Concept of the training bag:
The training bag is a concept that reflects an operational plan for the actual training process, The preparation of scientific materials, activities and procedural steps required for implementation in accordance with the objectives of the training.
Trainers use training content in different areas to achieve specific goals. The training package includes publications, illustrations, educational means, training methods, training lesson plans and supplements, which are collected at the source or through actual practical and field experience. The training package is delivered through a series of steps and actions.
Components of the training bag:
1- Package key:
This section contains elements related to the definition, objectives, importance, documentation and content of the package. It also provides a comprehensive and general picture of the program and all its elements. This section includes the following elements:
1- A cover page for the wallet, including the name of the training material, the program, and the section, And the name of the author of the wallet, And who is the financier, Applicant, reviewer, developer, And the date of the document.
Introducing, presenting, objectives and importance of the portfolio.
Index of key contents.
The guide package, which includes instructions and the most important sources of auxiliary learning.
5- The target of the bag.
Previous experience required as a prerequisite for training.
7- Distribution of the time allocated for the use of the bag.
2- The theoretical framework of the training bag for theoretical training content:
This section contains information, concepts, concept maps, concept maps and experiences that help trainees understand the portfolio theme and the ability to implement its basic application. This section is divided into training units, Each includes the following elements:
1- The objectives of unity.
The main topics addressed by the Unit.
Definition and basic concepts of the subject of unity.
Targeted education and training experience.
5- A map of concepts that illustrates the elements of cognitive content.
Educational means and educational means.
3. Training content and practicality of the training bag
This section is reflected in the training content that follows the division of training units and includes the following elements in each training module:
Training courses that include training activities required to achieve the objectives of the course within a specified time frame of 20 to 100 minutes. The course includes:
The number and type of meetings of targeted activities, and group discussions, and brainstorming, training, evaluation, And the application of indicators
B- Topics of the training session.
C. Time spent on training courses.
D- The objectives of the training course. E. Basic training activities for the course
Training tools for the implementation of the course
G- Procedures for the implementation of the training session.
Evaluating training packages:
This section includes tools to evaluate training content and metrics to measure the achievement of the training package’s objectives. Includes tests before and after, Tools to measure trends in trainees’ acquisition of knowledge, skills and objectives. Training packages and measuring the application of package components, training strategies, training tools and educational materials to help achieve the objectives of the training bag.
This section includes the following training bags:
A- Pre-testing of training bags to measure the readiness of the trainee
B- Remote testing of the training bag to measure the achievement of the learner and the degree of achievement of the package goals
C- Measures the trainee’s attitudes towards the components of the training bag
D- Trainer evaluation form for training packages
E. Student evaluation form for the trainer and training strategy.
5- Sources of learning and accompanying educational materials:
This section includes educational means and materials that ensure the promotion of scientific material and training content, To help trainers and trainees achieve the objectives of the training bag, Include the following in an effective training bag. :
A- Images, shapes and models required for clarification and application
B- Electronic slides.
C- Electronic projectors.
D- Interactive educational materials.
E- Scientific references to the training bag.
Training packages have several advantages, including:
- Variety of methods used in training bags: Variety of methods used in training bags. The most important and prominent things used in the training bag: Video Audio tape, And the computer. Publications, models, transparency, etc.
- realism: Realism is one of the most important features that must be in the training bag, The content and theme of the training package must be objective.
- Curriculum: A scientific presentation of ideas, Avoiding congestion and repetition. For example, you should customize an idea for each part of the training package and link all parts together.
- Uniqueness: The term exclusivity means taking into account individual differences between trainees. In light of this. The scientific materials contained in the training bag should be simplified as much as possible;
- Feedback: The word feedback means the continuous development of the training package. For example Any scientific material that is considered scalable, Meets the requirements of the trainee, Especially given the shortcomings identified during the presentation.
- Regularity: This is one of the most important advantages of the training package, Without them, they would have disadvantages. In general, The system is the mainstay of successful training, The materials in the bag must be organized.
- Self-training: Although the training bag shows the components of the scientific material in a particular field. However, Trainers must determine a limited percentage of points that motivate students to research and study books and scientific literature, which is called exercises.