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Management consultancy services for the purpose of writing operational procedures and 5 benefits for them

Writing and designing business procedures?

The Arab Professional Center has a team of qualified experts and consultants who can help you write and develop your business processes. From our previous experience and experience, We have noticed that many agencies and companies, Whether private or government, lacks written procedures that define the tasks and responsibilities of each individual within the organization, And if so, This enables them to have defects or weaknesses because it does not contain all processes and activities clearly and detailedly, It does not contain indicators and performance models for performing these tasks.

In the following lines we will explain to you the operating procedures in detail, their importance, benefits, preparation rewards, mechanisms and ways in which our team performs this process, We are happy to receive your application for our technology and financial prices. .

Designing business procedures?

Preparing and developing business procedures is the process of preparing written instructions describing how to perform routine tasks, when? where? Who do you have? It is known that any service or product provided by the organization to its customers, Regardless of the size or nature of the work, is ultimately the result of a series of activities and processes being carried out within the organization, by its employees.


Standard work procedure guide and career secret

Written procedures are what establish the culture of the organization and how it responds to the demands of its customers and services, which may distinguish it from others, Or known as the “professional secret.” Actions are more than just written instructions, But it is a way to help the organization stabilize long-term performance, establish principles of continuous improvement and transfer the employee’s implicit knowledge and experience of documented information and employee engagement, creating a unique and creative state of the company in terms of excellence at work.

ISO 9001/2015

ISO 9001 requirements include a registration system for managing operations and activities in the facility. It is well known that the iso 9001 quality management system application ensures that you apply quality standards and get an ISO 9001 certification, With an integrated and documented system, Request assistance in preparing quality procedures or applying iso 9001 quality system

Why do we need written documents and instructions?

Actions play a key role in continuing to ensure quality assurance and best practices in carrying out tasks and activities within your organization to help you achieve operational goals, profitability and achieve different levels of customer satisfaction for stability and integrity. A set of documented actions that help organize:

Management consultancy services for the purpose of writing operational procedures and 5 benefits for them 1 Management consultancy services for the purpose of writing operational procedures and 5 benefits for them
  • Ensure the quality and suitability of the service for customers.
  • Be sure to follow good practices at all times
  • Benefit from the experience of employees effectively
  • Facilitates the process of delegateing tasks and authority to all functional levels in a simple way
  • Clearly identify the roles and responsibilities of all employees in the facility
  • Make sure every employee in the organization understands the process to follow
  • Provide opportunities for staff to identify and evaluate their work activities and efforts, Facilitate communication and teamwork among team members
  • Streamline the organization’s work procedures
Management consultancy services for the purpose of writing operational procedures and 5 benefits for them 2 Management consultancy services for the purpose of writing operational procedures and 5 benefits for them

The benefits of writing and documenting business procedures ?

  • Organized procedures must be followed within the facility
  • Reduce the effort and resources needed for monitoring and follow-up.
  • Save time and effort to automate your business systems
  • Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the facility’s operations and activities.
  • Easy detection of flaws and weaknesses in work systems
  • Easy assignment and responsibilities for employees and employees and equality between them.

Simplifying business procedures

The company’s efficiency and productivity are affected by the complex and overlapping nature of its operations, which directly affects employee productivity or the quality of final outputs, Which in turn can threaten customer experience and satisfaction. Complex business procedures can cost the company financial losses due to increased time and resourcesspent to perform tasks, But they can do those tasks. The importance of simplifying business procedures is reflected in the in-depth and careful study of processes and activities within the company, to identify the root causes, Analysis and development of action plans. And procedures for simplifying them

How to prepare a work procedure guide

There is no one way, And there’s no right or wrong way to write a program, But we try to follow the following best practices for writing and preparing the program: Determine the objectives of the writing program accurately. Create a plan and time frame for the writing program – analyze detailed processes and activities and their interactions. Listening role for the owner of the process type the program in a way that reflects the actual situation to achieve the goal of adopting the final program

Who is responsible for “standard” work and standard operating procedures?

Management consultancy services for the purpose of writing operational procedures and 5 benefits for them 3 Management consultancy services for the purpose of writing operational procedures and 5 benefits for them

The responsibility for the organization’s operating procedures rests with the Department and is responsible for ensuring that the system of work is documented and it is necessary to involve all staff, Especially those responsible for work and daily tasks, The date on which the application begins. The procedures must be registered until all procedures are in effect from that date.

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