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13 quality application barriers in schools


Education is the foundation of civilization, The quality of education is a sign of national progress, Attention to and development of the education system has become a necessity for life. A qualified generation that interacts with changing times is created capable of building the planet and solving the problems it faces. therefore It is necessary to change views on education systems and shift from traditional opinions based on understanding and memory to broader concepts based on understanding change and development and how to deal with them.

Barriers to quality application in schools

13 quality application barriers in schools 1 13 quality application barriers in schools

Educational management constraints

  1. The department responsible for art guidance, development management , stage manager and quality department has poor coordination in school preparation.
  2. Technical guidance: Students suffer from poor literacy skills and do not visit traditional schools.
  3. Financial and administrative guidance: There is a lack of effective means to train administrators in financial and administrative work in accordance with the quality system.
  4. Ministry of Education development and statistics: It may take several weeks to involve trainers in training, This hinders their work in high-quality schools.
  5. Lack of educational tools such as equipment and laboratories, especially in primary schools.
  6. Lack of interest in educational activities, Lack of interest in certain activities such as music.
  7. Central departments lack professional quality management staff.
  8. Use nepotism when recruiting teachers and assigning them to schools.
  9. Lack of encouragement, And reward for effective action.
  10. Lack of technology and information management.
  11. Not accepting change from managers.
  12. The capacity of education quality workers is weak.
  13. There is a lack of scientific methods to identify problems in education.

Barriers to the school environment

13 quality application barriers in schools 2 13 quality application barriers in schools
  • Lack of a computer lab, Or an Internet hall.
  • Most science labs in old schools are poorly equipped.
  • Lack of educational activities, and its weakness.
  • Poor maintenance of the school building.
  • Lack of interest in health awareness, community interaction and guidance.
  • Lack of interest in the engineering conditions of the building.

Fromclass-related issues

  • Relying on conservation, And indoctrination.
  • The scarcity of practical applications.
  • Keep the curriculum away from the realities of life.
  • He did not benefit from the curriculum in the labour market.
13 quality application barriers in schools 3 13 quality application barriers in schools

Teacher-related disabilities

  • The teacher does not attend the training courses.
  • Teachers do not have access to modern technology in the teaching process.
  • Poor teacher’s ability to communicate with students.

*Not loving his job as a teacher.

Student-related disabilities

13 quality application barriers in schools 4 13 quality application barriers in schools
  • The student’s lack of love for education.
  • Lack of student participation within the class.
  • Increase the number of students in the class.
  • Increase failure rates among students.
  • Parents lack interest in attending parent-teacher meetings.
  • Lack of parental support for educational activities

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