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Tips, methods and rules for effective teams

The nature of the teams:

The staff is a way to achieve an end or a way to achieve an end. Goals may vary from team to team.

The goal may be to increase productivity, improve quality, improve morale or improve customer relationships.

Despite the different goals, Different teams need rules to help them manage themselves. It plays an important role in the team’s success and has the following characteristics:

Team building guide 1 Team building guide

Rules are made in the first few months of team life, It is extremely difficult to change or modify them after they are established.

Any changes in the rules of teamwork require time and effort and cause inconvenience to members.

• The leader plays an important role in the rule-making, Knowing that what a leader does is as important as what he does.

• Small teams focus more on behavioral boundaries than larger teams.

• Teams judge their members based on their adherence to the rules, Members who demonstrate greater commitment receive the greatest respect.

• The longer team members spend the more time making rules, their acceptance of her increased.

Teams that express a desire to establish codes of conduct for themselves tend to be disciplined.

• When the rules of conduct are unclear, The team loses the ability to control its members.

Rules help distribute power fairly among team members.

Support management and its commitment to building teams to succeed, You must be aware that teams also have pros and cons.

Benefits of teams:

Creating a highly stimulating environment and a suitable working environment.

A shared sense of responsibility for the tasks to be accomplished.

Respond faster to technological changes.

• Reduce reliance on job description.

Effective delegation of tasks required to increase performance flexibility.

Full commitment to the goals while maintaining supportive values.

Improving the level and quality of decisions.

Improving the effectiveness of communication between members.

Improved level of member skills.

Team disadvantages:

• This may be a waste of time and there may not be time for members to do their daily work.

• Can sometimes get out of control, It seems chaotic and uncontrolled.

• There may be confusion between the team member’s day-to-day work and his work with the team.

• It will take a long time to achieve tangible results.

Team building guide 2 Team building guide

Different types of teams:

When an organization feels the need to form a team, The first problem you face is determining the type of team you want to form.

There are different types of difference, Each serves a specific goal, Each team has its own unique characteristics.

Large task forces:

These teams identify opportunities for the organization and assess its needs. It defines the overall philosophical framework and defines policy and general direction, Then he sets the goals, And develops the action plan, It identifies the resources needed to achieve those goals. Monitors and measures progress and writes performance reports. They also have a responsibility to set the deadline for achieving goals. Its membership must include representatives from various administrative levels. Requires long sessions

Selected task forces:

It has 5 to 8 members and admission depends on experience. Several lengthy meetings were required within a limited period of time. They are often asked to solve problems or estimate market opportunities. Other teams may be asked to complete their work.

Quality circles:

Its members consist of a functional unit that works together to improve quality, productivity or service levels. Her work is voluntary and she has no executive authority, The responsibility for implementation rests with the executive branch, which has a limited role in guiding it.

Self-directed teams:

Its members consist of one functional unit responsible for carrying out integrated work. Members of these teams receive the necessary training in job skills before starting work, The team will then identify the training requirements required by its members. In here Leadership among team members is periodic, Decisions are made with the participation of all. And the fact that team members set goals, And they review the business, And they measure performance, They coordinate with other departments. The team handles disciplinary and criminal proceedings internally.

Self-management teams:

works at different levels of permissions, Without a visual manager. In addition to performing specific tasks, Including planning, organization, guidance and oversight, It contracts with the executive to perform its duties. You learn and participate in the work that managers often do. Its meetings are weekly. These teams design and implement the necessary training for their members and recruit and guide new members, and determine performance levels, measure them, and make observations. He is responsible for implementation.

Team formation:

The first step in team formation is to set the goals needed to meet a particular need or solve a problem. This task may sometimes be left to the team to identify and must be done in the form of tangible improvements or advantages, With the final completion time, steps, and recommendations, And the required analysis, and action plans, Reports to be submitted, number and date (weekly or monthly) and the staff member who received them. It identifies the resources available to the Group and may include an administrative adviser responsible for contacting the Group. At last Choose the main group that will determine the agenda of the first meeting and choose the team members who will facilitate their tasks.

Determine the level of power:

Many teams start working without clearly specifying their permissions, Which frustrates the team members. therefore These powers must be defined from the outset. There are several options when determining the permission level, including:

1- Look into the problem, develop a solution and leave decision-making to the administration.

Identify the available alternatives and the pros and cons of each and leave the task of choosing the best alternative to others.

Recommend the action plan and leave approval to management.

Write a report that reflects the panel’s views and wait for approval or start work.

5- Carry out the work and then write a report on the results achieved.

6- Work and write reports only in case of failure.

Founding membership:

Team building guide 3 Team building guide

Team members can consist of the same business unit or different units and levels. It’s best to volunteer to join the team until there is a commitment. One of the thorny problems faced by most teams is the process of bringing in new members, and dismiss or remove old members, Whether it is difficult to obtain enough volunteer rules: You must not have a vacancy on a team for long periods of time without the unanimous approval of team members.

In general, There are typical times when new members join. Teams with questions or on the cusp of a new phase do not welcome new members. The higher the proportion of new members, Resistance from old members increased.

Ideal team size:

If goals and tasks are complex and require a high level of skill, The ideal size is 6 to 12 members. If the task is simple, The number must be smaller so that each member has to do a job. If the size of the team is relatively large (15-25), Details should not be discussed by all, However, some tasks are delegated to people from the main team.

Directing new members:

Guidance is the responsibility of the old members and must be done within 30 days of the new member joining the team. New members review the minutes of meetings from previous meetings, And the goals for which the team was formed, And receive training members, And discuss different roles and responsibilities.

Team members’ roles:

Roles must be clearly defined at the beginning of each meeting. These roles must be flexible to allow for rotation of roles and responsibilities between members.

Team leader’s responsibilities:

Share information, knowledge and skills with other team members, And explain the policies and work instructions, Explain how to manage the work effectively and evaluate the results. Creates inter-departmental communication channels and encourages members to work in innovative and risky ways. Typical behavior and reward behavior effect. Identify the team’s objectives internally and externally, Transfer the team’s results to management, And act as a mediator when differences break out.

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