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Learn about the importance of field training

Learn about the importance of field training

Field training is a set of practical and scientific experiences by referring to theoretical references, Including many materials, experiences, skills and culture that are presented in an orderly manner in different institutions, with the aim of improving students’ awareness, understanding and level of understanding, And improve their level in an appropriate way. 
    Learn about the importance of field training

Learn about the importance of field training

In addition On-site training is not limited to specific areas, But in multiple places, such as institutions, companies, schools and hospitals, Qualified on-site training staff, university lecturers and experts can guide and train participants with sufficient skills to help them successfully achieve their goals. On-site training; The time spent by trainees in on-site training varies, And some of it is short or long Because different disciplines determine the time of training, for example , Because of the sensitivity seriously, The medical profession needs more training time in this area and its relationship to people’s lives.

The importance of field training

  • 100 field training that helps students apply the theoretical subjects they learned during their studies in a practical way, so that they have a wider range of professional knowledge and understanding.
  • Provides students with an opportunity to integrate into the labour market.
  • It can help students learn about the nature and needs of the labor market.
  • Demonstrates to trainees their level and ability to assume job responsibilities.
  • Support students and stimulate their creativity and innovation.
  • On-site training allows trainees to gain a preliminary understanding of the nature of the individuals they will deal with after training.
  • It can help trainees or students deal with all the situations they may face in the future.
  • It is recommended that if the trainee proves his or her ability to work, the actual workplace in the future is the same as the workplace. Improves students’ morale and breaks the fear of facing the future.
  • Helps spend free time to do some useful things.
  • Helps develop the skills of individuals participating in training.
  • Help determine how managers and colleagues are treated.
  • Helps support the practicalities of educational materials.
  • Give trainees practical experience in their field of research.
  • Enhances the spirit of cooperation between individuals participating in on-site training.
  • It works by changing their boring habits when talking.

Field training objectives


  • Acquire new skills and knowledge.
  • Achieve a clearer and more elegant understanding of the subject.
  • The ability to apply examples in practice in theoretical courses.
  • Follow and guide students correctly.
  • Introducing trainees to the professional and ethical values of the activities they are trained in.
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each training trainee.
  • Help students test their personal skills.

Field training methods

is the theoretical aspect on which on-site training depends, It is a way to explain the required educational materials, It also includes supervisory meetings with students to ensure that training continues on site and answers the trainees’ questions and inquiries.
It is a workshop always held after on-site training, All the results achieved are provided to all.
Case studies:
This training method is usually followed in the medical, nursing and social fields, Research is promoted to achieve the desired goals.
This training method is characterized by the accuracy of writing notes and subsequent processes, So as to use paper, pen or notebook to record all events, situations and observations provided by the supervisor, This helps trainees to refer to them if necessary.

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    7 Most important elements of the training process
Learn about the importance of field training

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Learn about the importance of field training

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