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21 free human development training courses

21 free human development training courses 1 21 free human development training courses

A course in human development and self-development is the best path to self-development that may always include continuous learning. So if you want to improve any aspect of your life, Of course you can try to progress, succeed and develop yourself through trial and error that can lead you to the results you want, But this is not a 100% guaranteed method. Instead, You can find mentors and mentors who can help you.

17 human resources training courses

17 human resources training courses 2 17 human resources training courses

The concept of human resources has many explanations, Human resources refer to a group of people who form a section in a particular department or company and are considered one of the most important management work. The Department of Human Management is the communication area between companies, institutions, departments and employees, This part has several tasks, the most important of which is the selection of employees and everything related to them such as training and appointments, how to deal with them, how to create a spirit of cooperation between them and how to manage them, All in the interest of the job, In addition to determining the appropriate wages because the workforce aims to improve the level of work within the company in terms of production and profit. .

3 of the most important teacher training courses

3 of the most important teacher training courses 3 3 of the most important teacher training courses

Teacher training and education courses are one of the areas of rapid development with names that have spread in most areas and branches of education. method or approach, Both in terms of age group and in terms of the quality of education provided to them, Even in the teacher’s system on which it is based, […]

2 of the presentation methods:

2 of the presentation methods: 4 2 of the presentation methods:

The presentation method in all training courses, One common way to pass on knowledge and information to trainees is to present the objectives of the course and planning is one general example, Teaching how to choose research samples is another example. Presentation skills are in most cases preaching, One-way contact between the trainer and the trainee. any one given that it can provide a great deal of cognitive content to a large number of attendees in a short period of time, It is economic in terms of space and time. The disadvantage of the presentation methods is the negative nature of its style and its limited success in attracting and maintaining the attention of trainees to achieve satisfactory recovery and recall.

4 training methods in participation:

4 training methods in participation: 5 4 training methods in participation:

Training and participation methods that are entirely in the interest of the training process and seek to help the trainee to achieve the greatest benefit through the training process and focus on raising and developing the intellectual, cognitive and creative aspect as well as in the trainee.

Effective presentation skills

Effective presentation skills 7 Effective presentation skills

People’s fears are common, Where some people are more afraid to talk in public than die, But there are many methods that can help increase the speaker if you master this confidence in yourself and give the recipient a positive suggestion about how confident the speaker is and how much he knows about the topic he’s talking about.

Reporting and its importance

Reporting and its importance 9 Reporting and its importance

Reports: Report) defines it as a method of writing that provides full details of a subject in an unbiased manner by linking physical facts and summarizing the results related to them, The report depends on whether there is a general structure of the main topic and its branches as well as a summary of the […]

4 Of the methods of participation:

4 Of the methods of participation: 10 4 Of the methods of participation:

Includes methods of participation in training (discussions, And case studies, role play, and brainstorming) participants’ participation in the learning process, and enable them to express their opinions, Encourage them to benefit from training activities. In addition Although the demo methods are limited to the participation of the trainee, like listening in a lecture or as described, A participatory approach results in the learner’s active participation in the learning process.

PMP Professional Project Management

PMP Professional Project Management 11 PMP Professional Project Management

PMP is a useful and necessary testimony to success and progress in project managementProject managers have a great responsibility to lead and manage their projects to succeed, so this certificate is useful, called the Project Management Professional Certificate, the first to be used by the American Project Management Association in 1984. PMP is one of […]

3 Activities outside the training hall

3 Activities outside the training hall 12 3 Activities outside the training hall

active outside the training hall of the most common models in the training process (assignments, Projects Tours and field visits) are used to enrich and extend learning outside the training hall.

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