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The importance of electronic training in the development of human development

The importance of electronic training in the development of human development

Today, our world has witnessed unprecedented qualitative and quantitative development in ICT and its uses in education, training and education. This development is reflected through the use of the world wide web or the Internet, This helps to promote e-learning and training methods to seek the highest level of education and training without adhering to the following restrictions. Place and time.
    The importance of electronic training in the development of human development

The importance of electronic training in the development of human development

The development of ICT has made a huge leap, or the so-called global change which affected all education processes, Especially in teaching and training methods. These changes have led to the emergence of modern mechanisms, including ways to acquire knowledge and skills, and ways to transfer knowledge, And knowledge-generating strategies. It has become easy to use and adapt communications and information technology to reduce social and cultural differences, Overcoming time and space constraints and lack of human resources.
According to these contemporary changes, E-learning and training methods have varied, There is a growing demand for future insights into the e-training philosophy on the use and use of ICT in all areas of training systems. E-training can be defined as the following: In the process, An interactive environment with rich applications based on computer technology, networks and multimedia will be created, So that trainees can achieve the objectives of the process. in the shortest possible time and with the least effort and the highest quality, Training is conducted through interaction with the source, Regardless of location and time restrictions.

Planning the training system

The planning process of the training system is primarily the responsibility of many of its beneficiaries, The participation of training experts, university and college professors and technical experts facilitates the process. Since the training program is no longer isolated from many institutions in addition, Its plan is no longer independent of different directions and development plans of the state, The future training system is an open system to which communities contribute. The planning of the training system also includes assessing the needs of e-training and setting the general and specific objectives of e-training.
E-training can achieve the following goals:
  • Understand the meaning or concept of e-training.
  • Help trainees use ICT and networks that can be used in e-learning to learn and review courses, courses and training courses.
  • Digitally design plans, courses and training courses.
  • Prepare for life for students in the age of information culture overcoming the problems of traditional training methods.
  • Understand the foundations and standards that can be adjusted for the development of the training system.

Implementation of training:

This means how to transform the policies, strategies and procedures outlined in the planning phase to achieve training objectives.
The implementation of the training is related to the formation of an electronic training team that includes: Managers of some training departments.

Training software designers

A group of professionals in the fields of information technology, programming, network security and information, Their work is closely integrated with academic and educational technical staff.
E-training is performed in a virtual environment that allows flexibility and freedom to choose where and when to train. To this end, It is necessary to provide training places with electronic training system and media requirements, including:
  • Internet, multimedia, smart courses and appropriate electronic training programs.
  • As part of the implementation of e-training, The person in charge of the training team will be selected, who has the ability and ability to manage this system, It has the capacity to prepare a comprehensive vision of training in accordance with training tasks.
  • Objective. Implementation includes the selection or preparation of procedures related to e-training, And applying learning and training techniques, And the use of related hardware and software, and benefit from the experience of others in e-training, and conduct all rich training activities, Including participation in conference-related e-training activities.

E-training calendar:

The training evaluation process is based on many foundations, standards and indicators, which can be adjusted through these foundations, standards and indicators to develop the training system and formulate its future strategies, Including the following foundations and criteria: Clarify and clarify training objectives. The comprehensiveness and continuity of the evaluation process. Consistency and consistency of the various components of the training system. Integration and quality before and after training.
The importance of electronic training in the development of human development

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The importance of electronic training in the development of human development 1 The importance of electronic training in the development of human development

The importance of electronic training in the development of human development

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The importance of electronic training in the development of human development

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