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How do you prepare a training bag?

How do you prepare a training bag?
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How do you prepare a training bag?

What does the word training bag mean:

Word training bags are a reference to the content of the course and how this content is developed and what exactly it is. A successful training bag is what distinguishes the course from other courses, and make it distinguished in its field compared to other courses in the same field, The equipment of training bags is always keen to organize them and choose their content more. A media and informative way.

The preparation phase of the training bags aims to develop an operational plan for the actual training process by preparing the scientific material and the procedural steps required to apply sound scientific and technical standards. The program’s training bag is the final product of the preliminary process. Training stages are used to achieve basic purposes in how to prepare a training bag:

Training bag items


Each unit must have an address because it must clearly identify the information contained in the unit.


This element provides an idea of how long it will take for the unit to be completed.

Set learning goals:

You must not exceed three main objectives,

These goals tell us what the learner will be able to do at the end of each unit

Make sure it meets the needs of all types of learners.

Learning activities:

This section should cover a combination of available learning methods such as some videos or practical tasks.


The unit must contain a summary that summarizes the basic information in each unit.

Evaluating learning goals:

The trainer was able to verify the percentage to achieve the specified goals and the trainee’s understanding of the scientific material.

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الحقائب التدريبية

How do you prepare a training bag?

Ways to learn

Learning methods are now a common term because it refers to an individual’s motivation to absorb knowledge.

We’re all unique and different from others in the way we learn new things.

There are three types of learning methods:

Visual trainees:

The visual learner prefers to see things in writing. They respond to more visual items such as PowerPoint presentations, releases, and charts that provide educational materials.

Audio trainees:

The audio learner likes to listen more to the instructions.

They can keep more information if they hear it aloud, learn better in discussions and hear presentations.

Motor trainees:

The motor learner retains more information if he is able to do the tasks himself, So he often responds well to doing something and then prefers to take notes about the experience after he does the job in practice.

Not everyone has one educational style of their own, But most people differ in their learning methods, So keep in mind that you mix all learning methods when writing a training course and you should review any training bag you complete.

The trainee may be steeped in a lot of information, It is therefore important to divide topics into small units. This is a good way to restructure the training bag to make sure it covers all the information.

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How to prepare a training bag and quality standards for the training bag:

Convenience: indicates the extent to which the training bag begins to see and foundations, Their compatibility with the education and training policy.

Regularity: It means the extent to which the training bag is built in the light of the required institutional standards and procedures.

Flexibility: It means that the training bag can be applied according to the conditions and possibilities available.

Accuracy: It means the clarity of the training bag and away from ambiguity.

Honesty: It means the credibility of the content of the information and data of the training bag and its free

Inclusiveness: The extent to which the training bag contains goals and objectives.

Scalability: The extent to which the training bag can be developed in the future according to the variables.

Adaptation: Indicates the compatibility of the training bag with the characteristics of advanced variables.

Loyalty: It is intended to meet the expectations of the beneficiaries.

Compatibility: It means that the training bag is compatible with its content and consistency.

Integration: It means the extent to which the training bag is committed to integrating educational expertise into its content.

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How to prepare successful and purposeful training bags ? :

Some steps can be made, And by following them can prepare good, useful and distinctive training bags in the field of training that you do, These steps are as follows:

The purpose of preparing training bags must be clear and specific:

One of the most important rules in preparing successful training bags is to try to determine the goal to be achieved through the specific training course, The goal here means that the person in charge of preparing the course realistically defines all his dreams. It’s true It is appropriate for students or the public to address and study this course, And here, those who prepare the training bags should know realistically how useful this course will be, and to put himself in the place of the target. At any time, the public must begin their first steps in the successful preparation of training bags.

2- Compiling the scientific content of the training bag:

These are certainly one of the most important steps to be taken in how to prepare the training bag, Includes a review of everything related to scientific material and the content of the course, and to be familiar with all the useful and reliable sources And to be familiar with it. With. All aspects. What is required to be included in the course, Then make a good and comprehensive set of all the information you need for training bags, Sources include those scientific journals, And the Internet, And books and references, And all that a title can relate to. On how to develop a successful training bag.

Writing content collected in training bags:

One of the most important steps to follow to prepare successful training bags is the step of writing andorganizing content for that course or training bag, It is the step that will determine the courses of the training bag, and its stages in it. He- she. He. She. which will be offered to the trainees, And the content is listed from the easiest to the hardest, And from practical to theoretical, There are many considerations that everyone who prepares training bags should pay attention to, In this step it is preferable to use specialists, and experienced in the scientific specialization to be taught, It is taught in the training bag, The work must, of course, be monitored. All right And that the training bag is written in broad lines and a precise concept, They are subject to the scientific and practical foundations of specialization and teaching.

Develop some applications that help understand the content of the training bag:

Training bags with scientific content, The content is usually written, And written content is not enough in many disciplines to be useful and effective, Therefore, those who place training bags should be interested in developing practical models as well, Because it’s practical. Examples are practical. Which complements the circle of learning and utilization which gives the true and realistic meaning of the importance of the course For the public, it’s good to pay attention to this aspect when you start developing a plan to write successful training bags. 5- How to view and explain the content of training bags: the writing board or blackboard: Some trainers usually explain their training bags by writing on the blackboard. Because they feel the direct interaction between them and the scientific material, as well as the interaction between the trainer and the trainees, so this method is often good, especially with the small number of trainees.

The way the training bags are displayed is not a new way but has become old, The trainer displays the content of the course on the monitor that he displays on a white surface for the trainees

Cinema view: One of the most important methods used in displaying training bags , especially in very large lounges with a large number of trainees.

  • PowerPoint method: Where the trainer puts the content of the special training bags, in the form of a presentation on computers, Using PowerPoint, It is an easy and clear way to deliver successful training bags.
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تحميل كتاب دليل تصميم الحقائب التدريبية

Steps to choose the right training bag for your course:

Step 1: Set the guide’s objectives for preparing the training bag.

The objectives of the course must be set first, This will determine how the training bag is prepared and how successful it will be later.

According to the 2015 report, The report acknowledged that only 11% of trainees applied the skills they learned from the training they received through their jobs, This highlights the importance of emphasizing the needs of trainees to help them integrate into training courses, These are some of the objectives of the training bag guide, including the rumor:

The process of qualifying employees and helping them adapt to the culture of organizational work.

Increase the skills of employees currently in the company to help them get their work done.

Improving the personal skills that the employee lacks to fill gaps is evident in periodic performance analysis.

Reduce accidents that may occur by providing workers with safety alerts.

Changing employee attitudes and increasing productivity.

Preparing staff for promotion.

How to write a guide to preparing the training bag

How to write a guide to preparing the training bag

Step 2: Select your target audience.

You should make sure that the guide is effective in preparing the training package and that trainees can understand the content as well as understand the company’s objectives, culture and target audience will help you adopt the right approach to delivering it. Training bag. Population, psychological behaviors of learners, backgrounds, functions and linguistic mastery.

You can avoid developing a training package preparation guide template by understanding the nuances of your target audience. This development process may lead to frequent errors on the job that the training bag preparation manual may not be able to process.

Step 3: Choose the tools to develop training bags.

Now that you have set your training goals and target audience, It’s time to choose the tools to develop training files. You should use software documentation tools that help you create a training bag with the help of a user manual , product guide, video tutorials, help articles, and documents designed to teach the user how to use the program and perform actions, One of these programs is Snapshot.

How to write a guide to preparing the training bag

How to write a guide to preparing the training bag

Step 4: Develop your training bag while designing the training bag by following the following steps:

Select your goal from the training bag and what your target audience will achieve at the end of the course.

Inform the trainees that the trainer will evaluate them at the end of the course.

Use a combination of text and images to break the routine and make sure trainees are more effective and engaged.

Discuss proposed problem solving solutions to encourage interaction between learners.

Add discussion topics to encourage interaction and feedback.

Summarize the main points at the end of each unit because this will make it easier for trainees and help strengthen their long-term memory.

Create an online test after each training session to promote learner learning.

Book your free consultation now and get to know the consultant for the development and design of the training world with more than 30 years of experience in preparing and designing training bags and developing curricula

  1. Design and implementation of training bags according to axes.
  2. How to determine the number of days required.
  3. What is the target group
  4. Is it possible to develop and restructure training bags.
Make the curriculum professional and clone the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive and elegant way to make your training course great !!
We have been able to develop training curricula and bags to benefit more than 25,000 trainees with a total of 500,000 training hours in various training fields across the Arab world.
“We believe that we are on a mission to develop training content in our Arab homeland”

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