series on the chest.
  • A unconscious child is placed in the same healing position as an adult, And in the same steps.
  • When your baby’s pulse and breathing return, Put him in healing mode.
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Wound ambulance

The primary purpose of wound care is to stop bleeding and protect the wound from contamination, This is achieved by pressing directly on the wound with a clean and sterile cloth. The rope should not be tied to an injured one to stop the bleeding, This may lead to a complete interruption of circulation, This may lead to greater complications. Be careful to cleanse the wound and determine whether the wound was clean or contaminated, And if the wound he caused is contaminated, Make sure you get an anti-tetanus injection.

Greek Ambulance

After getting the sunken person out of the water, Quickly remove plankton from the nose and mouth, Then he lay on his back, And turn the head down the body level, Then turn left and right, Gently press the abdomen. Once there is respiratory failure, Immediately perform artificial respiration.


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A serious condition occurs in hot climates because the body is unable to dissipate heat and disrupts the mechanism of perspiration evaporation to lower body temperature.


  1. Not feeling comfortable.
  2. The patient may develop dizziness.
  3. There may be redness and dryness of the skin.
  4. The skin shines and feels the heat.
  5. Speed of loss of consciousness.
  6. A fast and strong pulse.
  7. The body temperature will rise to 40 degrees Fahrenheit (104 degrees Fahrenheit) or higher.


  1. Extend the injured in a cool place and undress.
  2. Wet your body with warm or slightly cold water.
  3. Ventilate his body with your hands or with an electric fan.
  4. Call medical assistance quickly.

Sting of scorpions and snakes

Their seriousness varies depending on the type of scorpion and snake, But it is usually a serious emergency that must be dealt with immediately. Some types of stings can be fatal because poison can paralyze the patient’s muscles and even the diaphragm, Which causes breathing to stop.


The treatment for this condition is to stop the spread of poison in the body and try to remove the poison from the body, Represented by giving the antidote to poison. First aid steps for victims of scorpion and snake stings include:

  • Connect the injured person within 10 cm of the fork to reduce the injured person’s movements, fears and emotions.
  • to extract as much poison as possible, You can mash the garlic and put it on the bite area [the source is required] as you squeeze the wound to remove contaminated blood, It is best to avoid inhaling it in the mouth, for fear of passing poison to the nursing staff.
  • Massage the bite site with potassium permingant crystals and a bandage with permingant solution.
  • Give the patient a hot drink and as much water as possible to reduce the concentration of poison in the blood. Take shelter from the sweating incident and head to the nearest hospital or ambulance immediately.

Burn ambulance

The burns were treated after the victim was evacuated, the fire extinguished and calmed down. Gently undress or cut around the burned area. Fat should not have any material damage or cover the burn.

  • Water and fluids are blocked orally from the patient, Caniola is installed to take salty blocks or ranger blocks to compensate for the missing blocks.
  • If burning is a chemical, Wash with water immediately for half an hour.
  • First-degree burning air bubbles are opened with a sterile blade and then combined to prevent contamination and also to keep the burning clean while remaining undisturbed.
  • If the burn is deep and includes all layers of the skin (third-degree burns), The pulse of the injured organ should be examined because the burn can contract and press the blood vessels underneath it, This may disrupt circulation in the affected area. .
  • In the case of second and third degree burns, An ambulance should be called immediately or the patient taken to hospital.

Oral poisoning

Poisoning is a group of disorders in the body’s functions caused by the absorption of foreign substances (toxins), While poison is a substance that enters the body in sufficient quantities to cause temporary or permanent damage.

Next steps must be taken when dealing with poisonings

  1. Ask the injured person before he loses consciousness of what happened.
  2. Call an ambulance quickly and tell them about the injured person.
  3. If the poison is a chemical, The patient should not vomit, You should not try to cool the patient by giving the patient water or milk.
  4. If the toxic substance is not corrosive, Or it wasn’t petroleum derivatives, The victim was not in shock or coma, An attempt can be made to make the victim vomit by placing a finger in the victim’s throat. And give him something to drink.
  5. If the patient is unconscious and breathing remains normal, It must be put in recovery mode.
  6. If breathing stops and heart rate, CPR should start immediately.
  7. Precautions must be taken to prevent detoxification to caregivers.
  8. You should be taken to hospital quickly. Take a vomit sample and any packages nearby to the hospital for examination.

Electrocution accidents

Electric shock accidents are accidents that occur at home and in the workplace and range from electric shocks (** minor] to serious and fatal shocks. Injuries resulting from electric shocks resulting from burns and fractures, Bones have constant electrical resistance from these circuits, which cause high bone temperatures, which can lead to reversed burns. Electric shocks can also cause a heart attack.

Here are the first aid steps for those who are in electric shock:

  1. Cut off the power first.
  2. Keeping the injured away from the source of the current
  3. Check the injured person and check the extent of the damage
  4. If the patient is conscious, It is best to go to the emergency room to make sure there are no broken bones or internal burns.
  5. If the patient loses consciousness, An ambulance should be called quickly or the patient taken to the nearest hospital.
  6. Electric shock can cause burns or heart failure. If that fails, Perform CPR.


Fractures are a frequent emergency at home and in the workplace due to slipping or falling from heights, It is one of the most common injuries in traffic accidents, sports, etc. There are many types of fractures, Including minor fractures, And composite fractures, And closed fractures, And open fractures.

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When treating the fracture, You should follow the following steps:

  • If the fracture is clear and easy to focus on easily affected parts such as hands and feet, Try to allow the broken person to concentrate comfortably so that he can be taken to hospital, At the same time, install the broken limb as much as possible.
  • If the location of the fracture is uncertain, such as a pelvis, rib cage or spine, The victim should not be moved, An ambulance must be called immediately, Try to calm the victim and limit his activities.
  • In the event of a neck or skull injury, Nothing should be done but call an ambulance, While the vast majority of neck or skull fractures cause loss of consciousness, They may be awake afterwards and should be told who is not moving.

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