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Learn about training program coordination skills

Learn about training program coordination skills

The coordinator or supervisor of the implementation of the training plan played an active and significant role in the successful implementation of the plan, He is a representative of one of the most important aspects of the training process, It is the executive body of the Authority. Training plan. The training process closely follows the trainer, training materials and training environment.

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Learn about training program coordination skills

The coordinator of the implementation of the training plan is the employee of the training institution (the implementer of the training plan) or linked to the beneficiary of the implementation of the plan, So there are a set of tasks to be considered before and after and after the training plan will succeed, Trainees and beneficiaries participating in the training were given satisfactory treatment from the training plan.

Or not: Before the implementation of the training program

A series of tasks must be prepared, guaranteed and prepared to ensure smooth progress of the training plan and avoid any defects or malfunctions, Including:
(1) Ensure the readiness of the training hall that will implement the training plan from the following aspects: the suitability of the training hall and its ability to determine the number of trainees comfortably, As well as the readiness of equipment and other training methods, Blackboards, and pens, And the wooden panels wait, And coordinate with the coach according to the requirements of the training plan, And set up tables and seats, And find out where the coffee break is (if it’s in the lounge or not in the lounge), This training environment is the most important for the implementation of the training plan (even if not the most important) which is one of the pillars, The programme coordinator must therefore attach great importance to it and ensure that there are no defects that may affect training. Treatment. The training process.
(2) Coordination with the trainer within at least one week of the start of the training plan to receive the training materials produced and prepare the training materials with the number of participants so that they have the number of trainees.
(3) Reducing the number of trainees participating in the training program and understanding their general details such as academic qualifications, job description and required communication methods, This breaks the ambiguity that the coach specifically determines the nature of the participants in the program.
(4) Provide the training bag with the number of persons participating in the training, provided that the training bag contains pens, notebooks, scientific materials for the training plan and any procedures required to ascertain their number and relate to nature. Port.
(5) Each training plan has its own specifics in terms of equipment and requirements, The training plan coordinator has a responsibility to communicate with the trainer in advance and understand these requirements and the progress made in the plan in order to prepare. Avoid any unexpected surprises as soon as possible.
(6) Preparing the organizational requirements of trainees, like registration and evaluation forms, personal business cards and other business cards placed on the table, and classified courses to clarify the details of the course and its daily courses, Like the beginning and the end. And rest time.
(7) In order to reverse the positive image of the executor, Some agencies try to provide a computer, camera and printer throughout the training program to respond to any urgent needs of trainees or trainers.
(8) It is very important to visit the training room one day before the delivery of the training plan in order to deliver the training supplies and determine the preparation of the training room.
Many training program coordinators have ignored or underestimated this equipment and its impact on the success of the training program, However, based on previous experiences, many obstacles have emerged and these obstacles have been avoided as soon as possible. And if these obstacles are overcome, The loss of obstacles will not be overcome and resolved. It was not disclosed before and before the start of the training program.

Learn about training program coordination skills

Secondly: During the implementation of the training program

After we understand the characteristics of the ideal coordinator and the most important series of tasks that must be identified and prepared before implementing the training plan, We will now begin to understand the coordinator’s key role series during the implementation of the training plan. Including some tasks inside and outside the hall, All these tasks are aimed at the planned process. Training is smooth without any mistakes or failures, including:
(1) From the outset of work, the training plan coordinator must be the first person to enter the training room to receive trainees, complete the registration process and treat any emergency that may occur in the hall and must be the last. One after the procedure is over for people who leave.
(2) Coordination with the executive management of the implementing body to start the training plan and welcome trainers and trainees, This procedure has a significant impact on trainees and reflects the good image of the implementer.
3) Distributing the registration form at the beginning of the course and evaluating it at the end of the number of trainees and making sure that the registration data mentioned are obtained from them.
(4) With the constant accompaniment of trainers and trainers in the training room, In order to meet any needs of any instructions required by the trainers during the implementation of the training plan, The task now is to make the plan coordinator an assistant to a coach in the training room and appoint him to manage the training process.
(5) Recording the interaction between trainers and trainees by taking pictures of trainers and participants in the training room, on the one hand, the trainees are interested and, on the other hand, the executors and beneficiaries of these materials are interested in using future documents and advertising.
(6) One of the tasks of controlling the temporary trainee’s commitment to the training plan is to print the attendance certificate and pass it on to the trainee every day. This procedure controls the presence of the trainee and reflects everyone’s desire to commit. Expected benefits of the plan.
(7) Coordination with the administrative management of the training hall (if rented in a hotel or elsewhere) to understand the cleanliness of the lounge, tables and coffee break area, As well as the importance of all the elements available in the Church, Coffee rest facilities, Parking spaces are services for trainees outside the training room.
(8) If the plan aims to bring participants together from different sides, If some participants may keep this procedure in the name of confidentiality of information, A list of knowledge is drawn up between the trainees, It is therefore necessary to inform participants and get their information. He agreed to the move.
(9) Processing and printing the training certificate and the number of participants as soon as possible after passing the paper to the participants and asking them to write the names they want to mention in the certificate, with the need to mention it. The participant’s certificate image must be obtained after sealing, signing and saving in the implemented training plan.
(10) Distributed the training plan evaluation form to trainees, But only if the plan is evaluated through three main axes (evaluation of training materials, And the evaluation of the trainers, and evaluate the training environment), And in each of them there are directly and detailed points below the axis, We ask participants for their views on their content.
(11) Coordinating and ending the implementation plan in the presence of the representative of the competent department of the executor and handing it over to the certificate with the trainer and taking a picture of the trainee upon receipt of the training certificate.
(12) The professional group is preparing to hold a small closing ceremony, And in the ceremony the coach and all the trainees take pictures with them after receiving the certificate of attendance, So that everyone keeps the memory of sharing, This step usually eliminates any defects, observations or eccentrics that have not been resolved during training. in general , This is a set of key points to consider when implementing the training plan.

Third: After the implementation of the training program

right Now , We will continue to perform a range of tasks and tasks that must be completed after the implementation of the training plan in order to achieve the desired organizational results of the training plan:
(1) Analysis of the trainee evaluation form on the training plan, And submit a final report on the content of the evaluation form in the three evaluation points (evaluation of training materials, And the evaluation of the trainers, Assess the training environment); beneficiaries and trainers will provide a copy of this report.
(2) Each trainer and trainee will be thanked for their interaction in the program, The message will be sent via email the next day after the program is over, The photographs taken and the last few days of training in the Thank-You Letter and knowledge will be present (if any) attached.
3) In short, There is a complete document of the procedure implemented, which will be kept with the implementer of the training plan, It contains all the contents related to the action implemented for reference when needed, They are:
(a) A copy of the letter sent and received from the beneficiary of the training programme
(b) Trainee registration form including detailed data
(c) The trainee’s participation statement during the training programme
d) The trainee has a copy of the trainer’s evaluation form and a copy of the analysis
(e) A copy of the attendance certificate for the training plan implemented by the trainee
(f) A copy of the training room reservation and other documents, forms and correspondence relating to the training plan implemented. Prepare the coordinator and supervisor to implement the training plan with the skills, knowledge and tools necessary to coordinate the training plan, which is directly reflected in the trainer’s tenders and the trainee’s interaction, leading to the satisfaction of the participants and the satisfaction of the trainers.
Beneficiaries who eventually achieve satisfactory training results to make the training plan a success are the goals that all parties hope to achieve from the training process

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Learn about training program coordination skills

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Learn about training program coordination skills

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