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PPT training bags

We are the foundation of your bag to prepare and design training bags, Professionally design broking bags in PPT, pdf, doc training bags.
We offer various solutions in the field of bag preparation to achieve great development and success for your training course more than 30 years experience in the preparation and design of training bags and curriculum development through a specialized academic team we were able to develop curricula and training bags to benefit more than 25 thousand trainees with a total of 500,000 training hours in various training fields throughout the Arab world.

The contents of the design of training bags ppt, pdf, doc.

1. Coach’s Guide

2. Trainee Note

3. Presentation version

4. Activities

5. Profile

6. Videos

حقائب التدريب الالكتروني عن بعد
Remote electronic training bags
1000 حقائب تعليمية الكترونية جاهزة
1000 حقائب تعليمية الكترونية جاهزة

Training bags ppt, pdf, doc.

Contents design training bags ppt,pdf, doc:

Training bags ppt, pdf, doc.

This period includes procedural steps to prepare the design of ppt, pdf, doc training bags as follows:

– Preparing the design of training bags pdf, doc, ppt: Taking into account the examination of the real training needs of trainees using methodological methods and systems analysis where attention to the relationship of content to educational objectives needs to be achieved, to be scientifically correct, to meet the application and to be sufficient to give a intuitive opinion on the material

– Determine the training content in its final form: by dividing content into a series of lessons based on the logical sequence of tasks, Each training lesson must contain the following components: Lesson number, Entitled The general purpose of the lesson, educational objectives, the content and activities of the lesson and its summary.

Planning course activities: Completion of content training efforts in line with technical requirements and international standards for electronic content design, In order to achieve interactive self-training, Which is completed at this stage by determining the duration of the training. Types of interaction (interaction between the trainee and the content – interaction between the trainees – interaction between the trainer and the trainee – interaction between the trainee and the front side of the graphical interaction).

Site configuration and training climate: Planning an online training site to ensure that training content is eliminated. Support interactive lessons in different ways, with attention to subsequent standards: hosting the site on a strong server, easy, organized and scalable home page, good coordination of training content, integration site, training site assessment methods, technical and educational support, availability of direct and indirect communication methods with trainees, streamlined map showing the frequency of training site pages and links (training site pages have been diversified according to their purpose), and an approach to managing training content LMS, which is prepared by taking into account the following: compliance with international standards for E-Training ADL/SCORM1.2, IMS question and interoperability testing, providing coordination with the trainees’ information database to enable access to the site, and the formula for most functions dedicated to interactive e-training facility-related benefits systems. Training courses that determine how to enroll targeted trainees, Arabic language support, ease of use, technical support, and the presence of trained and trained electronic chat devices. In light of the above, the duration of the training site strategy goes beyond the following steps: identifying languages and software site setting: Html was used to design the site through dream Weaver assistance, just as Java Script was used on the home page, username and password entry page, self-change page and live dialogue page.

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Custom-made training bags

Design and implementation of a training bag according to the axes, number of days required and target group

Training bags available and ready for delivery

A range of ready-made training bags equipped for immediate delivery and immediate delivery! After adding the trainer's information to it

Development and restructuring of training bags

The service includes redesigning and preparing the scientific curriculum professionally and re-taking the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive style! Makes your training session great!

الحقائب التدريبية
الحقائب التدريبية

Design ppt, pdf, doc training bags from your bag now!

Save long hours preparing your training bag. Download the comprehensive training bag specifically designed by our skilled team of teachers around the world.

Conduct excellent workshops each time using our professionally prepared training bags with all the notes and points you want for your course. Don’t worry about cost, time and effort with pre-prepared training materials to the highest standards.

Design your training bag as much as you want and we’ll also provide you with an open source training bag. Focus on providing your course and let us pass the training materials to us.

Our primary goal is to provide you with special training bags that suit your course so that you can deliver your courses and workshops in an ideal way.

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حمل النموذج المجانى

خبرة أكثر من 30 عام في اعداد و تصميم الحقائب التدريبية و تطوير المناهج

حمل النموذج المجانى

حقائب تدريبية PPT