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Integrated training bag

مؤسسة حقيبتك

We are the foundation of your bag to prepare and design training bags, Designing training bags professionally, We offer a variety of solutions in the field of bag preparation to achieve great development and success for your training course

Integrated training bag

Arrange and write information within the training bag to access the design of premium training bags:
At the beginning of the design of an integrated training bag you should know the components of the training bag: –
* The training bag should start with the cover containing the name of the scientific material.
* The introduction of the training bag includes the scientific importance of the subject.
* Technical topics and training bag elements are complete and illustrated.
* Training units are divided by the number of sessions and the duration of each training session.

Some of the tools used in the design of the training bag that help make the training bag integrated and useful:

  • After collecting all the information related to an integrated training bag, All information must be shared with live examples, Preferably contemporary for the age of the target group, to motivate trainees.
  • Attracting videos suitable for the theme of the training bag
  • Use training activities as a living example of the application. The purpose, procedures and duration of the activity must be written
  • At the end of the training bag, References from which the information in the training bag has been extracted must be written
  • Give trainees some useful references and links
  • It is evaluated at the test level before and after.

حقيبة تدريبية متكاملة

At your bag organization we are interested in following scientific steps during the design of training bags , Starting with identifying the main goal of the training bag, And collect and summarize the scientific material that makes up the content of the training bag, While preparing and designing it, A comprehensive vision of the training program as a whole, And the objectives of the training bag, The formation of pre-evaluation rules. self-tests and distance, In addition to preparing the training program guide and the guide of the trainer and trainee, In addition to using the means to explain the training program as well as practical applications that include the preparation and design of an integrated training bag.

Carry a training bag for free

Integrated training bag

The design phase of the training bag aims to develop an operational plan for the actual training process by preparing the scientific material and the procedural steps required for implementation. The sound scientific and technical standards and training bag of the program represent the final product of the pre-training stages and are used for the following basic purposes:

  1. Clarify the contents of the design of the training bag for the program, its objectives, conditions, duration and target functions
  2. Clarification of training units for each topic, timing, objectives and topics
  3. Clarification of training roles (trainer and trainee)
  4. Use as a general guide to course management
  5. Provides the basic scientific materials and tools needed for practical application
  6. Provides tools to measure skills and gain knowledge

Therefore, the idea of an “integrated training bag” emerged, which is one of the most important means to help trainees meet their training needs, Especially if these bags rely on a specific scientific methodology with activities, assessments and objectives for a start. therefore Your portfolio was inspired by this idea and created a generation of people who are familiar with their training needs and able to meet their training needs by providing comprehensive training packages designed by professional doctors in various fields, Because we are good at preparing training by following the next steps. In that scientific and technological foundations and standards

كيف اسوي حقيبة تدريبية

At the beginning of an integrated training bag strategy with distinctive specifications, it is necessary to know the components of the training bag: –

  • The training bag should start with the cover containing the name of the scientific material.
  • A training bag interface that includes the scientific necessity involved in the subject.
  • Technical topics and training bag elements are complete and illustrated.
  • Training units are divided into the number of sessions and the duration of all training courses.

Few tools used in an integrated training bag strategy that collaborate to make the training package integrated and oriented:

• After repairing all the data related to the training package, All data must be shared with live examples, Preferably contemporary for the age of the target sex, to motivate trainees.

• Bring videos suitable for the theme of the training bag

• The use of training activities must be carried out, For example. The purpose, procedures and duration of the activity must be written

• In the result of the training package, You must write the references from which you must write the data within the training package

Give trainees some additional references and useful links

• Values for the test level before and after.

مؤسسة حقيبتك

Save long hours preparing your training bag. Download a free ready-made training bag specially designed by our skilled team of teachers around the world.

Conduct excellent workshops each time using this free, professionally prepared integrated training bag with all the notes and points you want for your course. Don’t worry about cost, time and effort with pre-prepared training materials to the highest standards.

Modify your training materials as much as you want as we offer you a free, integrated open source training package. Focus on providing your course and let us pass the training materials to us.

Our primary goal is to provide you with special training bags that suit your course so you can deliver your courses and workshops in an ideal way.

Book your free consultation now and get to know the consultant for the development and design of the training world with more than 30 years of experience in preparing and designing training bags and developing curricula

  1. Design and implementation of training bags according to axes.
  2. How to determine the number of days required.
  3. What is the target group
  4. Is it possible to develop and restructure training bags.
Make the curriculum professional and clone the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive and elegant way to make your training course great !!
We have been able to develop training curricula and bags to benefit more than 25,000 trainees with a total of 500,000 training hours in various training fields across the Arab world.
“We believe that we are on a mission to develop training content in our Arab homeland”

Consultant for development and design of the training world

حمل النموذج المجانى

خبرة أكثر من 30 عام في اعداد و تصميم الحقائب التدريبية و تطوير المناهج

حمل النموذج المجانى