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Risk management training courses

Risk management is a very important topic because it protects many companies and institutions in different industries from many risks and threats which in turn create many problems and challenges, So we have launched many risk management training courses. Of course we’ll see in this article – a commodity.

Definition of risk management :

Risk management is defined as the type of management that examines and evaluates risks and identifies all challenges, difficulties and threats faced by an organization or company. Risk management relies on reducing or avoiding these risks by developing and modernizing strategic management and approaches.

Risk management is not limited to identifying expected risks, Rather, it seeks to adopt a series of resolutions or actions to protect against or prevent these risks, Thus protecting a company or institution from certain risks of loss.

How to manage risk:

There are many procedures to follow when conducting risk management, Which:

1- Initially, all risks to the company or organization are identified rather than ignored or underestimated.

2. Conduct an analysis of the identified risks and carefully consider how to avoid or reduce their negative effects.

3- Sees the risks and threats faced by the company before and expects them to occur again, So return it to avoid it so the company doesn’t get caught up in it again.

Take advantage of risk management procedures implemented by other companies for the same risks.

One of the most important risk management measures is to introduce all the updates and updates of the company’s protection devices.

6- The need to provide a daily report with the latest developments and give it to the official in order to be informed of all changes to the company.

One of the most important steps of risk management is to train the company’s employees on how to avoid and avoid risks and how to deal with them if they arise.

8- Constantly verify the proper and regular conduct of all the company’s business and comply with the standards that protect the company from any risk.

The company’s work should be evaluated from time to time to compare the causes of previous risks with the possibility of future risks.

The most important training courses in risk management:

There are many risk management training courses, including:

Basic training courses:

– Course description:

This course explains the concept of an organization or company and how it is managed.

2- How to use and apply it to the company’s threats and risks.

3- Learn through this course how to identify internal and external risks.

– Training content for this course:

1- What is the role in achieving the company’s objectives?

What is the relationship between risk management and corporate governance and what are the benefits of this relationship.

The importance of understanding the risks faced by the company.

What external impacts, threats and impacts pose risks to the company?

Clarifying the principles of risk management.

How the risks were assessed and what actions were taken to address them.

7- Mechanism of action and organization.

8- Review all works from accounts and others.

How to create an effective risk management structure.

Target groups of this course:

1- Executives.

2- Managers in the field of trade.

Accountants and consultants.

4- Project managers.

5- Lawyers and employees in safety departments.

Risk management workers should continuously develop their expertise.

7. Anyone who wishes to acquire experience and skills.

Detailed training courses:

The definition of this course:

This course illustrates the concept, What are the forms of risk and how to identify and analyse risks, Students also understand what the mechanism is and what its steps are.

Target groups of this course:

1- Directors of human resources departments.

2- Project managers.

3- Engineers.

Persons specializing in security and risk management.

– Training topics for this course:

Explain and clarify the concept and importance of risk management.

2- What are the forms of risk with each of them clarified.

3- Classification and analysis of risks.

Have a comprehensive understanding of risk management mechanisms.

5- How to deal with when any risk occurs.

6- Identify all activities carried out by the department.

Risk management training courses 1 Risk management training courses

Training courses for financial institutions:

The objectives of this course are:

1. Aims to explain the most important rules in the management of the risks of financial institutions.

2- This course aims to teach the student methods and methods so that he can apply them within the organization.

Enabling trainees to gain experience in identifying and assessing risks.

4- The trainee should be able to update the plans and mechanisms of review within his institution so that he can return to internal losses and review them.

5- Aims to improve the student’s decision-making ability when or expects any risk to occur.

Groups targeting this course:

1- Managers.

2- Auditors.

3- Observers in the financial departments.

Training content:

What is the role of risk management in financial institutions?

What types threaten financial institutions?

Clarifying the concept of operational risks.

4- Reasons for liquidity risks.

5- What are the market risks.

How to deal with credit risk.

7- How to reduce the incidence of risk.

8- The reporting mechanism when any risk occurs.

Providing solutions and advice to risk management within the financial institution.

Training course entitled Strategic Decision-Making:

The definition of this course:

Through this course, Participants gain an understanding of strategic thinking mechanisms and are able to identify all internal and external influences affecting decision-making.

The most important content of this course:

1- The difference between decisions and problems.

How to develop strategies to reduce problems and risks.

3- Collaborative and analytical techniques.

4- How to plan work and make a decision.

5- The importance of innovative and creative thinking.

The most important of these courses also include:

Training course entitled Operation for Insurance Brokers.

Training session entitled “The process of accepting risk and how to deal with it”.

– A training course entitled Financial Crime.

A training course entitled Crises.


Some of the most important training courses were mentioned earlier, All are designed to develop participants’ risk management skills in order to reduce their negative impact.

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