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The importance of training teachers and raising their competence

Training is an organized and planned effort to develop the knowledge, experience and attitudes of trainees to enable them to perform their tasks more effectively.

It’s a dynamic process that aims to change the information, capabilities and methods of implementing trainee behavior and attitudes so they can reach their potential.

The concept of training

Training is the process that is intended to create a certain group of people who need it, Or maybe we need it from them.

Training in general (is a positive adjustment process with special directions that addresses the individual’s professional or functional behaviour.

It is also defined as (equipping the individual for productive work and keeping it at the required level of service, It is a kind of guidance from one human to another.

The importance of training teachers and raising their competence 1 The importance of training teachers and raising their competence

On-the-job training can be defined by the following three concepts:

A. Therapeutic concept:

This training is designed to correct errors in the basic setup procedure and to correct errors resulting from:

Or the teacher has been out for a long time and needs to reconfigure and distill information.

Both education is a rapidly changing science that cannot be tracked and controlled in its preparation.

In. Behavioral concept:

This concept focuses on teaching skills, interactions and behaviors that occur in the classroom, Teachers must therefore be trained in how to analyze educational attitudes.

C. Creative concept:

This concept rejects the elements of the educational position to control the behavior of the teacher, It aims to increase the motivation for self-development of the teacher.

On-the-job educational training refers to a range or series of training activities organized by educational institutions and their educational units for teachers who are already involved in the industry, By completing their qualifications, In order to develop their capabilities and improve their current and future services. Addressing emerging educational issues.

On-the-job education training is every structured and planned program that enables managers and teachers to grow in the teaching profession by gaining more cultural and behavioral experience in all ways that can enhance the educational process and increase employee productivity.

Therefore, On-the-job training can be defined as any planned and designed program aimed at improving production by providing teaching professionals with all new information, skills and trends by filling gaps or by improving and mastering their technical abilities. the efficiency of their experiences.

The importance of teacher training

The importance of training teachers and raising their competence 2 The importance of training teachers and raising their competence

Educational supervision is given an essential task, Which is to train teachers to work, Improving the teaching efficiency of teachers and the efficiency of communicating with students. The main purpose of the training is to help and train teachers to find appropriate ways to build science education. This benefits teachers in developing themselves in science and education.

Teaching methods change, And society is evolving, And unstable, And the experience of teachers is increasing day by day, This requires teachers to develop and develop skills and methods.

The teacher who thinks that once he gets the teaching job, His educational education, self-building and skills development are over, And that the process of educating students only has begun, It is a grave mistake. A successful teacher will see that the more practical experience he has, His need to learn new knowledge and training increased, and develop himself and develop his skills. The development of education depends mainly on the development of teacher performance.

Developing the teacher’s competencies through continuous training

The design of effective training programmes for teachers in educational institutions must take innovative forms. therefore Training is not just a way to develop individual competencies, It is a response to the needs of the education system and the impact of the challenges it faces. Many centers have been established, But especially, To achieve the desired goals of the education system, So that teachers can carry out their responsibilities towards their homeland and prepare students in proportion to their sense of belonging and loyalty to the country.

We can know the concept of belonging and loyalty to the homeland, It is: The individual realizes that he is part of a broader category shared by his nationality, He is proud to belong to it. It’s full of spirit and passion, This can infer previous concepts and how deeply rooted they are in the individual through a series of behavioral phenomena produced by the individual, so that these phenomena reflect the positions of the individual and his visions in the way he is exposed in the context, both positively. Express. Or negative.

The importance of training teachers and raising their competence 3 The importance of training teachers and raising their competence

Develop teacher training programs

Establish a pre-employment assessment mechanism for teacher training institutions to ensure the quality of education. In-service teachers are regularly trained, The training program is constantly updated, Students can choose training institutions freely, It is designed to encourage competition between different educational institutions.

Establish an appropriate incentive mechanism, increase teachers’ salaries, provide incentives to train teachers, develop scientific behavior and outstanding performance.

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