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Learn about the importance of training and its different types

Learn about the importance of training and its different types

Training represents thoughtful activities, Including many methods and methodological steps, Its main purpose is to achieve goals and objectives by mobilizing valuable efforts and developing and developing knowledge, scientific, media and thinking methods.

    Learn about the importance of training and its different types

Learn about the importance of training and its different types

Trainees or trainee groups seek to change their behaviors to have a positive impact on different skills, abilities and development performance, This is to bring about positive changes in the mechanism of action by changing the overall direction of work and all behaviours.

Types of training

  • Hands-on or technical training: This type of training is linked to the development of technical skills and capabilities that are closely linked to the practical or applied aspects of work, I.e. those skills and abilities related to working methods and methods, Such as skills, calculating financial budgets, calculating specific organizations, or associated with the salary of company employees.
  • Behavioral training is a deliberate change in behavior patterns, Examples include interactions with others, and understanding the personality, and raise awareness of the importance and benefits of observing general core values, And the relevant training over the extent of this impact. Employee work environment

The importance of training

  • The purpose of the training is to develop, develop and expand management behaviors related to work flexibility, organizational thinking and treatment skills, and the ability to solve different problems and deal with them, and the ability to adapt to new changes and working conditions, and absorb anger. Seeing others. Develop listening skills, Innovation And communication, And communication, and relationships, and supervision, and motivate the employees, Invest in their capabilities to benefit all interested parties.
  • The training provides any institution with the human capabilities necessary to achieve its goals, And strives to provide them with better and better qualifications according to the requirements of modern work, To achieve the productive stability required through a set of the best existence. Trained staff in the organization can ensure that business processes continue in the desired way
  • Better training increases the average monthly and annual income, And opens the door to jobs and a better life, This is evident when most institutions in the UAE follow their policies in the public and private sectors. They take training as the basis for their work, And they appoint departments in each organization, They establish a specialized service centre for training, development and capacity and skills development. And yet, This level exceeded 12% of the world’s thinking, It is the latest annual statistics that show that American institutions spend approximately US$ 50 million on staff training each year, This is considered as the basis for keeping up with the changes and developments in the various areas of life today, making it possible to get leaders in various fields, Thus the country has a rise in various departments.
    7 Most important principles for designing training programs

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    How training and development bags are designed

Learn about the importance of training and its different types

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Learn about the importance of training and its different types

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