an empty training package model to assign the coach his job, The trainer uses a number of tools, Including training bags, to deliver training content to all trainees in a way that serves the main objectives of the course and any branch of science that may contain the training package itself, So through our website we will offer an empty model of the training package go through the following lines for details about the concept of the training package.
Training bag:
It is a set of tools and means used by an efficient and experienced trainer to deliver the scientific material to the trainee in a simple way that he can absorb. Hire one or more trainers to achieve the desired goals of the course.
There are several types of packages, The first is in design, And divided into an electronic package, And an integrated package, and a multi-choice package controlled by the program, And an integrated package.
The other is a package classified by activities, which are divided into various training packages and special training packages, And the third is a package disaggregated by content, It is divided into multi-unit packages and individual packages.
Any trainer can use the empty form of the training package to add the content of the course they offer, It is so empty that the training material prepared after learning and organization can be filled out.
At first make sure you start from the bottom of the pyramid, The basis of any model is to find the value provided by the trainee, Because there is no real value. For a successful business, In order to find this value, Consider:
1- Beneficiary:
Identify beneficiaries. It is impossible to provide value in the service or solve unspecified problems that will occupy efforts. What target market sector should be identified? Is it a custom chip? Is it age-based? About sex or income? So whenever you focus on choosing a slice, The business model was better, Especially when it starts, After his success, It will be gradually expanded by introducing other filter segments
Before you start designing it, The designer should research its importance, purpose and purpose to understand the importance and usefulness of the trainer and the portfolio.
2- Designer:
Designers identify static information and evaluate changing information. Fixed information is what is printed on it. Include the name of the package, address, questions to answer, instructions, explanatory notes, and the owner who will guide you and help change the information. Model designers are constantly interested in information, That is, he plans, arranges and recognizes his words and the position of each word in the proposed form.
The positive aspect is to improve the quality of the models needed to manage the affairs and work of the organization, While the downside aims to get rid of
3- Monitoring:
The purpose of the control models is to monitor the planning, design, production and storage of all models to achieve training objectives and design the best and most appropriate model for trainers and trainees.
therefore The form must be clearly defined and the form must have a short and clear name that explains its purpose and use and helps anyone who uses the form and entities identify it. Compare and delete all unnecessary and excess tables.