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The 10 types of anger and how can it be controlled?

anger at basic human feelings, When it is caused by health reasons and directed in the right way, it is considered a basic, healthy and natural feeling, Just like feelings of happiness, sadness, anxiety or disgust.

However, There are different types of anger that can disrupt relationships and harm health because the secretion of stress hormones associated with anger can damage neurons in brain areas associated with thinking and memory.

In this article, Learn about what anger is, its causes and types, In addition to a range of anger management techniques to avoid the mistakes and pitfalls of anger that lead to daily life and life.

Definition of anger

The 10 types of anger and how can it be controlled? 1 The 10 types of anger and how can it be controlled?

Anger is a fundamental human emotion that all people experience, Since emotions are an integral part of man, Anger is often the result of hurting feelings, Some may describe anger as an annoying emotional feeling, which when exposed to bad feelings, Things hurt, abuse, Or a sense of provocation. Objection Or when faced with obstacles to achieving the goal is a personal goal.

The meaning of anger varies from person to person in its form, severity, cause, duration, expression and perhaps even the degree of recognition. Anger when it happens.

Types of anger

The 10 types of anger and how can it be controlled? 2 The 10 types of anger and how can it be controlled?

We must realize that everyone has the right to be angry, Since feeling angry can be healthy and reasonable at some point, When anger is a useful passion for action and motivation as a useful emotion in response to aggression against rights and freedoms and lack of freedoms. Respect.

It is also important to note that anger is not like aggression or violence, It is a natural human feeling, Aggression and violence are optional external behaviours.

Here we’ll learn about the different types of anger and the differences between them:

  • Positive anger

This kind of anger, Also known as Resolute Anger, It is a constructive feeling that feelings or feelings of anger are used as a catalyst for positive change. Or screaming or violence.

  • Behavioral anger

This type manifests itself in the physical manifestations of anger, which are usually extremely aggressive or violent, It may hurt others through aggression or physical or verbal intimidation, They may be accompanied by wrestling and throwing.

Behavioral anger often weakens an individual’s ability to build and maintain trust and respectable relationships.

  • Chronic anger

This type is defined as a constant and pervasive feeling of resentment towards others, or a constant sense of frustration, The disturbing thing about this genre is that it often directs anger at itself, which may have a profound negative impact on its owner.

  • Fast-judging anger

This type is usually a reaction to feelings of injustice or persecution, It is a feeling that leads to quick judgments on oneself or others, A person may feel better or worse than others.

  • Excessive extreme anger

This feeling represents an uncontrollable feeling of despair and depression because it is often the result of circumstances beyond our control, This type is common when taking on many unable responsibilities.

  • Passive aggressive anger
The 10 types of anger and how can it be controlled? 3 The 10 types of anger and how can it be controlled?

This anger actually includes avoiding the expression of anger, It is a means of escaping all forms of confrontation by suppressing and denying feelings of anger and frustration.

This anger can be expressed verbally in the attitudes of everyday life, like sarcasm or even complete silence, or can appear physically in non-confrontational behaviors, such as delaying certain behaviors.

  • Revenge anger

This anger is the most common type of anger and is usually an instinctive response to the attack of others, Which means that anger stimulates revenge against injustice, Retaliatory anger can rarely be meaningful, Like when people lead more towards success, In response to those who have wronged him or diminished his rights.

  • Self-anger

This type depends on the sense of shame, Including despair, lack of value or humiliation.

Self-anger can lead to negative self-talk, Or self-harm, or drug use, or eating disorders, or unregulated behavior, It can be a criticism of others in an attempt to hide these feelings of self-harm.

  • Verbal or verbal anger
The 10 types of anger and how can it be controlled? 4 The 10 types of anger and how can it be controlled?

While this kind of anger may not be as severe as behavioral anger, However, it is a harmful form of emotional and psychological abuse. Expressions of verbal anger include angry shouting, threats, ridicule, contempt, harsh blame or negative criticism.

  • Volatile anger

It seems that this anger can come out of nowhere, And it is accompanied by this very narrow inconvenience, Big and small, Once expressed, It recedes rapidly.

Unstable anger can be incredibly devastating, where others feel uncomfortable with someone who can get angry in an expected and unexpected direction at any time, The owner may therefore lose the ability to build and maintain a long-term relationship.

Reasons for anger

Feelings of anger often arise from a range of stimulating events, individual characteristics and assessment of the situation, This explains why some ignore anger while others express their anger explosively. Triggers of anger can vary from person to person, It is a situation, behaviour or conversation that provokes anger in a person.

There are personal types and personal characteristics that make a person more likely to feel angry more often, Such as narcissistic personality, negative competitive qualities, intolerance, depression, anxiety or fatigue.

Here are the main reasons for public anger:

  1. Personal problems, Like losing a job upgrade.
  2. abuse or provocation, Like not being accessible.
  3. Feeling threatened, rejected or afraid of losing.
  4. demands and pressures that go beyond one’s ability.
  5. Shocking or irritating memories.
  6. Feeling stressed and physically or mentally exhausted is like financial obligations.
  7. Mental and neurological disorders resulting from alcohol and drug use.
  8. Depression, sadness and mental disorders.
  9. Genetic factors and the body’s ability to control and treat chemical and hormonal changes in the body.

The importance of anger management

Some people sometimes believe that anger management can mean how to suppress anger and prevent its expression, Anger control and control techniques include expressing and directing it in a healthy manner without suppressing it and damaging a person’s mental health.

When a person lacks the ability to manage anger, Emotions can become uncontrollable, Many negative behaviors can show anger, such as screaming, criticism, threats and perhaps even verbal or physical aggression, leading to personal relationship problems, professional problems and legal conflicts, and other negative consequences of anger.

Building your ability to deal with anger has many benefits, including:

  • Anger management helps identify frustrations and stimuli, And learn how to express yourself. Avoiding impulsive behavior and offensive words helps resolve conflicts and maintain relationships, instead of provocation.
  • Anger management skills can prevent psychological and social problems that are always caused by anger, such as depression, isolation and various relationship problems.
  • Anger management revolves around using frustration to get the job done and turning the consequences of anger into a motivation for action, productivity and motivation.
  • The ability to manage anger is for better health, Since stress caused by constant anger can lead to many health problems, Like headaches, And sleep problems, and digestive problems, And heart problems, And high blood pressure.
  • Anger management helps avoid problems and obstacles that come with escaping alcohol or drug use and replacing it with anger management and conflict resolution techniques, instead of adding new problems to life.

Tips for controlling anger

A lot of people wonder how to get rid of anger? How do I control my anger to avoid saying or doing something I might regret? Here are some ways you can use anger control:

  • Countdown method

Countdown or increase from 1 to 10 or even 100 in high mood times helps reduce anger, The heart rate slows down during the count, Anger is largely receding.

  • Take a short break.

Breathing can become frequent and rapid when angry, So take a deep breath away from this area, Slowly inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth to help reverse and control your anger.

  • Out for a walk

If possible, You can walk a short distance by the sea, Or a quiet walk, Or ride a bike to calm the accumulation of anger and restore calm and tranquillity to the mind and senses.

  • Try to relax muscles

This exercise is an effective way to get rid of anger by slowly tightening and relaxing your body muscles. Repeat this exercise while breathing deeply.

  • Use mental escape method

You can go to a quiet room, And close your eyes, And try to imagine a comfortable scene, And focus on imagining the details of the scene, Like thinking about the color of the sea, Or the height of the mountains, Or imagine the sounds of birds and this helps to get rid of annoying tantrums.

  • Hearing what calms the soul.

Listening to some quiet corridors and engaging your senses can help you get out of tension and anger. You can wear headphones or sit in the car and play a quiet, comfortable and humming clip with it, Which will go a long way in calming anger.

  • Stop talking.

Angry people tend to want harsh words, harsh rebukes or sarcasm, which can hurt more than it works, So pretending that his lips are closed and can’t speak helps control anger and provides a great opportunity to gather ideas and act quietly.

  • Self-employment with positive useful work

It’s a good idea to use the energy of anger to avoid anger. Instead of sitting and thinking angrily, An angry person can put his energy and emotions into something healthy and productive, Such as arranging an office, cleaning the house, or helping someone with some work.

  • Thinking about happy things

Thinking about the causes of anger and constant controversy increases mood and stress, So remembering happy thoughts, Like memories of marriage and success, As well as fun situations with friends and children, It can help to feel comfortable and calm.

  • Watch a laughing comedy clip

Try interacting with fun manga scenes to overcome the energy of anger with laughter and smiles that change poor mental state and bring comfort and joy.

  • Writing in the diary

The energy of anger can be converted, and write some ideas in a diary, and write down things that can’t be said, Codifying feelings helps to think quietly and reassess events.

  • Sitting with close friends

Talking to close friends leads to a significant improvement in mental state, and share conversations and describe feelings, Coordinated ideas with friends will bring joy and reduce a lot of anger.

  • Realizing the disadvantages of anger

Anger can cause a lot of negativity, And the ideas are distracting, And it hurts feelings, And it can hurt your health, So it’s important to keep in mind the bad side of anger, And try to control it, And think quietly, And try to address why you’re angry. instead of switching to negative and harmful feelings.

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